Friday, July 25, 2008

My trip to Florida

This month I got on a plane in California and made the long trip to Orlando Florida to attend the ICRS (International Christian Retailers Show). This is a yearly convention where anyone and everyone who sells Christian goods gathers to display their latest wares. In a massive warehouse, booths are set up containing everything from books, to jewelry, to movies, music, figurines, annointing oil, lotions, sunglasses, posters, paintings--basically anything you might see in a Christian book store. Retailers wander through the displays and decide what they want to order for their stores in the coming year. The first time I attended, I was quite in awe of all the wonderfu products! Christian publishers also have their own booths, displaying their most recent releases and hosting their authors for book signings. I had the chance to meet many of the book store owners who carry my books and thank them for their patronage. I also signed about 200 copies of The Falcon and the Sparrow given to retailers as a free promotion. It was a very exciting time. I also got to meet some readers of my pirate series and it was nice to hear their comments. Here's a picture of me standing beside the display of my books on the show floor. Do you believe Kirk Cameron was signing books at the booth next to mine? Way cool.

After my business was concluded my husband and I rented a car and drove down to South Florida where I grew up and where my family still live. We spent 4 wonderful days at the warm beach with my mother, sister, niece, and my brother and his family. I don't get to see them enough and it was hard to leave.

Isn't that gorgeous? Did I mention I love the beach? Did I mention I love Palm Trees? That's me hugging one.

And last but not least, here's a picture of me and my Mom. Isn't she adorable?

We had fun, but it's good to be home again!

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