Saturday, December 3, 2011

Last week to enter to win a free Tote Bag filled with books!

All you have to do is write a new review for any of my books on,, Goodreads, or Barnes and Noble, and I'll enter your name!  It must be a new review and you must have read the book.  I'll be drawing names on Friday December 9th, for two free Tote bags and books!  (The books are a sampling of other authors as well as one of mine!)


  1. wow, can't believe there's only a week left :) thanks so much for this awesome giveaway marylu and for giving enough time so that everyone has a chance to be included! what a great prize and best wishes to all the entrants :)

  2. MaryLu, I can't enter because I've reviewed all your books, but can you tell which books are in it? So I can put them on my Christmas list to my family?

  3. You're so welcome, Kara.. and Anonymous.. I have a bunch of books to give away. Here's just a few: the Healer's Apprentice by Melanie Dickerson, The Guardian by Robbie Cheuvront, Before the Scarlet Dawn by Rita Gerlach, Shadowed in Silk by Christine Lindsay, Courting Morrow Little by Laura Frantz.. and the list goes on..

  4. I completely forgot about this contest. *fingers crossed* Is 'Pirate of my Heart' one of the books? I really want that one. I already have 'The Healer's Apprentice'. Does the winner get to choose, or is it just the tote filled with books you've chosen? (not that you would choose any bad books) :)

  5. You'll have a choice, Debbie.. and yes, I do have Pirate of my Heart!

  6. Cool! Best of luck to all who enter! God bless!

  7. Okay. THanks for the kick in the pants. I tell everyone about how your Falcon and Sparrow "restored my faith" in Christian Fiction, so I just reviewed it on Amazon. And, I'd like to be in the drawing. I do have a couple of those books, but I'd love to donate any duplicates to my local library.

    Your header looks new to me. Don't tell me it's been like that for months...
    thanks Marylu!

  8. Oh I had forgotten about this MaryLu, of course I want to win more of your books, since I've only read your last series of three! We will all be waiting....

  9. Debra.. yes, my new blog look has been up for a couple of months. LOL. Thanks for reviewing Falcon! I've entered your name :-)

    Best of luck to everyone!

  10. MaryLu, totally forgot about this as well. I reviewed your newest book, Surrender the Dawn on,, and on I tried to do Barnes and Nobles but kept having problems. I will try again another time! Thanks for including me in on this contest! Would LOVE to win the tote full of books!!!!!!!!

  11. I recently bought Pirate of my Heart. It is on my nightstand, next in line to read!! If I win it I can pass it along to a friend. :)

  12. Barb, thanks! I put you down for 3 entries!! And I'll give the winners choices of the books they want.. I have about 20. So, if you already have Pirate of my Heart.. you can choose another one. No problem.!

  13. On Goodreads, I reviewed "The Redemption." Email: Don't worry - you got a fantastic review from me!

  14. Thank you, Rachel!!! I got you down.. and hey, it doesn't have to be a great review to be entered in the contest.. but thanks anyway!!

  15. I can never give any of the books in the "Legacy of the King's Pirates" a bad review. Charlisse and Merrick are my heroes! :) I love history, historical fiction and pirates (especially lady pirates). I know a lot of history and incidents because I read a lot of historical fiction, and then go look the real historical incidents up. Historical books that give incidents and people flesh and bone are awesome! I considered minoring in history in college, but since I didn't take any history classes because I took them in high school for college credit, I didn't!

    I talk about them all the time and recommend the books to my friends who want Christian romances that aren't graphic. I'm not a super romantic fan, but they are great when I am in the mood for a romance!! :)

  16. I wrote two reviews on Amazon! (And they were not hard to do at all because I LOVE your books!) I wrote one for the first books in the Legacy of the King's series and one for the Red Siren!

    Thanks for your great books that are so easy to recommend! I love telling people about your books!

    Thanks for entering me!
    Mandy H.
    lovenjoy16 (at) gmail (dot) com

  17. Thank you so much, Rachel, for your sweet words and your help spreading the word about my books!!

    Mandy, I've got you down for 2!! Thank you!
