Saturday, March 19, 2011

Another chance to win Surrender the Night!!

And read an interview with Moi!   (I know, exciting, huh?)   Here's the link:


  1. Cool interview! I'm amazed that you get so much writing done, with all of your other responsibilities at home. But I bet that there are thousands of other people that are the same. However, I can see how God is using what little time you have a day to create beautiful stories. I can't wait to read Surrender the Night!

  2. Great interview, MaryLu. I like how you answer a lot of different questions in each interview that you do. (A touch of humor in this one) It allows us to get to know you better. I pray all is well with you and your family. God Bless.

  3. Yup, I'm just like most women. I keep house, do laundry, cook, and deal with kids and hubby every day. And I used to also work full time outside the home! That's when I wrote my first book.. during my lunch breaks! Now, at least I don't have that problem anymore. Thanks for taking the time to read my interviews!! I really appreciate it!
