Friday, September 17, 2010

Talk like a pirate day contest!

Well here we are again. Another year has passed and it's nearly our National Talk Like a Pirate day, celebrated each year on September 19th. In honor of this special occasion, I've listed 7 pirate phrases below. Choose the answer you think best defines the word or phrase and leave your answers in a comment, along with your email.

I'll choose a winner and reveal the answers on Friday October 1st. The winner will receive their choice of one of my books, some body wash and scrub and a rubber duckie. An' no cheatin' by lookin' them up!  So, the best t' ye!

Lower the boom: Scads, if that scalawag utters another word 'bout me, I'll lower the boom on 'im.
a. to flatten with a large piece of wood
b. to reprimand harshly
c. to blow up with a cannon shot
d. to throw overboard

Nippers and Half-pints: Gather the nippers and half-pints and send 'em ashore for some rum.
a. Mugs and cups
b. Sailors who had lost a leg or an arm
c. young boys
d. Slaves aboard the ship

By the boards: We have t' sail tomorrow or all will go by the boards.
a. following the pirate's code to the letter
b. sitting by the bulwarks or railing of the ship
c. drunk
d. a missed opportunity

Scupperlout: Get off me ship. I can't stand the sight o' ye, ye scupperlout!
a. Offensive idiot
b. Lazy person
c. Mutinous dog
d. Someone who steals food aboard a ship

Cockerel: So that be the way o' it, ye young cockerel
a. Arrogant person
b. Someone who cares for chickens on board the ship
c. a person who resembles a cockroach
c. a type of dog

Fond and feckless:  Ye be a good friend but a fond and feckless cap'n. 
a. Nice and clear-skinned
b. foolish and incompetent
c. Cheerful and daring
d. Carefree and stupid

Crossgrained: Ye crossgrained cur, ye're runnin' straight fer destruction.
a. cross-eyed
b. mixed up/confused
c. troublesome
d. a cross dressing sailor


  1. Friday, Sept 17th,
    Morning, MaryLu.
    Well .... obviously ... I am "NO" pirate .... good grief ! These were good ... and mostly, I am "guessing" at the answers. But here goes:
    (1) Lower the boom: (a) to flatten with a large piece of wood;
    (2) Nippers and half pints: (C) young boys;
    (3) By the boards: (d) a missed opportunity;
    (4) Scupperlout: (b) lazy person;
    (5) Cockerel: (c) a type of dog;
    (6) Fond and feckless: (b) foolish and incompetent;
    (7) Crossgrained: (b) mixed up/confused.
    Good work, MaryLu !!! Wow, I'll have to practise up on my "pirate lingo" ....
    (P.S .... "should" I win ... I already have "all" of your books ... but I wouldn't say no to the body wash and scrub.)
    Thanks. Have a God-blessed day !
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley
    ( )

  2. Hi MaryLu...when I was still living in Eugene, OR...I remember going into the local university bookstore and "Talk Like a Pirate Day"...they had a little coffee shop on the main floor and EVERYONE had to order their coffee using pirate language or no service that day. It was really funny to see what people came up with...and it sure made a lot of people smile :) :) :)
    Here are my answers for the quiz..

    Lower the boom - C.

    Nippers and Half Pints - C

    By the boards - D

    Scupperlout - A

    Cockerel - A

    Fond and Feckless - D

    Crossgrained - B

    Have a lovely weekend. I'm going to try and find a yard sale to visit. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  3. Arrrrgh! This always ties me brain up in knots! Worse than the young whippersnapper ye hired over yonder!

    Lower the boom: (My Guess): D?

    Nippers and Half Pints (My Guess): C?

    By the boards: (My Guess): D?

    Scupperlout: (My Guess): A?

    Cockerel: (My Guess): A?

    Fond and feckless: (My Guess):B?

    Crossgrained: (My Guess): B?

    I am NO pirate and I hope you had a wonderful laugh at my expense. Because I will be too when I see the answers. :D

  4. Debbie Mitchell debsbunch5@jesusanswers.comSeptember 17, 2010 at 9:27 AM

    G'day to ye, Cap'n! I be spyin' yer contest. Me answers be as follows: Me thinks:
    'Lower the boom' (a)
    'Nippers and Hal-pints' (c)
    'By the boards' (d)
    'Scupperlout' (b)
    'Cockerel' (a)
    'Fond and feckless' (c)
    'Crossgrained' (b)

    If ye please, Cap'n, enter me into yer contest. (I would love to win an autographed copy of The Falcon and the Sparrow)

    By yer leave............(this is fun!)

