Friday, July 19, 2013

MaryLu's Musings: What's in a name?

Something interesting happened in the book world this week.  Many of you know of J.K. Rowling,
the author who wrote the infamous Harry Potter books. In fact I'd be surprised if you didn't recognize her name. She's one of the world's best-selling authors and a millionaire because of her books and fame.   But did you know that recently she also wrote a modern day crime novel??

The book is called The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith.  Yup. That's right. She wrote a book under a pen name. Her reason she says was to "publish without hype or expectation" and allow her the "pure pleasure to get feedback from publishers and readers under a different name."

She did get the feedback she wanted. In fact,  Kate Mills of Orion Publishing actually turned down the book. Of course she had no idea it was written by the superstar Rowling.  I bet she's kicking herself now!  Although the book did get good reviews, it only sold around 1500 copies. If it had continued at that rate, those numbers are a death sentence for an author. "Mr. Galbraith" probably never would have received another book contract!

In fact, I was recently told that if a new author doesn't reach at least 15,000 copies sold, their career is over, while most publishers expect close to 30,000 for a second book.  Well, somehow the cat got out of the bag and the media exposed the true identity of Robert Galbraith, and guess what?  Right now. on Amazon, sales of the book are up some 507,000 %. !!   Go figure.

So, I ask you what is in a name?? A TON.  In fact, my husband rarely picks up a book by an author he hasn't read before. He has his favorites and he waits for their books to be released. That way he knows he's spending money on a story he's going to like. I must admit, I do the same thing.  Why take a chance on a new author when I KNOW what I'm going to get with my favorite ones?

So what does this mean for aspiring writers trying to get published or even established authors like myself?  Taken at face value it can be very depressing. How can anyone break into a readers' market
with an unknown name? Especially when there is so much competition and so many books out there that a new author can easily get lost. And what about an author who has several books already published? How do we attract more readers and get our name in front of more people?? 

Publishers and marketing people will tell us we need to be on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, etc...etc... We need to have a website, a blog, a platform, go on speaking tours. We need to engage with our readers.  But I'm here to tell you that after 8 years of doing that, it doesn't work.

You know what I'm starting to believe are the two most critical elements necessary for making the New York Times Best seller list??
  1.  Write a FABULOUS book.  Get off the internet and spend your time writing the best book you can.
  2.  Providence. In my case, I call this the God Factor. Others call it Fate or Karma, or just plain luck. It's being in the right place at the right time with the right publisher and the right market. And it is completely out of an author's control.  

You can apply this to any area of your life. Be the best you can be at what you're doing, whether it be marriage, raising kids, a career, and then leave the results in God's hands. 

So, if you don't find me out there in social media land, you'll know where I am. I'm at home, pounding away on my keyboard, writing the next best seller!  (God willing!). 

(And yes, I realize I've just given J.K. Rowling free publicity when she's the last author on the planet who needs it! Grrrrr )

So how about you? How often do you pick up a book solely because you've read that author before and loved his or her work?


  1. July 19th,
    "Morning, MaryLu."
    Well this was just all most interesting, what you shared today.
    I believe you have: (1) written 'fabulous books', and are still doing so; and, (2) definitely had 'Providence' ... the 'God Factor' on your side !!!
    Yes, remember -- Don't ever give up the ship ! Keep on with keeping on writing, MaryLu ... you have a God-given talent for sure. And, just maybe, one day ... any one of your books will be found on the 'New York Times Best Seller List' !!! But ... even if not ... we, the fans, love your books, and will do all we can to see the word spreads about them.
    (Hope you're not going to change your 'author name' or anything like that ....)
    Thanks for today's blog, and the encouragement to "be the best we can at whatever we're doing" ... Amen ! A timely word to us all.
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda

    1. Thanks Brenda!! Don't give up the ship! Love it. :-) I'm not.. and I don't really have aspirations of hitting the New York Times Best seller list.. but I would like to get my books out there in more hands cause I believe they each have a strong message... Thanks for dropping by. You are ALWAYS an encouragement to me!

  2. I had heard about this too, and thought it was interesting, so thanks for explaining it more today. I had been thinking it was a rather foolish idea to write under a different name, sales-wise, as well. Anyway, interesting blog, and I'd bet your books will be on the bestseller list in no time! (We reviewers do try hard :))
    Ps. Good morning, Brenda, and Mrs. Tyndall :)

    1. And I appreciate great reviewers like you, Callie!! We authors would be lost without you. :-)

  3. Keep doin' what you're doin', MaryLu.

    1. Thanks Connie, I will.. and I'll trust God with whatever outcome He chooses.

  4. Hi Mary Lu, this is very interesting as I too will only read a select favorite authors and very seldom pick up a book from a new author. Your my favorite by the way, and I wait anxiously for each new book that comes out. I like how you been introducing new authors as I value your opinion. I recently read Gouge's Esc to Kikwit and enjoyed it much. I have now added Gouge to my list of authors I read. Thank you for the suggestions - LJ

    1. LJ, I forwarded your note here to Louise Gouge and she was thrilled you enjoyed her recent book. She has lots of others out you might enjoy too.
      And thank you So Much for being one of my faithful readers!! Means a lot. :-)

  5. I love trying out new authors. There are so many treasures in the new stuff. Some times I like what I read but then there are others that aren't favorites that I would never pick up again. I guess it goes on taste.

    Mary Lu, I have a big question for you. As a Christian woman, how hard is it to not seek your own glory and forget about God in the world you're in of being a published author?? Do you think that a writer should be closer to our Savior before we hop into a place that may be more self seeking than honoring God?????

