Thursday, May 1, 2008

Galleys for Falcon and the Sparrow

I received my galleys today for The Falcon and the Sparrow. For those of you who don't know what that is (and I didn't 3 years ago!) It is the final layout for the book, page by page. My job now is to read through the whole book and make any last minute corrections (not changes to the story or character) but just spelling, grammar, punctuation, maybe a word here and there that I want to change. By this time, I have read through this story about 6 times. Several during the writing and critiquing process and another two times with 2 different editors. Yikes. I feel like I know the story by heart now. Well, I guess, I should since I wrote it.

But, it is always exciting to see the final layout, chapter by chapter. I remember getting my first galleys ever for The Redemption. I was jumping up and down. I guess seeing the story printed out like a real book made me finally believe "Hey, this is really happening. I'm going to have a book published!"

And don't get me started on the fist time I received a box of The Redemption books in the mail! Let's just say the cable guy who was at my house fixing my internet connection, quickly darted for the door, started his truck and left. I'm sure he was calling head quarters warning them about the crazy woman who kept ranting and raving "My books are here. My books are here." sort of like "The British are coming. The British are coming!" Now, if I only had a horse and one of those cool tricorn hats.


  1. You have a very vivid way of putting things. I can picture you jumping up and down in a tri-cornered hat lol. But I guess that's why you're a writer :p Anyway, that is so exciting. (I think it's kind of funny that it's called a "galley" since you write books about ships.)

  2. Congrats MaryLu!! Woo hoo. I'm happy for you. :-)

  3. I just adore that cover. Her dress is so wonderful.

    And I know a place you can get a tricorn hat, but not a place where you can some Brits. Google Jas. Townsend and Son for the hat. :D
