Friday, December 28, 2012

Preview of Forsaken Dreams!

I FINALLY got the new Video trailer for my next release, Forsaken Dreams!!  I'm always so excited to see these trailers because they bring my characters and my story to life! Actually, what they do is make me long to see my books made into movies!  But that's in God's hands. For now, I'll settle for these tiny glimpses. This is a different sort of trailer than all my others.. mainly because this new series is a different sort of series than all my others. Not only in the location and the time period, but in the content. I'm wandering off into a little bit more of a supernatural feel with more spiritual warfare than I've ever had. But of course, there will still be all the adventure and romance of my other books.

So, tell me, what do you think?? Does it intrigue you? Does it give you the mysterious, adventurous mood I'm looking for?


  1. Fri Dec 28th,
    "Morning, MaryLu."
    I really liked the -- background music giving the feeling of intrigue and mystery, the camera skimming over the water and heading toward the new land (with a sunrise), and the characters fading in and out. It all captured my complete attention.
    But also in my honest opinion, I'd prefer just 'captions' to read as the trailer and background music are going along, and not hearing a narrator's voice. Just my opinion, but very few announcers can pull off making a book sound like it will be the most incredible read ever. Not trying to be hurtful or anything MaryLu ... and it's only my opinion -- so please don't let that upset you.
    Everything else is looking great though, truly.
    Thanks so much for sharing with us.
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda Hurley

  2. I can't wait to read this! The trailer appears dark, beautiful, and mysterious all at once.

  3. Ooh that looks SO GOOD!!!!! I can't wait to read it! I love this trailer!

  4. I liked this trailer VERY much. The narrator's voice was rich and full and the music was fitting for the background of sailing through water. The only thing I found distracting from it where the faces of the characters. The darkened or side profiles were fine, but seeing their faces was kind of a letdown since the character of Eliza doesn't resemble the woman on the cover of the book. I realize the model on the cover may not even be a real person or if she is, unavailable to film the trailer, so that's why I feel the characters should be more of a mystery. To me it creates more intrigue if you can't see them. It gives way to my imagination of how they look. I usually check your website when reading one of your books and look at the pictures that you have posted that reflect the characters. Since this is how you see them, than that's how I picture them when reading.

    I apologize if my comments are viewed as negative - that was not my intent. I truly enjoyed the trailer and look forward to reading the book. Thank you for sharing.

  5. I really liked it and I'm super excited, but I'd like to see part of an action scene in one of the books in the trailer, or some strong emotion coming across.
    -Rebekkah xD

  6. Brenda.. of course I'm not upset. I asked for opinions... Honestly, I'm not sure about the voice over either. I do like the man's voice, but I wonder if it would have been better without.

    Thank you Cortney and Heather!

    Angi, I appreciate your opinion. I actually didn't think the woman looked much like my heroine either, but I know the company who makes these doesn't have a ton of actors and actresses at their disposal.. otherwise it would cost way too much. I'll be posting a page on my blog with pictures of how I see the characters in this book soon.. if you're interested. Thanks for stopping by. :-)

    Rebekkah, I agree. An action shot would have been nice.. I think the problem was that most of the story takes place aboard a ship and the company who makes these doesn't have access to a tall ship and is not close to the beach so they had to improvise. It's all about the cost.. I thought they did a much better job on my last trailer. If you haven't seen it, click on Veil of Pearls above and it will take you to a page where I have it posted. Lots of emotion in that one!

  7. Okay, I watched the video again. I still like the voice over and the music is powerful...gave me goosebumps. Another 'movie' I want to see.
    My question is this: at the end of the video it shows the book. Is it really that thick? not that it would be a problem, just curious.

  8. LOL Debbie. No, the book is not that thick. Not sure why they portrayed it that way. It's about the same size as all my other books. :-)

  9. Oh I understand about the money. It's only a book trailer after all. Can't wait to read the book!
    -Rebekkah xD

  10. Wow, very well done! Did you put this together yourself? Or did the book company do it? I love the music!

  11. Hi Leah! My goodness, no, I didn't do this myself.. my publisher hires a production company to make these. If I could do this, I'd quit my day job!! They are so fun to watch. You should have seen the one they made for my last book, Veil of Pearls. It was the best I've seen. If you click on Veil of Pearls at the top of this page... it will take you to another page where you can see it.

  12. LOVE! - The voice, the images, the music, the endorsements all of it create a fascinating atmosphere... I am so interested in this, right now!
