Friday, February 11, 2011

Week 2 of Surrender the Night Month!!

And the winner of last week's drawing is:  Rachel!!!!
Thank you to all who left a comment!

Today, we will learn about the hero in the story, Lieutenant Alexander Reed. If you read the first book in the series, then you're already slightly familiar with this honorable man.

Brief description: At age three and twenty, with dark brown hair, a tall sturdy stature, and hazel eyes, Alexander Reed makes for quite a handsome, imposing figure, especially in his Royal Navy Lieutenant’s uniform. Normally proud of his country and its dominion in the world, he finds the cruel way his countrymen are fighting this petty war with America to be beneath the honor and decency of Britain. He only joined His Majesty’s navy to make a fortune and a name for himself in battle—both which he hoped would not only gain him entrance back into his home in Cranleigh, but the forgiveness of his father for infractions in his youth. But he had not signed up for such wickedness! Surely these rustic, backwoods rebels need to be taught a lesson, but not murdered and ravished in their beds. Being forced to participate in such barbarity against innocent settlers sickens Alex. Alternatively, Alex’s superior and first lieutenant aboard the HMS Undefeatable, Mr. Garrick, seems to relish in such debauchery. So when the vile man attacks an innocent farm girl, Alex can do nothing less than step in to save the girl. What he didn’t expect was to get shot by the American tart in the process.  

Strengths: Honorable, Kind, Moral, Chivalrous, Resolute
Weaknesses: Arrogant, Snobbish, Judgmental, Demanding, Rigid

Inspiration:  There’s nothing more difficult for a child than being rejected by a father.  It doesn’t have to be a flat out rejection. It could be plain and simple neglect, favoring another sibling, withholding praise, or just never being there. When this happens, a child either grows up with all sorts of emotional problems and withdraws, or he spend his life trying to gain his father’s favor, even well into his own adulthood. That is what Alex is trying to do. He hopes to gain enough money and honor to win his father’s approval and affection and be welcomed back into his home. Because he didn’t receive his father’s love, Alex has come to believe that love must be earned. I believe so many people today suffer from this same problem. They try to earn their parent’s love, friend’s love, even their spouse’s love by doing things or being a certain way. But the truth is, you cannot force anyone to love you in this world. The only love you can count on—the only love that is freely given, no strings attached, no conditions, that cannot be bought or earned is the love of God.

So, tell me. What qualities about Lieutenant Reed appeal to you and which ones would you be a bit cautious of? Is he the type of man you'd go on a date with? And if not, why?
Leave a comment, along with your email, please, and I'll draw a name next Friday

By the way, I'm unveiling my new Video Book Trailer next Friday so don't miss it. It's fabulous!


  1. Friday, Feb 11th,
    Morning, MaryLu.
    "Congratulations" to Rachel !!!
    Well, certainly all of Lieutenant Reed's strengths I am most attracted to -- honourable, kind, moral, chivalrous, and resolute. Cautions I would have concerning him would be -- the arrogance, judgmental and demanding attitudes. Although I love the sound of his 'strengths', the weakneses would likely diminish my favour of him (if left unchanged).
    I too, struggle with a judgmental attitude ... and 'both of us' displaying that characteristic would NOT make for a pretty sight or winning combination ! Having to 'continually' prove one self, to try to "earn" favour, respect, approval, or love ... is extremely tiring, and, demeaning !
    This is a main and awesome reason why God is God, Who He is ... because of His "unconditional love" .... which cannot be 'earned'. He just loves us ... because He does !!! No strings attached !!! (No one else on Earth can match that !)
    Thanks MaryLu, for sharing -- the book and story is sounding great.
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  2. His good qualities would draw me at first, but when his arrogances and judgemental attitude comes out, I'd probably shoot him too, just like Rose!lol :D I think it would be tough for him to comprehend what (like Brenda said) unconditional love is-I want to read the book to see how he discovers it.

  3. I agree with Brenda and Eszter.
    His good qualities would draw me, but his bad qualities would totally annoy me!
    I cant wait to read about Rose shooting him!!
    I am really looking forward to reading this!!!
    Have a good day!

