Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wordless Wednesday!

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Is the ship sailing into friendly waters or enemy territory??  What do you think is going to happen?


  1. Wed Feb 27th,
    "Morning, MaryLu."
    First off -- allow me to just say -- that "this" is 'one' of the best photos !!! Do you know what I 'thought' you were going to announce, after seeing this picture ??? I thought you were going to say: "Hey everyone ... this is the cover of my next book !" Absolutely beautiful !!!
    And now, for the caption: "Hold steady men ... this be one of our own returning from pillaging on the high seas ! Let's see what treasures she's brought back !"
    Thanks for sharing ... and yes, ANSS for sure !!!
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda

  2. I don't really care what is going to happen. It looks warm and tropical there, and I want to go bask in the warm, warm sun. It is too darn cold and snowy in Michigan! :)

  3. I thought so too, Brenda - a ship returning to friendly waters. :)I'm thinking that it is a great hide-away spot, tucked into a cove ... I wonder what's behind the waterfalls. I have this thing for waterfalls. :)
    Emma - you made me laugh. I'm with you on the warm and tropical, warmth, sun ... I'll meet you there! Snow will be gone soon. It will. It will. :)

  4. Now, that's the positive way to be thinking, Caroline !!!!
    In Him, Brenda

  5. I love this picture!
    I believe this be this ship's safe haven...that there cannon be fer any unfriendlies that be approachin'....

  6. Oh I WISH this was the next cover for my book! It's stunning.. Thanks for all your comments.. I, too, wonder what's behind that waterfall. :-) I'm also wondering whether the cannon is manned by friend or foe.. and who is on the ship? So many possibilities!! :-)


  7. I think the ship is entering friendly territory, for I think they would have already used that Cannon if it were an enemy ship! Maxie
