Sunday, December 28, 2008

Last week of The Red Siren giveaway!

I LOVED reading all your comments about what Christmas means to you. The consensus is: Family, friends, rest, and most importantly, the birth of our Savior! It makes me sad to see how far the world has come from these things and how much focus is put on buying "stuff". None of the stuff we accumulate in this life will matter to us as we lie on our death bed. Only our family and friends who surround us, and the assurance of our faith in Jesus that will escort us into Heaven.

But I digress. The winner of last week's copy of The Red Siren is Rebecca Herman! Thanks to all who entered. You'll have one more chance this week to win a copy. I had hoped to have a video trailer for you to watch, but the company I hired to create it hasn't completed it yet. (Perhaps next week)

Anyway, to be entered this week in the drawing, please leave me a comment telling me why you are interested in reading The Red Siren. What draws you to the story? What do you find interesting about the characters? the time period? the location? I'm curious to know what readers are looking for in a novel. What is the most important thing to you about a novel that will keep you reading?

And by the way, The Red Siren is now available online at or!


  1. Faith's willpower to make on her own sounds interesting.She sounds like A uniqe

  2. I want to read The Red Siren for a few reasons. 1. You wrote it...I really love your books. 2.It's a female Pirate, that's an interesting twist.

  3. Yes, i agree!
    i want to read this because i know your books are really good, and i am interested to read about a Female Pirate :)

  4. I was drawn to The Red Siren because of its unique plot. There are a lot of novels in the inspirational fiction genre; however few stand out as being unique and different. As an avid reader if I’m not selective about novels I read I tend to feel as though I’ve read the same story over and over again, just with different character names. Also, I’m really interested in a book that has several strong sub plots that interweave with each other, but can stand on their own. Having read Legacy of The King’s Pirates series and The Falcon and the Sparrow I know that I can count on The Red Siren carrying those strong sub plots that I came to love in your other novels.

    I’m from South Carolina, so with The Red Siren being set in Charles Town, South Carolina I am really excited to see how you envision the beautiful Charleston during the early years. As a side note, I love stories involving the sea and few authors write about the ocean as descriptively as you do.

    As for the characters, from the information on your website it looks like there will plenty for them to work through and develop. I’m drawn to stories about strong woman, that despite their fears they are willing to take on the world! Character development is extremely important for me, especially when they start out far from perfect. One thing I really like about your past characters is that you picked subjects for them to deal with that are not widely discussed in novels. For example, Kent Carlton from The Restitution (my favorite)....his past was not something easily overcome and is one that only by God’s grace could be repaired. I believe many authors would shy away from developing a character like Kent into what he became, but it’s these characters that define inspirational.

    I look forward to reading The Red Siren and would be drawn to it if I had never read your past novels, having done so though I am that much more excited about it.

  5. I would love to read this book for several reasons: I really enjoy your style of writing, I love historical romances, the whole pirate things interests me, I want to see how you place your different characters in this one - I read a review on which the lady said the main character was a type of independant, arrogant, feminist...wondering how you wrote Jesus into her character and how she responds to things ect...hmmmmm

    Please enter me in your drawing :-)


    LucieInCA [at] aol [dot] com

  6. I would love to win a copy of this book for my daughter. Her 27 year old husband passed away in his sleep on December 8th. The last few weeks (with Christmas) have been really hard on her. I think reading your book would be a blessing for her and would give her something to do with her time.


  7. I don't know what it's about, but I've been interested in reading one of your books for awhile because you write Christian romances with pirates. :-)
    I'd love to be entered.


  8. I thought I'd already entered for this one, but I guess not.

    I'd like to read this because the pirate history I've gleaned from your books is better than any highschool information I HAD to know! I just keep on learning.

    I'm also apt to think that the dialogue in this book, with Faith’s personality, must be really interesting…feisty, humorous, entertaining…

    I can't to read it!

  9. I think you are a very good story teller, MaryLu, and that's what I want in a book. The time period doesn't really matter as long as I am emotionally caught up in the plot and enjoy the characters.

    That being said, I do enjoy the pirate theme (thanks to Johnny Depp). I believe Faith would fit well in his Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

    Thanks for the chance to win a copy, MaryLu.

    cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