  4. The quality the appeals to me the most is that he is honorable. I feel like that is really hard to find these days. I really liked him in Surrender the Heart how even though he could have gotten in trouble, he chose to help Marianne. I am hooked and now I cannot wait to read more about him!

  5. What a hero! I can't wait to see how you turn him around.

    It would seem we hold on tightly to our earthly loves here and often forget of the ultimate Love, Christ.

    Enjoyed the post!!

    My mom won't be able to make it by today, would you mind entering "Sue" (her name) under mine? Thank you! This is her email:

  6. Here's the thing, we all have weaknesses and they are there to make us stronger if we learn to overcome's definitely a process - lifetime process on some things. Pretty sure I would like him...all his strengths out weigh his weaknesses...sort of like Darcy - well I love him too. I really need this series...very excited!

  7. I admire several qualities in Mr. Reed such as his kindness, morality and braveness. Some of these qualities are lacking in men today but these are definitely some things I admire in a man. However, his arrogance and judgmental are a put off. Arrogance is such a turnoff but I have to admit that if he comes across nice at first, then yes I probably would go out with him on a date. I mean we all have faults and while he may be dealing with stuff from his past, the arrogance and judgemtn is a defense trigger for him to find faults in other people or keep the focus off his problems. I am a pretty understanding person and would talk to him and just be there to listen because I could have a genuine care for him as a friend because for me it's hard to watch people suffer and watch when you see potential but they are blind to it. e-mail:

  8. Hello MaryLu,

    To answer your question I think I would go on a date with Mr. Reed. He seems like he can be quite the gentleman when it comes to ladies. The quality I like most about him is that he's honorable. Although the weaknesses that caution me are the fact that he's judgemental and demanding. I would appreciate being made fun of or bossed around. But just like the present day, all men have their flaws. So therefore I'd give him a chance. I cannot wait to see how he wins over Rose. The anticipation is killing me lol. Cangratulations to Rachel for winning last weeks draw!

  9. Oops! I forgot my e-mail address. It is :)

  10. The qualities I admire are his compassion to protect Marianne from unwanted advances, he also recogninzes his responsibility as a younger son to follow through with a career in the military and he seems like a just man.
    I didnt like his arrogance but I enjoyed reading Surrender the Heart.

    Cant wait to read more especially from this character!

  11. Appealing to me would be his incredible sense of honor. I value that highly. However, the fact that he is so arrogant and snobbish doesn't delight me, so I'd probably turn him down. :)

    Thanks for the entry to the giveaway. I can't wait to read the book!


  12. Hey, MarLu!
    Congrats to the winner! Hmmmmm the qualities that appeal to me would definitely be the kind and chivalrous ones. Moral is also great. They say that chivalry is dead, but it is characters like these that prove that statement wrong. LOL. I definitely would have some issues with the snobbish quality! I can not stand it when people are snobby! Now, whether or not I would go on a date with him would depend. How snobbish is he? LOL. But seriously, I would feel like I should atleast give him a chance because he does have some good in him.

    Amber Minnehan

  13. I find luetant reeds strengths very atractive. he is honarable, kind and moral chiverlous and resolute! it is quet rare to have a man who is honarable and chiverlous and who poses those qualities and especially who's moral compass is pointiing in the right direction! as for the qualities iam wearry of is arogance and judjmentality.aswell as dimandigness as for me going out on a date i would defenetly give a guy a a decent chance hoping that good qualities in him overpower the negative qualities. i believe that everyone deserves chances and even a second chances and given time people change but not without God's help i do believe that love also changes a person and that good qualities are more important then the bad ones. we are all people and make mistakes and we are not perfect. however if we can realize those mistakes we can change for the better! so i would defenetly give him a chance or even a second chance to change if we were to date however if people trully love each other then you don't see the negative qualities.

    In him Nina Abramoff

  14. Well, the first thing I determine before I accept a date from a guy is how close he is to God, but aside from that, yes, Reed's personality sounds to me like he'd make a good boyfriend/husband. His honorableness, resoluteness, and chivalry are all very hard to find to find in guys anymore. His arrogance and judgementalism aren't too off-putting to me, either...I know from personal experience that beating down such traits is a life-long struggle, so I can't judge someone for being judgemental! :-) Also, the picture you found is very handsome, too!

    Can't wait for the video trailer!


