Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wordless Wednesdays!

Pirates hiding in a cave!


  1. Wed June 22nd,
    "Morning, MaryLu."
    Great cave for 'hiding' in. But, I'd say that this ship, has seen the last of its days !!! Very eerie looking, indeed.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope all is well.
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  2. Very eerie indeed! There be no way this be yer ship, Cap'n. First of all, ye would never be hidin' and yer crew be keepin' a mighty fine clean ship! I believe these pirates lost a battle and the ship drifted into this gloomy place. (hat on my chest) Pirates, Ye be warned!
    Yer crew be not scared! Bring it on! We be havin' the mighty Lord on our side! We be fightin' fer souls and we be by yer side all the way, Cap'n!

  3. Reminds me of the Black Pearl...very cool. :-)

  4. Sorry, I just noticed that my name just says D. It be me, Cap'n! Chaplain Debbie! LOL

  5. Love the picture! This reminds me of Pirates 4. That was an awesome movie!

  6. Thanks Ladies!! Thought you might find this interesting! And Debbie, I knew twas you before you said anything! Yes.. this be not our ship, The Redemption, for our battles be the Lords and He always prevails!
    Perhaps this is the Black Pearl, indeed. A sad day in the Caribbean when that fair ship has seen it's lasts, says I.

  7. So, 'The Redemption' be the official name of yer ship, Cap'n? Of course, ye know me loves it! Smooth sailin' fer the rest of yer week!

  8. I love it, it looks sweet. It does remind me a little of pirates. Where do you find all these pictures?

  9. Thursday, June 23rd,
    "Morning, MaryLu."
    Well .... speaking of "The Redemption" .... I just began reading it, yet again, for the 'third time' now ! I do believe it was my most favourite !
    Anyway ... just a quick note to say .... I'm going up to my sister's for the weekend (about a two-hour drive away). She does not own a computer ... so, I just might not be able to leave a comment on your "Casual Friday's" blog-site, MaryLu (if we don't make it in to their Library). Didn't want anyone to worry -- where I have disappeared to, or ... 'if' I had abandoned ship !!! Not likely !
    Take care everyone, and have a good weekend.
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  10. It has an eery beauty. Its like the ship is stuck with no way out. You're almost afraid to like it because of the surrounding darkness. I know, I'm weird. :D

  11. I find many of these pictures online.. on Yahoo pictures or on a royalty free sight called It's amazing what you can find out there!
    Brenda, we'll miss you! Thanks for the heads up so we won't worry. I hope you have a safe trip and a wonderful time at your sister's!!
    Eszter, you're not weird.. you have a creative mind. :-) That's a good thing.

  12. Have fun with your sister, Brenda, and I will be praying for safe travels. And Eszter, I totally agree with you, so I guess we are both weird. LOL

  13. Thurs June 23rd,
    Thanks, Debbie .... most appreciated. (I haven't left yet, and won't be going to my sister's until Friday now. Sooooo, 'hopefully', I 'should be' able to write on the "Casual Friday" blog tomorrow morning ... before I leave home.)
    Thanks again.
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley
