Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Forth of July Everyone!!!


  1. Wed July 4th ....
    "Morning, MaryLu ... who is in Jamaica ! Been on that pirate cruise yet ???"
    Yes, Caroline ... it is "ANSS" for sure ... not only do I love the ship (so old/historical looking) ... but I love the blues in this picture ! Very nice !
    Happy "July 4th" to America !!! Enjoy your day !
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  2. I love the blue of the water here too. :) Enjoy the ANSS, Brenda! :)

    Last night I was reading "The Red Siren", as I sat in a lawn chair on the beach. The sun was beginning it's descent into the horizon, the waves were rolling onto the sand ... and I was reading the end of the book. Talk about a great setting to read this book in. Reality setting. :) I quite enjoyed the book, and wasn't expecting the ending to turn out the way it did in the last few paragraphs! Yay! Thanks MaryLu. Onto the next ...

    Happy Independence Day, and may your trip continue to be fun, restful and beautiful!

  3. Happy Independence Day!! Love the blueness of that painting.

  4. Beautiful, beautiful!
    Happy fourth to you too!
    -Rebekkah xD

  5. This is amazing picture. It shows a lot of action in the harbor.
    The colors are so bright and cheery.
    Happy 4TH!

    Shelby Z.

  6. Ooooh, look at all that blue! Pretty!

    Happy Independence Day, everyone! :)

  7. Happy Independence Day! May America remain a free nation and a shining light is my prayer.

  8. I love this picture! Happy Fourth of July, everyone!

  9. Hi, Ms. Tyndall and Company!

    Sorry I haven't come to the blog in so long. Life gets terribly busy, especially during highschool evaluation time :-(

    That's a lovely picture you've got up. What year is that ship supposed to be from? The Napoleonic Wars, or earlier? Speaking of which, have you ever thought of writing a story set in the Napoleonic Wars? I find them very interesting.

    I did finally finish reading "The Blue Enchantress", and have now started reading "The Raven Saint." I'd have to say I think I like Grace the best of all three Wescott Sisters. And the sub-plot about the dissolusioned Jesuit on the pirate ship is proving to be intriguing.

    Oh, another thought: Have you ever thought of writing a fourth book in the "Charlestowne Belles" series? I thought it would be kind of cool to read one about older sister, Charity, and get to spend more time with Admiral Wescott. As a student of British military commanders, he intrigues me, and I wish he made a few more "camio appearences", LOL!

    God Bless and keep writing!


    P.S. Happy 4th of July!