  15. The qualities that appeal to me are honorable and moral.

    The ones would I would be a bit cautious of are arrogant and demanding.

    Is he the type of man you'd go on a date with? I might go on a date with him but first I'd play hard to get.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  16. The qualities that appeal are that he is chivalrous and honorable, not to mention the fact that he looks like Mr. Darcy :)

    Arrogance and snobbery are not desirable qualities, but they can be overcome.

    I would go on a date with him if he proved to have a sense of humour.


  17. Well, it appears you are all attracted to the moral, chivalrous and honorable side of Alex. And I agree that in today's world, chivalry seems to be dead. Makes me sad because I so adore a man who treats me like a lady.
    But his judgmental arrogance seems to be a problem for all of you. I would agree, except as some of you mentioned, we all have faults, right? and we will have to accept the good and bad in everyone. Even our date or eventually our spouse.
    Anyway, thanks for your comments! I wish I could answer each one personally. Either way, I think you'll find yourself quite charmed by Alexander Reed!

  18. Congrats to the winner!
    This one really sounds great, MaryLu. I love the fact that she shoots him; it adds some humor to the situation. (if that's how you wrote it)Anyway, I really like the choice of main character this time. I expected you to use someone from Noah's crew, but you chose Reed. I am sure that I will love this novel. (PS I would have chosen Shane West for the photo of Reed)

  19. Shane West, eh? I had to look him up... excellent choice. :-)

  20. Yeah, I think he looks the part. On another subject, my daughter, Jackie, has already gained 4 pounds! Of course, that only puts her at @101, but it's a start. (she evidently weighed less that I thought before she got pregnant)Keep up the prayers for her weight gain and the baby's health. And everyone on Facebook knows now, so you don't have to worry about mentioning it now. God bless.

  21. I can undersatnd Alexander's need to earn his father's love. I tend want to earn God's love to, by doing things, but that is really not what it's about. I like that he is both honorable and chivalrous. He remindeds me of my brothers :)
    I am looking forward to reading this book!!

  22. Sounds great! I can't stand arrogance in a guy but I would love chivalry and kindness. Who wouldn't?

  23. Brenda - Thank you!

    Although I have already won, I just have to say Reed's characteristics are what I am looking for in a man: a kind, protective Christian man who will love me and cherish me!

  24. Well I think he sounds pretty hot. I like all of his strengths and it sounds like he just needs someone to help loosen him up and show him what uncomditional love is.

  25. I really enjoy these posts about the characters!! :)

    Characteristics that appeal to me would definitely be chivalrous, moral, honorable... lol all his strengths I guess!
    Sounds like he has met his match! :)

  26. Lieutenant Alexander Reed is definitely my kind of hero!! I like the men who are honorable despite the way they grew up. It seems that any book I try to read the hero is a "bad boy", its nice to read about a good guy for once. :)
    Hey MaryLu, are you ever going to try to write a story where the heroine and hero are both "bad" or both "good"? That might be really interesting! Its a bit different from your other stories.
    I really cant wait for this to release! Now, I am going to reread The Falcon and the Sparrow. :)

  27. I forgot,
    Congrats Rachel! :)

  28. What do I think of him? Am I British or American? I'm sure if I were British, I'd think him to be quite the hero, but considering he's in the British navy and our countries happen to be at war... I'd have shot him too. ;)

  29. Ohhh! If Alexander Reed looks like Colin Firth...what a guy! :-P lol After reading the description - with his strengths and weaknesses - it does remind me of Darcy.

    I love that Reed is honorable and chivalrous - those would be the qualitys that draw me to him. As for his weaknesses that would put me on my guard...I cant stand an arrogant man. :-P lol

    Hmm...depending on how arrogant he is, I might consider going out. If he's unbearably arrogant than I dont think I could stomach him very long, even with his looks. :-P

    Well, there's my thoughts! Your new book looks awesome, MaryLu!!

    ~ Katy

  30. He seems like a guy who has a lot of issues he needs to work on before he could be in a relationship. He seems like a great guy and I love how he's honorable and kind but he's doing all of this to please his father. I most likely wouldn't date him because everything he's doing isn't really because he wants to it's because he wants to please other people.
    Crew Member Connie Cowger sent you there.