    Shelby Z.

    1. Shelby.. I could write a book on the topic of your question. I'm in a business that demands I glorify myself and my books in order to get sales. I've got to get out on blogs and on social media and even in person and tell people how wonderful I am. It goes AGAINST everything I am taught as a Christian.. that it is my job to bring glory to God and God alone. As I'm writing this, I have a big sign on the wall above my computer so I can see it clearly every day. It reads: "I must decrease. He must increase." Just to remind me that I'm writing for Him and not for me. I believe I should write a post on this and how I've struggled with it.. check in next Friday.. and thanks for the idea!

    2. Thank you for sharing that, Mary Lu. I am in a place that I really want to write for real, but I don't want to do it until I am founded a little more in the ways of Christ. I know that doesn't mean that I will be safe, I just rather know Him so much more than I feel I do.
      Thank you and I can't wait to read more on this on Friday.
      God bless.

      Shelby Z.

  6. I've been a 'safe' person. When I go to a restaurant, my husband and friends know what I'll order. Same thing always. Because I know I'll like it, and don't want to risk spending the money on something I may not like. I know. Pathetic.

    I used to be the same with books. One author - because she had a ton of books published, and I liked them. But one day, I ventured beyond my comfort zone and took the risk. And what do you know? I found another amazing author and read all her books. I had such success with that 'risk' that I tried another, then another, and then another - one of them being MaryLu Tyndall ... :)

    Whew! So glad I went with these authors I had never read from before! They've opened up worlds and adventures I hadn't known. Not to mention the spiritual encouragement ...
    And now, I can recommend authors to others and the word spreads! Awesome. :)

    Back to the food thing, I can now go to a restaurant and actually order something other than pasta (I know, that's something I can make at home. I've been told over and over ...). Wahoo! An adventure for my palate too! LOL

    1. Caroline, I'm a pretty "safe" person too.. love my routines! I'm thrilled, however, that you stepped out of you comfort zone to read my books and other authors books that you've enjoyed. :-) But I say, if you feel like pasta, go ahead and order it! LOL

  7. True, I usually lean towards authors I already know, but lately I've been giving other authors a chance...mostly because they have asked me to read their books. (which is awesome!) I've read and enjoyed the Harry Potter series, but I will not read any more of J.K. Rowlings books, unless she starts writing Christian Fiction.(unlikely, but you never know God's plans for her)
    Sometimes your favorite authors can disappoint you....I've always loved Frank Peretti's writing, but I didn't really care too much for his most recent release.
    Yes, the key to any success in writing (or anything we do) is Godly influence. Put it in the hands of the Master and all will go according to His plan....which is always a success!
    Praying you are having a great weekend so far. Hugs and God bless.

    1. Hey Chappy!! Yes, sometimes authors can let you down.. I've had that happen, but it doesn't stop me from trying them again... It's not always possible to write a best-seller every time.. but I agree.. the key to anything we do is put God first,do our best and trust Him for the results!

  8. I buy books from authors I have previously read, but I read a lot of new authors and new to me authors as well. I tend to read what the plot is about and some reviews. If it sounds like it could be interesting I will give it a go. I have found some really great books by reading unknowns.

    1. How true! .There are so many GREAT books out there that most people don't know about at all... thank you for taking chances on unknown authors.. I know they appreciate it!

  9. Thanks for your insight! I used to read only authors I know, but when I started working on my own projects, I realized I ought to branch out more.
    I completely agree with you on those 2 elements. God brought me back to that saying from the movie "Field of Dreams": If you build it(your story and your platform) they will come. In other words, I just need to do my part and He'll bring the editor/agent/publisher/readers to me. Isn't He amazing!?!

    1. Amen, God is amazing!! We only need to follow Him, work hard, and He'll do the rest. :-) Thanks for dropping by, Jen!

  10. This post was so interesting. I've been working on my nom de plume for about a year now and have decided that it may just be best to go with my real name (with a bit of a unique twist). I think I should spend some of that energy on actually writing and researching, though.

    I just write for God. Period. Well, and the pure enjoyment of it. That way, if I ever get to the point of having a completed manuscript, I'll know that it has already served its purpose even if it never gets published.

    Now, to quit quacking away and answer your question; I'm a mishmash reader. I read books because I have loved an author's previous work, my mom has suggested an author, I stumbled across a book cover and title that look interesting while scoping out my usual reads on Amazon (the books that are listed in the "others who bought this book also bought..."). I read books according to subject matter, popularity, oddity or novelty of the story, genre...I read 'em all.

    Right now I'm on the second book in your series, "The Legacy of the King' Pirates" because I couldn't put the first one down. Why did I choose to start reading your books? I was on vacation next to Disneyland and in a Pirate-y mood. My mom suggested three Christian authors she knew of that had written pirate novels. I was actually going to read a different author but yours popped up first and the write-up sounded exciting and intriguing. "The Redemption" definitely lived up to those expectations. So here I am now, reading "The Reliance" and your wonderful blog :)

    1. Hi Megan.. so glad you're enjoying my pirate series! And I couldn't agree more.. Writing for God should be the ultimate motivation.. not getting published or getting awards.. etc.. Just keep working on it and see where God takes you!

  11. Hi MaryLu
    I really don't think you have any worries ahead with being unknown as in the Christian field of writing you are getting well known. All Christian writers write to a special group of people unlike the secular and are not as subject to the fads of the time. You write extremely well and God has given you a talent that I expect will go on for years.
    As the old saying goes..."keep on trucken".
    ;-) Helen

    1. Bless you, Helen!! Thanks so much... I'll keep on trucken!
