Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The final cover for Surrender the Heart!

Although there are no tall ships or hint of the sea, I'm quite pleased with this cover! It is attractive and eye-catching and gives the suspenseful feel of the story. What do you think?


  1. It does have a suspenseful feel and overall I think it works.

  2. Love, love, LOVE it!!! I'm a little sad to the ships go but, this cover is just as great without them. Can't wait for STH to come!!!!
    Love ya,

  3. The whole thing is gorgeous, especially the dress! The look on her face combined with not knowing what's coming down that corridor...yep, the suspense is there! :o)

  4. All of the covers have been beautiful, but this one really focuses on the character. Her beautiful face, her expression, and the anticipation of things to come shines from her eyes.

    gcwhiskas at aol dot com

  5. I love this cover!!!! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy since I know it's going to be good.

  6. The BEST cover so far, Marylu!!! Awesome and I SO need a Tyndall fix!! Can't wait until it releases. :)

  7. I love it! It's so much better than I thought it would be without ships and the ocean!

  8. I really like it! I hear it calling to me MaryLu. It's begging me to read it!!!! :-) Can't wait!

  9. It turned out pretty good, MaryLu! I'd definitely pick it up at the bookstore. It has more of the feel of a historical suspense novel to it, which I like.


  10. Definitely adds suspense--wouldn't catch me walking there alone. LOVE the dress, too!

  11. The cover is beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing this with us--I cannot wait till it comes out! :)

  12. I love love love it!! Im sad that there can not be anymore tall ships, that was what attracted me to your books in the first place. Guess there is nothing to be done anymore about that...but your right this is very eye-catching!! =] I love it a lot. Can not wait to see the trailer...when do you post that??
    God Bless You!!

  13. Looks great. Love the deep color of her dress.

  14. I love it! The best cover yet, out of all of your books! I like the color, the person, the font, just all of it!
    A job well done, to all!
    I smiled when I first saw this, and started yelling "Yes!" Great cover!

    -Abigail =D

  15. Wow, ladies, I'm so glad you liked it!!! I'm pretty happy with it too! At least it should get people to pick it up. The trailer for this book is being made as we speak. I expect to post it sometime in May. I'm so blessed by all of you.. thanks so much!

  16. Glad that she is still wearing the beautiful dress! Can't wait to read it.

  17. Love it! And I know the inside will be as stellar as the cover!

  18. It's beautiful! Like everyone has said, it speaks mountains of suspense and danger!
    Can't wait to read it!

  19. Even if I wasn't already addicted to your books this cover would capture my attention and make me want to read it! I can't wait to have it in my hands come August!!

  20. i love it. if i wasn't already hooked on your books this is a cover that i would definitely pick up.

  21. suspenceful and everything in between! aye aye tis a very proper title for the book

  22. I like a lot! While I do miss the ships I still like it better than the original cover, because I like seeing the main character's face. I don't like headless covers.

  23. Looks great!! To be honest, I even like it better than your other covers, because it feels more real. You can tell there's danger and mystery!

  24. Yes, I love it too! When does the book come out?

  25. Thanks again, everyone, for your encouraging comments!!!
    Surrender the Heart releases in August, but I'll be having giveaways on my blog in July.
    Happy Easter!

  26. Wow! I love the cover too! It looks great MaryLu! And I will definately be trying for one of the giveaways in July! Thanks!

    -Amber Minnehan

  27. Very nice. Makes me wish I could read it right now! Looking forward to its release!!
