Friday, July 5, 2013

MaryLu's Musings - whtat's a writer to do?

The Publishing World is Aflux!  (That's sort of like a flux capacitor but without the power). I'm definitely not an expert on the economy, nor am I up on what's going on in the boardrooms of all the major publishers in this country, but I'm also not asleep. Things are definitely changing. Here's what I've noticed just in my own little world:

Major Publishers are merging (Just recently Penguin and Random House)
E-book sales are up
Print book sales are down
Fewer authors are receiving contracts
Authors who are getting contracts are getting less money

Whether these things are because the economy is so bad, or whether they are because E-books have taken off, I guess time will tell.  The outcome, however, at first glance seems to be bad for authors like me.  With fewer contracts being handed out to writers, that means only Top-selling authors who make the publisher the most money are going to be getting contracts. Yes, a few new authors may slip in and a few middle-selling authors too, but for the most part, the gates are definitely going to get narrower and narrower.

I've learned a lot in my 8 years as an author about this business. I always thought that if a writer was really good and had a really good story, that their chances for getting published were pretty high. I also thought that the author had a say not only on the content of his or her book, but on the cover and the title, and what type and how much marketing was done.  NOPE. Once an author signs that contract and receives an agreed upon advance (payment from publisher), that book is no longer owned by the author. It has now become the property of the publisher and within the limits of the contract they can do what they want. They can put any cover on it they want, have it edited anyway they want, change the title, market or not market it, etc... and (depending on the contract), these rights go on indefinitely until the book no longer makes them money and is deemed "out of print".   Furthermore, once you get your first contract, they will then tell you what you can and cannot write for them next (if they even wish to keep you).

Before I go any further, let me say that I LOVE my publisher, Barbour. They have been nothing but kind and generous and gracious to me.  I love working with each and every one of them. 

Yet in this current paradigm, please forgive me if I say that publishers sort of remind me of trolls standing guard over a narrow bridge, wearing grins and hoisting huge clubs and only allowing a select few to cross into troll territory.

I used to believe only the best writers got to cross. But now I know that's not true.  There are hordes of FABULOUS writers on this side of the bridge who will simply never get across. Why? Because who crosses and who doesn't is completely up to the individual trolls and what they think will and will not sell really big.  And these trolls are only human, subject to human opinions, preconceived notions, likes, dislikes, etc... because frankly NOBODY in the publishing industry knows why some books sell millions and others sell only hundreds. If they could figure that out, they wouldn't contract so many flops.

However, there is a light on the horizon for some writers out there. It's called self-publishing. Before the e-book, self-publishing was considered the worst of all possible alternatives for an author. It was a death sentence for one's career, a shameful blemish on their resume.  But not anymore. The invention of the E-book has somehow lifted the stigma of shame from self-publishing and many good authors are finding an audience for their books.  Many are quite successful!  Just beware, that when you open the flood gates, you're going to get some sewage in with the good water. 

Anyway, all that to say that I no longer have a contract. The next two books in my Escape to Paradise series are contracted, written and turned in, but my publisher has not offered me anything beyond this series.  At first I felt like a ship without sails foundering at sea, wondering which way to go, but now, I'm excited about this new era in my career. I know God still wants me to write. I still feel the call heavy on my shoulders, only this time I feel the freedom of being able to finally write exactly what I want to write.  I have an agent who will shop my ideas around to see if we get any nibbles from other publishers, but in the meantime, it's great to be able to write without a deadline adding stress to my creativity. 

I'm excited about my new project and will be telling you about it as time goes on.

God Bless and have a great weekend!


  1. Interesting horizons in the publishing industry. Was good to read your take on what is going on. I look forward to your next books, and also what else God has in store for your writing. :)

    All the best as you write for His glory,

    1. Yes, things are really changing in publishing and I'm not sure most publishers know which way to turn. The individual author has much more power than they used to, which is really exciting!

