Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Why do bad things happen to good people--part 6?

I love the grand finale in the book of Job. In the last chapter, after all that Job went through and the final point where he bent his knee to God in complete humble submission, despite his pain, we see that God restored everything to Job that he had lost. But not only everything--twice as much as he had before! Even twice the life span. He lived out his days in complete comfort until he was 140 years old. And I imagine he was a much happier person than he was before. Not because of the extra "things" but because Job had found something much better in his suffering. He had developed a deeper knowlege of and relationship with God. (I want to make one aside about Job's children here. He didn't receive double the children back. Why? Because he didn't lose his original children. They were in Heaven!)

Could it be that whatever you're going through right now could be preparing you for something really cool that God wants to give you in the future? But if He gave it to you now, you may end up not appreciating it or squandering it, or maybe even allow it go to your head and become prideful? Most people are better able to handle success when they've tasted failure. God may be working out something in your character now through trials that will enable you to handle great success later.

In my own life, I can attest to this. I went through many years of suffering, crying out to God to save me from a certain situation. Finally after years of whining and complaining, I remember the day I told God. Not my will, but Yours be done. At that point, I was truly willing to gladly bear whatever He allowed to come my way. God had worked out all the pride and independence out of me. And it was then that wonderful things began to happen! But it can't just be words, it has to come from your heart.

I wonder how many people truly miss out on all that God has to give them simply because they weren't willing to learn through the hard times? Pleaes don't let that be you.


  1. You might be interested in this online commentary "Putting God on Trial: The Biblical Book of Job" (http://www.bookofjob.org) as supplementary or background material for your study of the Book of Job. It is not a sin to question God, to demand answers from God. There is a time and a place for such things. It is written by a Canadian criminal defense lawyer, now a Crown prosecutor, and it explores the legal and moral dynamics of the Book of Job with particular emphasis on the distinction between causal responsibility and moral blameworthiness embedded in Job’s Oath of Innocence. It is highly praised by Job scholars (Clines, Janzen, Habel) and the Review of Biblical Literature, all of whose reviews are on the website. The author is an evangelical Christian, denominationally Anglican. He is also the Canadian Director for the Mortimer J. Adler Centre for the Study of the Great Ideas, a Chicago-based think tank.

  2. Thank you anonymous! I'll check it out.
