Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Red Siren month - week 2!

Congratulations to Sheri!! who won a copy of The Red Siren last week. For those of you who didn't win, you have another chance this week. Allow me to introduce you to the hero of The Red Siren, Dajon Waite. If you'd like to be entered in the drawing for the book, please leave a comment (with email addy) about something you found interesting about Dajon.

Dajon Waite

Brief Description: With dark brown hair, a rugged face and blue eyes the color of the sky, Dajon presents a handsome figure donned in his British Navy uniform. A large man for his day, his deep commanding voice and authoritative manner invoke obedience among his crew. Yet beneath his commanding and strict exterior, Dajon possesses the chivalrous heart of a true romantic and a love for God that outweighs everything else. Whenever I think of Dajon, a picture of the British actor, Richard Armitage, comes to mind. Dark and strong, but with a hint of playfulness on his face.

Strengths: Chivalrous, Possesses Integrity, Honorable, Loyal, Brave
Weaknesses: Inflexible, Rigid, Stubborn, Inhibited, Guilt-ridden

Quirks: Though Dajon prides himself on his crisp, clean appearance as a navy officer, he cannot keep one rebellious strand of his hair from incessantly escaping his queue. Beads of sweat appear on his forehead when he is angry or annoyed.

Inspiration: Dajon is the perfect example of someone trying to make up for a wicked past by following a set of rules. Instead of accepting God’s forgiveness and grace, Dajon believes he must pay penance for past sins by doing as many good works as he can. Hence, he joins the British Navy to protect and care for his fellow Englishmen. In addition, he believes that in order to avoid future mistakes, one must adhere to every rule thrust upon them by both God and man. This combines to make Dajon a very disciplined, pious, and unyielding man who is neither happy, nor at peace with the life he has chosen. I often battle, myself, with the idea of free grace and forgiveness. It seems too easy, doesn’t it? I feel like I should somehow earn God’s forgiveness. Otherwise it doesn’t seem real. So, I really enjoyed writing Dajon’s story, especially when he falls in love with wild, rebellious Faith.


  1. He looks a little like Orlando Blume.

  2. I'll bet Faith and Dajon are really going to clash! Send sparks a-flyin'. It's going to be a really fun read! Looking forward to it!

    (Don't enter me in the drawing this time, I just wanted to comment) :o)

  3. Richard Armitage was wonderful in North & South (the recent one not the old)
    great storyline!
    Sounds like Faith & Dajon will have a wild ride!

  4. I agree with everyone above me...sounds like Faith and Dajon are going to have a 'wild, but fun ride' ahead of them! Sounds like it keeps you turning the pages!

  5. This is the guy that acts in the incredible North and South (BBC) movie. Having your character Dajon being compared to him and having that in the back of my memory will make this book...very tolerable!!

    ldneuhof at hotmail dot com

  6. I think Dajon sounds like a wonderful character to share the truth of God's grace through! He seems like the kind of person who might also struggle a little with pride, which might make his encounters with Faith rather intense (as others have pointed out, as well!). And that in and of itself is amazing...the idea that at first he might fight Faith (in both senses of the word--the character and faith itself), and then fall in love with both Faith and faith. What a great journey! Falling in love with faith...

    Thank you again for the opportunity to win this book!

  7. He sounds almost like a real guy.
    Twould be a wonderful to read about his tale.

  8. (Email addy riiight...imaflutestar (at) gmail (dot) com

  9. faith will have no trouble knowing when she has angered or annoyed him, which will probably happen a lot.
    sarahwoll at hotmail dot com

  10. This sounds like A wonderful story!

  11. I love the thought of Dajon having a chivalrous heart!

  12. Wow! He sounds too good to be true. I can't wait to read this book.

  13. Dajon sounds somewhat like Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. As so many people already said, it seems as though Dajon and Faith will really clash. I can't wait to find out how they fall in love : )

  14. So many people think that following the rules is the way to gain God's approval. I'm looking forward to seeing the transformation in Dajon's life. Thanks for another opportunity to win this book.

    cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net

  15. I find it interesting how opposite Dajon and Faith sound and I look forward to reading thier interactions as they progress throughout the story.

    danelli04 [at]hotmail [dot]com

  16. Sounds like Dajon and Faith will make an interesting couple! I like that he is honorable and loyal.
