Friday, November 13, 2009

Back from West Virginia

Hi everyone! A still very jet-lagged MaryLu checking in with a few pictures from West Virginia. My family and I met in my brother's newly built cabin (designed from scratch) up in the hills of West Virginia near the city of Elkins if you know the area. There is a great ski resort called Snowshoe at the top of the mountain where the cabin was located. My brother bought six acres of pristine, raw forest on the side of a mountain. All I can say is it's gorgeous! And a vastly different lifestyle and pace of life from what I'm used to here in the big city! (People actually go hunting there for their food! And they have greased pig contests at the county fair. ) LOL

Anyway, my entire family got together and ate a huge thanksgiving feast and just had a great time enjoying each other's company. Since they are all from Florida, I don't get to see them but once a year, so it's always so much fun when we get together.

Here's a few pictures:

This was taken from the top of a knoll where General Lee was said to have camped during the Civil War. Cool, huh?

Here's my brother's cabin seen through the trees


My nephew standing in the snow at the top of Snowshoe Mountain Ski lodge

The view from the top of the mountain
Sunset from the porch of the cabin
Now, if I can just catch up on my sleep, I might be able to get writing again on my next book!
Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. I especially love the first photo - I can almost picture all the tents and the soldiers milling about!
    Have fun writing away! ;-D

  2. Oh. My. Goodness! What a huge cabin! Sounds like you had a fun time- how neat to be walking in the footsteps of some famous people. Where history was made. Glad you're back safe. :D

  3. Sounds like a great place to live. As long as there is internet, I would be very happy and probably never leave.

  4. Gorgeous. Simply breathtaking. Am SOOOOO JEALOUS!!!


  5. welcome back Mary Lu...your pictures are beautiful!

    karen k

  6. nice pictures but they look so cold......


  7. Hi! Is your Brother's cabin in Sunset Mountain Village? I think I recognize the area.

  8. Hi everyone, Thank you so much for your comments and your warm welcome homes! This is one of those places you just never want to leave. A much slower pace of life with so much beauty around. Yes, it is in the Sunset Mountain Village, to answer the question. How did you know?

    Have a great weekend, everyone!

  9. Great pics. Looks beautiful.

  10. So glad that you had an enjoyable time with your family. The photos are lovely. My oldest daughter attended college in the mountains of WV and is living there with her family now, so we get to visit WILD AND WONDERFUL occasionally too!

  11. those pictures are beautiful MaryLu. what a fun time you must have had. you deserved that mini-vacation for all the hard work you do writing your books. you are so awesome MaryLu!! God Bless you!
