Saturday, June 26, 2010

Watch with an open mind.

And tell me what you think. Is this guy paranoid? racist? or is he right on? 


  1. HI MaryLu,
    I clicked on the video to listen, but the only thing I could hear was the intro music. I couldn't hear what the guy was saying. It was not working :( I'll see if I can find this on YouTube today...

    Hugs, Heather :)

  2. I think he is on target. Frighteningly so.

  3. Oh my gosh! I watched this out of curiousity and I think this guy is right. I think that unfortunately, we need to take his adive and wake up.

    -Amber Minnehan

  4. Yes, he's right on...
    I really don't enjoy being laughed at. What would the innocent people who died that day, say about this? It's pathetic...

  5. Yes, he is definitely right on! I especially find it interesting that Islam is a faith that advocates lying.

  6. That guy is right on! I've actually been disturbed all along by the mosque being put there, but this was the first time I've ever actually seen Islam doctrine shown that tells us what's going on.


  7. Hi MaryLu...I guess I"m not meant to listen to that video. It's really strange...because I went to YouTube..and found it...three seperate posts on YouTube..and on each one the audio refused to work...strange...but in any case...on CBN/700 Club they've talked about the Ground Zero mosque..and there's a guy there talking about that..It's a very interesting segment. It does talk about Islam doctrine of building something at the site of where they've attacked someone...what Sasafras said I think...Anyway, thanks for this. Hugs, Heather :) :) :)

  8. Hmm not sure I believe this. Interesting, though.

  9. I don't think he's racist or paranoid at all. He did not bash the muslims, nor did he talk nonsense without real proof. He supplied legitimate reasoning and concern based on what he knew and in some ways had experienced. Honestly, what he says is completely reasonable. Because of this, I am scared for this country. Lord God, please help us!

  10. I also completely agree with him. The idea of a mosque at Ground Zero is borderline offensive to me. Neo-Nazis aren't allowed to do stuff around the camps. Why should Muslims be allowed to build a mosque at the site of their greatest atrocity against innocent people?

    I see no difference. Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a religion based entirely on world domination and the extermination of anyone who refuses to believe as they do.
