Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesday-On board the HMS Rose

Lines/yards/and crows nest
This is the ship they used in the movie Master and Commander. I had a chance to go on board a couple of years ago, so these are my pictures
Spit Fire.
Stern Light
Where crew ate their meals


  1. Wed Nov 10th,
    Good Morning, MaryLu.
    Well this is just so neat! I especially love the top picture ... that of 'lines/yards and crows nest' .... very impressive, indeed! That 'spit fire' cannon is "huge" !!! Well, it would have been some sight to see ... that's for sure! Great you had a chance to go on board the HMS Rose - neat experience!
    Thanks for sharing your photos.
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  2. Awesome - especially the giant cannon! :-) Where is this ship harbored?

  3. These are so cool! As I read your novels, these pics will help me envision the ships better. Surrender the Heart is excellent so far. Even though you can't incorporate pirates for now, you come pretty close with this story. You are very good at what you do, MaryLu. God bless you.

  4. These pictures are so cool, MaryLu! Wow, those spit fire cannons are very big. I reeeally wish I could go on board a ship like this! :)
    These pictures now have me wondering, is there any news on the book you are working on??
    Have a great day!

  5. Hi Ladies, yes I thought you'd enjoy these pictures. I wish I could remember the caliber of that cannon (called gun on a ship) but it was probably close to a 12 pounder.
    The HMS Rose was anchored in San Diego when I saw it, but I believe it sails around to different ports. Here's their website. It has alot of cool stuff on it.
    I'm glad you're enjoying Surrender the Heart. Tori, yes, I'm done with the first draft of Surrender the Dawn. It's due January 31st. More on that later.
    Hugs all!

  6. That's so AWESOME!!!!
    God bless,

    ~Abigail =D

  7. This is so cool! Great pics! It brings your stories to life-kinda helps get a better idea of how everything looks and feels. Does the HMS Rose sail with modern technology, or does it still use sails?
    I just learned something very interesting in my American History class: Andrew Jackson (who later became president) fought a battle in the War of 1812, allied with some pirates to fight the british! Maybe you could use that in one of your stories...

  8. Hey, again!
    Okay, so I realize I'm a little late with this, but if you didn't hear what happened in Weston, MO; you need to go check it out. Again, I seriously just heard about this an hour ago -- I'm a little out of touch with what's going on in our country right now.

    ~Abigail =D

    Here's the link:

  9. Yes, Abigail, I've heard of these people from that church. They give Christianity a Horrible name. They carry signs which say that God hates gays and all kinds of terrible things. Worse than that, they protest at the funerals of men and women killed in the war. It's beyond disgusting. I agree that homosexuality is a sin, but Jesus told us to love people. We are to behave as He did and love the sinner, not harass and malign. MaryLu (shaking her head in disgust)

  10. One of my favorite Christian radio stations went off the air last night-permanently. It was quite a shock-I'm still reeling from it...

  11. I'm so sorry to hear that, Eszter! I guess they didn't get enough people to pay for advertising.