  5. 1.A


  6. Aye, matey, and this be a fun contest! ;)

    Here be me answers to yer questions:

    Lower the boom: b

    (Although I be thinkin' that some would be mighty tempted to go wit "d"--throw 'em overboard!)

    Nippers and Half-pints: c

    (Not sure if this be referrin' to slaves, but I be used to hearin' children referred to as "half-pints.")

    By the boards: d

    Scupperlout: c

    (I be guessin' that "dog" don't refer to no animal breed, in this case.)

    Cockerel: a

    Fond and feckless: b

    Crossgrained: b

    I be hopin' that these be the right answers, 'cause I don't plan on walkin' the plank if I lose! ;)



  7. Okay, here's my answers.

    Lower the Boom - B
    Nippers and Half-pints - C
    By the Boards - D
    Scupperlout - A
    Cockerel - A
    Fond and Freckless - B
    Crossgrained - C

    That was fun!

  8. This was fun and have no idea if my guesses are right, but here it goes

    Lower the Boom - A
    Nippers & half pints - C
    By the Board - D
    Scupperlout - A
    Cockerel - A
    Fond & Feckless - B
    Crossgrained - C

  9. Arghh what fun! Here's my answers

    1. Lower the boom - B
    2. Nippers and half pints - C
    3. By the board - D
    4. Scupperlout - C
    5. Cockerel - A
    6. Fond and Feckless - B
    7. Crossgrained - B

  10. Thank you for this opportunity and what a fun contest! =]
    My best guesses (without cheatin') are:

    Lower the boom.............(B)
    Nippers and Half-pints...(C)
    By the boards............(D)
    Fond and feckless.........(B)

    Have a great weekend MaryLu!

  11. 1. a
    2. c
    3. d
    4. b
    5. a
    6. b
    7. b

  12. What a guesses are:
    If I win, would love a copy of The Raven I would have all 3 in that series! Thanks!!!

  13. Lower the boom: a
    nippers & half-pints: c
    by the boards: d
    scupperlout: a
    cockerel: a
    fond and feckless: a
    crossgrained: b

  14. Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.

    1. B
    2. C
    3. D
    4. B
    5. A
    6. B
    7. C

    Robin Oakley

  15. This is so fun! Let's see, here are my guesses:

    1. b
    2. c
    3. d
    4. b
    5. a
    6. c
    7. c


  16. Ahoy, me mateys! I'll try me best to answer your query, if this feathered fowl parrot perched on me shoulder will cease his squawkin' ; )

    Lower the boom: B
    Nippers and Half-pints: C
    By the boards: D
    Scupperlout: A
    Cockerel: A
    Fond and feckless: B
    Crossgrained: C

    gcwhiskas at aol dot com

  17. Well, I'm not much of a pirate but here are my choices. I'll never turn down a chance to win a contest

    Lower the boom:
    b. to reprimand harshly

    Nippers and Half-pints:
    c. young boys

    By the boards:
    d. a missed opportunity

    a. Offensive idiot

    b. Someone who cares for chickens on board the ship

    Fond and feckless:
    b. foolish and incompetent

    c. troublesome

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  18. Arr, I already have all o' ye books, so please don't enter me (I'd rather that someone else have the chance), but I'd love to play anyway! :-)

    1 - A
    2 - C
    3 - B
    4 - B
    5 - A
    6 - B
    7 - B (like grains of gunpowder perhaps...hmmm....)

    I must say, these seem a tad harder than last year's! :-)

  19. Arggh! I'm sure I'm off on some of these. I think particularly #1 may have originated with A but has come to mean B, but I'll stick with my original thought.

    1. B
    2. C
    3. D
    4. A
    5. A
    6. B
    7. B

  20. 1.a


  21. Well, shiver me timbers...I'll take a try.....

    1. a
    2. c
    3, d
    4. a
    5. a
    6. b
    7. b

    Well there she blows....I do know my own name's
    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  22. Lower the boom:
    c. to blow up with a cannon shot

    Nippers and Half-pints:
    a. Mugs and cups

    By the boards:
    a. following the pirate's code to the letter

    a. Offensive idiot

    a. Arrogant person

    Fond and feckless:
    d. Carefree and stupid

    a. cross-eyed

    I only need one more of your books, before I have them all, and sadly it's one that's no longer in print! So am really hoping that I win this competition!

    -Sarah C.

  23. 1. b
    2. c
    3. a
    4. b
    5. a
    6. d
    7. c

    lol this is tough!!
