Monday, May 17, 2010

Are you a special utensil?

In a wealthy home some utensils are made of gold and silver, and some are made of wood and clay. The expensive utensils are used for special occasions, and the cheap ones are for everyday use. If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honorable use. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work  2 Tim 2:20-21

Do you want to have a full, rich, exciting life? Who doesn't?  If you lived long enough like me, you've probably discovered that NOTHING in this life satisfies. At least not for very long. Nothing fulfills and gives our lives meaning aside from God. Don't believe me? Just look closely at the people in this world who have everything: money, fame, beauty. Do they behave like they're fulfilled?

If you belong to God, He wants to use you for a grand purpose. He's desperately seeking people He can use to fulfil his plan for this world
The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.  2 Chronicles 16:9

But I have a feeling He doesn't find very many. I think many of us will get to Heaven and be shown the things that God had for us here on earth to do, the excitement, the adventure.. and we'll crumble in shame and regret. 

Don't be an ordinary vessel that God uses everyday for ordinary things.
Be an extrordinary vessel that God will use for those special occasions when He wants to do something HUGE.  So how can you be an extraordinary utensil?

The answer is found above in the two verses I gave you.
Keep yourself pure
Those whose hearts are fully committed to him.


  1. Inspiring post. What came to mind immediately was, I have a feeling there are a lot more gals out there than guys who fit the criteria. Why do you think that is? Or am I mistaken?

    How did the wedding go?

  2. I agree with Diane--this was an inspiring post! Thanks for constantly reminding your readers about what's truly important in life: living for God and seeking His will.

    Thank you!


  3. Wow - that puts it into perspective!
    Thanks for posting on this - it's a passage that's usually glossed over.

  4. Hi ladies! The wedding was fabulous! Praise God! Now, I have family in town for a week. I'll be posting pictures later. Anyway, thanks for your comments. I'm so glad the post inspired you. It is dear to me because my life was so ordinary and boring before God got a hold of me!
    The world thinks it's the opposite, but they don't know what they're missing.

  5. So glad to hear the wedding went well! :D And as to your last comment, I totally agree! Serving God is amazing, and His plans are so much more extraordinary and meaningful than ours could ever be. :)

