Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas video from me!

Sorry, I'm not much of a cameraman... but the message is from the heart!


  1. Fri December 24th,
    Good Morning, MaryLu !
    Well, how nice was that !!! What a pleasure to not only see you, but actually hear your voice as well ! Thank-you for the personal tour of your 'writing room' ... your own 'little haven' as you called it. It was great to see where "all" of your writing ideas are written/created from, as well as all of the 'personal touches' (like that beautiful ship replica) !
    I would also like to take this opportunity to wish you, and, your family ... a most, "Merry and Blessed Christmas", (along with "all" of your readers/fans/blog followers); and, a "Happy and Healthy New Year" !!! Hope you enjoy the Christmas holidays with family and friends.
    Loved your little video !!! Thanks for sharing, MaryLu.
    Lots of love and blessings ... to one, and, all !
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  2. Merry Christmas back at you! And thanks for sharing you writing room with us. :-)

  3. Merry Christmas, MaryLu....and everyone else. Thank you for sharing such a personal space with us, MaryLu, it looks very cozy in there. I love the fact that it is not all neat and tidy, like most people would have made it look for a video. You let us see the 'real' you in a 'real' space. And that tells us that you are a 'down to Earth'(looking up into the Heavens) person. I appreciate you and your writing. Have a nice and safe holiday weekend. Don't let deadlines distract you; just enjoy your family. Love in Christ, Debbie.

  4. Aww that was fun to see your office. Very nice. Merry Christmas!

  5. Merry Christmas Eve, ladies! and thanks for your comments! I just finished making a huge Christmas Lasagna for tomorrow and wrapping a dozen presents! Now, rest until tomorrow.
    Debbie, no, I'm a huge slob in my room. Notice, I didn't show you much of my desk! LOL.
    Bless you all! Have a wonderful day tomorrow celebrating the birth of our Savior! Thank God Jesus came down to pay the price for us!! Joy to the world, Indeed!

  6. That was so nice MaryLu! You have a lovely writing room. I hope you enjoy Christmas and the New Year with your family. Just relax and have fun because you deserve it after working on your awesome stories all day! :)
    Many Blessings!!

  7. How cool to see your personal space! Merry Christmas!

  8. That's so awesome! Thanks for showing up your writing place!!!

    It's good to have a lot of books!!!!

    Well thank you for the video! Merry Christmas!

    ~Abigail =D

    (I thought you were a blonde).

  9. This was soooo cool! I always say that an author's writing room tells a little story about the author him/herself. I can't wait to see what other stories come to being from this awesome room!

  10. Thank you so much for sharing part of your personal life with us! Happy New Year to you too.
