Sunday, June 22, 2008

How savvy are ye?

As a tribute to my Legacy of the King's pirates series, I thought I'd have some fun and put forth some pirate phrases for you to decipher. Pirates really did have their own sort of language. I'm sure if we ran across a real one now, we'd have a hard time understanding what he was saying. (unless he poked his cutlass our way and forced us onto the plank--I think I would understand his meaning there) Here's some common pirate phrases. Try and figure out what they mean and leave me a comment with your best effort. At the end of the week, the person with the most correct answers can choose from any one of my pirate books (The Redemption, The Reliance, or The Restitution) and I'll send you a free autographed copy. If you already have one, they make great gifts too!
"I'll watch ye dance the Tyburn hornpipe"
"Yet ye're aggrieved, being a poor-spirited, crossgrained cur."
"Had yer tongue pruned?"
"Here's paltry invention"
"Passion is an ill word to steer by."
"So, ho now, ye hear him, Cap'n, this paltry skipjack?"

So don't be shy and give it yer best shot, and we'll be seein' which way the winds be blowin' by the end o' the week.


  1. ok, here are my guesses:

    dancing the Tyburn hornpipe - hanging

    crossgrained - stubborn

    had yer tongue pruned - like cat's got your tongue

    here's paltry invention - a dumb idea

    passion is an ill word to steer by - don't act on or judge only by emotion

    skipjack - a conceited person

  2. Tyburn hornpipe--walk the plank


    had yer tongue pruned?--why are you so quiet?

    paltry invention--little

    Passion is an ill..--don't let your passions lead you

    shipjack--a new crew memeber

    Well, those are my guesses. :)

  3. There’s obviously some dispute going on…right? Here’s my shot at this…I want that last book, (The Restitution)!

    "I'll watch ye dance the Tyburn hornpipe" (definitely a pirate’s death…duel in a sword fight or the plank)
    "Yet ye're aggrieved, being a poor-spirited, crossgrained cur." ." (Someone whose easily angered and hard to manage).
    "Had yer tongue pruned?" (What’s your problem , at a lose of words?)
    "Here's paltry invention" (paltry- despicable, “have your ever heard of such a thing?”)
    "Passion is an ill word to steer by." (not to let one’s emotions get the better of you)
    "So, ho now, ye hear him, Cap'n, this paltry skipjack?" ( skipjack is a sort of fish. Maybe with the sea being their ’home’ they used those terms when referring to people…I’m sure it was no compliment!)

