Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

I'll rake ye wit' a broadside!


  1. Yeah this is one neat picture!

  2. LOVE this!!! I've never seen such a perfect depiction of a naval battle before! :-) The smoke, the's awesome!

  3. Debbie Mitchell debsbunch5@jesusanswers.comAugust 11, 2010 at 12:08 PM

    "Fire!" Smithy yelled down the main hatch, and in seconds the ship rumbled with the blast of her broadside. A violent shudder swept her from stem to stern, testing each creaking timber. Choking plumes of smoke drifted over the deck. Coughing, Kent peered through the acrid fog toward their enemy......Kent scanned the deck for Sawkins. He was nowhere to be seen. the sound of splitting wood drew his attention back to the sloop, visible now through the clearing smoke. Her foremast toppled in shattered fragments of spiked oak. The yards and shrouds hanging in a snarled web on the deck......A ghostly silence yawned across her deck as a white flag rose on her mainmast. Not a living soul was in sight.......*The Restitution* :o)

  4. Oh, I LOVE THAT, Debbie! THank you! How wonderful to see that scene come to life. Thank you for copying it here! Ah... I adored writing The Restitution. :-)

  5. Oh WOW!!! I love a good fight scene. And I could really see that scene from "The Restitution" come to life here.


  6. Oh my goodness! That's awesome! And that scene from The Restitution was perfect!

    Amber Minnehan

  7. This is a great picture! I love it, it is very inspiring to me.

  8. the picture of the ships says it all


  9. Love this picture. And I always love to read people's comments...I smiled.
    I love all of your books, but my favorite series is still your first!
    ~Abigail =D

  10. Very interesting. Action shot! :)
