Recently God has been dealing with me on the issue of Love--His love. You see, I don't think any of us really truly understand the nature of God's love, nor the enormity of it. We look at it in terms of all we know, which is human love. (Flawed, fickle, and conditional). I've come to believe that understanding, believing in, and receiving God's love is the answer to all of our problems. It is what we were created for: to love God and receive His love. It is the answer to depression, loneliness, self-worth, insecurities, fears, worries, doubt and a host of other human problems.
But how do we get this knowing God's love from our heads into our hearts where it counts? That's the problem. Many people know about God's love, but they've never experienced it for themselves. So they still worry and fret and get lonely and think they are worthless. How that must break God's heart.
In my recent release, The Blue Enchantress, my heroine, Hope finds herself standing on an auction block on an island in the Caribbean about to be sold as a slave to a local farmer. She has gotten herself into this horrific predicament by her own bad behavior. In other words, she deserves her fate for the things she has done. Yet, along comes the hero, Nathaniel, who has loved Hope from afar for a long time even though she has constantly rejected him.
Sound familiar? It did to me. We are all Hope at one time in our lives. We have all done bad things and deserve our fate: to be sold into slavery. And God, who has loved us from afar since before we were born--a God who we have rejected constantly and turned away from, He sees our predicament and His heart breaks. Like Nathaniel, He runs up to the auction block in a panic and places a bid to free us. The mob haggles. Bets shoot through the air, but God will not give up. though we have turned away from Him, though we have ignored Him, though we have rejected Him, still He persists, until finally the bets are too high and He has only one thing left to give, the life of His one and only beloved Son. He hesitates. His eyes fill with tears at the thought. His heart crumbles in His chest, but then He looks up and sees you. Just you. There's no one else on that auction block. He's not bartering to free a group of people or a church, He bartering to free YOU.
And he shouts out his bid. "My only Son for this one. I'll give you my only Son!"
And you are set free, and you run into His arms.
This is God's love for you and you alone. May you grasp just a bit of it today and hold it near to you, and may it change your life.
And with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation Rev 5:6
This is something I've been thinking about for a long time. I don't think any of us can understand the enormity of God's love for us fully, although we may taste the depth of it. I have to keep reminding myself when I fail Him that His love isn't like ours, that He'll always take me back and love me.
I agree. I have a hard time really grasping it at times. I feel like He died for all of us, but how could I understand that it was just for me, too? The practical side of me says it doesn't make sense. But Sometimes in those quiet moments it feels so real and right. I'm glad we get to figure out all these things when we get to the other side.
ReplyDeleteThe Blue Enchantress is on my list for the ACFW bookstore. Will I be able to get it there, MaryLu?
thanks for a great post.
I agree with you MaryLu. You always know how to say and word things to get the message across to people.
ReplyDeleteI do know how much God loves me and I love Him too!
I love to see how God works through people to help others, like Nathaniel does in your book. God is so wonderful!
Thank you for that post MaryLu.
God Bless you!
Beautiful message! I really enjoyed The Blue Enchantress, but recognizing this connection makes me like it even more.
ReplyDeleteWe truly do not understand the extent of our Father's love for us.
Keep writing!
You really touched my heart with this note. Can't wait to read the book!
ReplyDeleteI really did see a lot of similiarities between myself and Hope. We can do nothing alone, but through Him we can do all!
ReplyDeleteI read this post three times, and shivers rippled up and down my spine each time, getting stronger with each read! Even when you know that God loves you, its easy to forget just how much. The Bible is truly the ultimate love story.
Thank you so much for all your comments! They mean so much to me. In particular, it blesses me to no end that the "word" God gives me each week is helping others out there. This is the real reason for this blog.
ReplyDeleteHugs to all,
That is simply amazing. That God would give his only son for each one of us, as if we were the only one needing to be saved. Thanks for posting this!