Friday, April 9, 2010

Winner of Through the Eyes of Christ by Nikki Arana and Harry Morin is....

A.J. Hawke! 

Thank you all for entering. I really encourage you to get this book or at the very least write down the name. You never know when God might bring a Muslim into your life.

I'm off for the weekend. I really need the rest! I'm a bit over halfway done with Surrender the Night, book 2 in The Surrender to Destiny series. It's due in July but I've got a huge wedding and lots of family coming next month. Yikes. But my creative brain is fried. I'm hoping to do some gardening and walking and maybe go see a movie. So, have a wonderful weekend, everyone. Stay safe and remember God loves you more than you'll ever know!


  1. Congratulations, A.J.! I'll definately have to order this book from
    I hope you have a relaxing weekend, MaryLu!

  2. Congratulations to A.J.
    Wow! I really cannot wait to read your new series.
    I guess I am really not that creative, and I could not write if my families lives depended on it.
    Get some rest - away from pirates and the sea and 1800s.=P I would if I were you.

    God bless you and your family, have a good weekend.

    ~Abigail R.

  3. Congrats A.J. and enjoy your book!

    I hope the wedding is fun, who is it for? You work so hard MaryLu you should take off for the weekend and just relax! God Bless You!!

  4. Oh, I forgot to ask earlier, MaryLu - are the 2nd and 3rd books in the Surrender to Destiny series still going to be about naval battles, even though some book sellers aren't buying sea-based books right now?
    Also, with the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie and a remake of Errol Flynn's famous Captain Blood coming out in 2011, do you think that'll change the book market's policy on pirate books, since they'll probably become popular again?

  5. Thank you, Ladies.. I'm off to run some errands and then go see Green Zone with hubby. Tori, the Wedding is for my eldest daughter and is on May 16th.
    Sapphire, the next 2 books in the Destiny series take place mostly on land. Sigh. I knew about the new pirate movie but hadn't heard about Captain Blood! That would be awesome. I have no idea whether that will make sea-faring tales popular again. The first Pirate movies didn't seem to have an impact on how well my pirate series sold. Weird market! Anyway, Have a great weekend all!
    God Bless

  6. Congrats! Enjoy your book.

  7. Congratulations to A.J.! And MaryLu, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend! Sounds like you're really busy, and taking the time to relax can be so important. Hope all goes well with your writing and the upcoming wedding...I can't wait to read you new series!

