Sunday, April 12, 2009

He's everything you want

Happy Resurrection day! He is risen! And in honor of that momentous occasion, please take some time out of your day to watch this video. Notice the 6 forces that try and entrap the young girl. Romance/Sex, Money, Alcohol/Drugs, Outward beauty, and selt-multilization and Death.
Can you relate?

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly Jesus, John 10:10


  1. I love this video! I played the young girl once in church :)

  2. Beautiful! Brings tears to my eyes.

    Our church had our Passion play - A Borrowed Tomb - last Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. We had 125 salvations total. The harvest is white! :o)
