Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Resolutions of a crazed writer!

I usually have the same New Years resolutions each year. Get healthier, grow closer to God, be a better wife and mother. . . How about you? By the end of the year, I have usually forgoten my resolutions and I never really assess whether I reached them or not. Am I healthier than last year? I'm older. That's for sure! Am I closer to God? I hope so. What about being a better wife and mother? Humm. I guess you'd have to ask my husband and kids.
This year will be a very busy year for me. I have two complete novels to write (the first 2 in my Charleston series). I have another novel being released in August (The Falcon and the Sparrow) and at least 2 cross country trips that I know of so far. And all that while trying to be the perfect wife, run a tight ship at home, and keep my crew in order! I guess I'm really going to need to keep those first 2 resolutions in order to keep the third, and in order to complete everything I need to do this year.
So in order to get healthier, I'm going to try and take most of the sugar out of my diet. Did you know that white, refined sugar is almost like a poison to your body. It can suppress your immune system, cause fatigue, mood swings, it feeds cancer cells, weakens eyesight, contributes to obesity, and a variety of other problems. My problem? I'm a sweet freak. So, I've found this sugar substitue that's all natural. It's called Xylitol and its the stuff they put in sugar-free gum. I've tried small amounts in my coffee and so far it is the only sugar substitute that does not leave a nasty aftertaste in my mouth. So I ordered a bag of it and I'm going to try baking with it. I'll keep you posted.
Tomorrow I'll share with you how I plan to grow closer to God. How about you? What are your New Year's Resolutions?

1 comment:

  1. Hey MaryLu,

    I am thinking of giving up refined sugar as well. But I am like you, I have to have my sweets. It feels hard enough to be giving up wheat. I'd be interested in trying Zyletol. I used to use Stevia. That tastes good, but it was hard to use. I may look into it. My hubbie is not to keen on the idea, so I need to think/pray it through.

    I don't usually have resolutions. I do have a writing goal. To finish my writing assignment by March. I am committed to working on it 5 yours a week.

    Hope to see a lot of you this year, though it sounds like you will have a full year.
