Sunday, November 23, 2008

My infatuation with the sea!

As most of you know, I love the ocean! I grew up in South Florida where we lived less than a mile from the beach, and I spent hours swimming and wading in the turquoise waves. When I was a kid, South Florida wasn't as crowded as it is now and the beaches were much more pristine and uncluttered. One of my favorite things to do was put on a mask and snorkle and swim out as far as I could until I couldn't see the bottom of the ocean anymore! I saw all kinds of fish, small schools that swam by an tickled my feet, and sometimes even a fish that was as large as me. The water was always warm, like stepping into a soothing bath. I also loved to build huge sand castles, complete with moat and drawbridge and then watch the tide come in and swallow my castle, taking it back out to sea. Nothing feels better than laying on the warm sand in the sun and closing your eyes and listening to the sound of the waves, the squawk of sea gulls and the flutter of palm fronds. I really miss it and go back home as much as I can. Anyway, in addition to writing, I also oil paint. I bet you can guess what the topic of most of my paintings has been! I decided to post three of them here for you to look at. There was a point about 4 years ago when I asked God which direction I should go in. Should I pursue a career in oil painting or writing because I didn't have time for both. The clear answer I got was Writing. So, although I don't have time anymore to paint, I do have my paintings close at hand while I'm writing.

What places stand out to you in your childhood that bring back happy memories? Perhaps places where you and your family spent time together on the weekend or for holidays? I'd love to hear your stories.


  1. When I was younger, every year on Christmas Eve, before my grandma died, we would go up the hill to her house and have a Swedish Smorgasbord w/ my aunts and uncles and the cousins (whoever was in town). I really loved seeing the family, dressing up to go to grandmas, eating the food. And avoiding the pickled herring and the rice pudding as much as possible.:)
    Than on Christmas day, we would go to my other grandparents house in town and spend the time w/ my moms side of the family.
    Than on Christmas night my family has a birthday party of Jesus and we invite friends over and its a very fun time:)
    Now days, we get together w/ my moms family on Christmas Eve and than on Christmas day we invite friends over for dinner, and we still do the Bday party for Jesus:)

  2. Your paintings are beautiful! :o)

    I'm a mountain kind of girl. I love to camp out and take walks in the trees. My first time to camp out was when I was just 6 weeks old (so I'm told - I really don't remember that trip much!). :o) I guess it's just in my blood. I love to listen to the sound of rushing waters by way of rivers and streams. I love the sound of the wind in the trees, the smell of leaves and moss, and watching chatting squirrels jump from branch to branch. Nothing beats a meal cooked over an open flame! My husband, although an outdoor fan, is not a huge fan of camping. I think because he spends all of his days outside in the elements farming. So we don't camp much anymore now. However we do still take walks on occasion and during the summer we cook out over an open fire at least once a week. (Sure beats heating up the kitchen)

  3. I don't know if you read my comment I posted on one of your blogs, but my name is April, and I love to write. I have a couple of questions for you, and would appreciate it greatly if you responded.

    I wanted to know if you could tell me how you got your books published, and how you get started with writing your books.

    Your books sound very interesting, and I'm considering buying one sometime.

    God bless


  4. Hi Marylu,

    Those paintings are beautiful. Painting is one gift I've always coveted.

    The first time I saw the ocean I was too young to realize the awesomeness of it. It was only this past Feb. when I was in Africa that I got to see the ocean for the second time in my life. It's an emotion I can't describe...I couldn't get enough of it, although I must confess I had a respective fear for it!!

    I'd love to live closer to the ocean...but living in the Midwest kinda keeps me caged in from that privilege!!

    I hope you haven't stopped painting?!!


  5. Hi everyone, I loved all your descriptions of the special places you love! Thanks for commenting.
    Unfortunately, I have stopped painting the sea, but only because my writing schedule keeps me far too busy. Perhaps sometime in the future, I'll pick up the brush again. And April, you have left me no way to respond to you. Please email me at
    Hugs to all

  6. Wow! Your paintings are great. The middle one is soooo cool. You could paint your own book covers.

    My family always goes camping and hiking. We also usually go to Ocean City or Cape May in New Jersey. Cape May is my favorite seaside town. I'm not a big fan of water, especially the ocean. I would never make it as a pirate :p
    But I do love the beach and walking in the edge of the water. A few times we have seen dolphins only a couple hundred feet from shore. It is so cool to see God's creations spread out to the horizon and beyond.

  7. MaryLu, your seascapes are beautiful, but I'm glad God led you to write! So many people are blessed by the enjoyment of fiction combined with the messages of inspiration that you bring.

    Every summer when I was growing up, our family spent a week at Panama City Beach, FL - and this was truly the highlight of our year. Upon returning home, we immediately began planning the next summer's trip. And as I married and had children, we continued this tradition with my parents.

    A few Christmases ago, my daughter searched through our pictures and found one of my mother and me standing looking out over the pounding waves. Then she found one of herself and me at the exact same location 20 years later and made a collage. This is one of my most treasured possessions.
