Thursday, October 27, 2011

This is how I pictured Charlisse Bristol in my pirate series!

What do you think? Is this how you pictured her?


  1. Yep that is how I pictures her. The hair shade is just right as are her eyes.
    Great pick! :)
    God bless.

    Shelby Z.

  2. Yes, this is a great choice. Is it just a coincidence that they share the same name? (different spelling)I don't think there is room on the ship for Mighty Joe Young, though. lol

  3. Thanks ladies.. I thought so. And no.. the names are not a coincindence. I found this picture first and then created Charlisse after. I've never done that since, but this was my first novel. And yes.. Mighty Joe Young would sink the ship!!

  4. I think it's smart using an actual person as inspiration. Going off of what they look like and how they act. Nothing wrong with that. :)

  5. I agree with Debbie. It helps you keep your visual on your characters. Plus, you can imagine what their expressions are-or can find them by looking them up on other pics. I think she is the perfect Charlisse. Will you ever let her know that she was your inspiration for a character in your first book?

  6. Thurs Oct 27th,
    "Afternoon, MaryLu."
    Well, call me 'weird', or 'different' ... but no, this is not how I pictured Charlisse Bristol looking.
    I seem to prefer the heroes and heroines having their own unique identity (and not resembling someone else).
    It's only my opinion though ... not trying to 'rock the boat'.
    And MaryLu ... since these are "your" novels ... your characters can look like 'whoever' you want them to look like.
    Hope all is well.
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  7. Yes, that is almost exactly how I imagined her looking! I also like basing a character's looks off of a real person because then you can use them as a base for mannerisms,looks, and everything.

  8. Thanks, ladies.. I usually form the character first and then go looking for a picture, but hey, maybe I should try it the other way around again. Since it worked so well with Charlisse! And no, I'm not sure Charlize will care at all that I modeled a character after her.. I doubt she'd respond to my note. I guess I don't have much faith in Hollywood stars anymore. :-)
    Brenda, you're more than welcome to rock the boat all you like! I welcome your opinions.. You're such a sweet lady.

  9. Wow, she is very pretty. I have not read the pirate series, as I am new to MaryLu Tyndall books...but, I definitely read them! I will keep this picture in my mind when I do:)

  10. Hmm.. I personally don't really like Charlize Theron, but I didn't picture Charlisse like her at all, so it's okay. Lol. I tend to agree with Brenda. I always make up a person in my head, although the pictures on the cover of the book definitely have a part in my imagination of what they look like.

  11. Not even close! Ok, that's a lie...but face structures a little off. The last picture was closer!

  12. Totally agree with you MaryLu considering Hollywood. I think that Hollywood should take a few hints from wonderful Chrisitian authors (like you :D). People want to watch more than just the trash that we see on t.v. They want something that teaches something worthwhile-and that its worthwhile to see.

  13. Thanks Esther! My pirate books are only on Kindle right now but they are being released next month in paperback and other E-books.

    Sarah and Anonymous.. that's cool. We all create different images in our heads about characters. Then it is hard to picture them any other way.

    Eszter, I agree! Wish Hollywood or someone would create some decent movies with morals and values that are exciting and romantic!! Maybe in Heaven. LOL