  2. Fri July 5th,
    "Morning, MaryLu."
    Well, thank-you for this update and filling us in with the way things are re - the publishing world. That certainly sheds a new light on it all.
    But I am most encouraged by your final paragraph, MaryLu ... that you will "continue to write" (God has definitely given you this creative talent) !!! And, that you will self-publish, even without a contract. Good for you, MaryLu ! Spoken like a true Captain -- never, never, never give up the ship !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Your agent sounds like a blessing. And now -- you won't have the dreaded deadline to worry about. You can go at your own pace, and whatever timing works for 'you' !
    I really appreciate that you shared this with us all ... Your attitude and will to forge forward is a testimony ! God never said that everything would be easy in life ... but where there's a will, there's definitely a way ! He WILL provide, I firmly believe that !
    So happy to hear this encouraging news !!! So ... keep on - keeping on with that writing, MaryLu !!! (Your public eagerly awaits .....)
    Take care, and, God Bless, In Him, Brenda

    1. Never give up the ship!!! I love that, Brenda! :-)

  3. Yes, this is all very interesting. I've been reading a bit about these publishing trends too, and it doesn't seem right, somehow. It's become such a ...'business' ...for lack of a better word. It's one thing if it's in the non-Christian market, but my head-in-the-clouds thinking believes it should be different in the Christian writing world. There is such longing and need in people's lives today - even in the lives of believers - so there is a HUGE market for writing that glorifies God, offers hope, points the way to salvation, and that is enjoyable to read at the same time! That market is a void waiting to be filled. Maybe so many people don't realize this void in themselves too; don't realize their need. Publishers should be jumping all over quality Christian fiction. Not so much to make a buck, but to be used as a powerful ministry. I know that's a simplistic view of it all, and business is business, but ... AUGH!
    Sorry for venting ... LOL
    All that said, I am glad to know you are still willing to write what God wants you to write, because that's Who we write for really. To please Him, to bring Him honour, to give Him praise.
    As always, I look forward to what He's doing in you and through you MaryLu. May you continue to know His presence in your life, and in your calling. May He continue to use you as a powerful voice in the lives of readers. I'm excited to see how He continues to use you! :)

    1. Thanks so much, Caroline! Unfortunately, Christian publishers need to make money to stay in business, so it's a fine line to walk between ministry and profit. I agree there is a HUGE market out there, thirsty for something encouraging and spiritually uplifting.. and in a perfect world, every good Christian book would get published. It doesn't seem right to make it about money... but alas, they need money to publish books.. so it's a vicious circle. What's cool now is that those authors who would have never made it across the bridge can now publish their own books.. so there will be lots of books for readers to choose from!

    2. Yes, I know it's true. ;) In my little world where everything would be just the way I want it ... wait! I could write about that little world in my brain ... hmmmmmm ... maybe that will have to be good enough. I can write about a want-to-be author who publishes everything she writes, no questions asked, no details changed, no revisions needed, a perfect manuscript right out of the gates ... hee-hee-hee ... (I think at this point I'm just tired.) Whoa.

      One day, maybe I will have to explore the self-publishing world. My brain just isn't there yet. It's still stuck in that little world in my brain. :)

  4. Yes, this is definitely interesting to hear from a successful, published author, though I have suspected it for some time. :p My mom, for instance, is a fabulous writer, but she gets so discouraged and thinks any rejections reflect upon her writing ability.

    They don't.

    I told her that I'd be her marketing agent (I went to school for graphic design and working in the publishing industry (like Barbour!) is one of those "dream jobs"), and we could self-publish her book(s). Woot! No deadlines except what you put upon yourself, no cutting scenes to make a word count, no adding this or deleting that. And, the book cover would be sooo fun. And you get to keep your title and character names to boot!

    Thanks for sharing and blessings for you and your writing journey in the future. :)

    1. Whitney.. yes, do tell your Mom that a rejection has very little to do with the writing quality. It usually all boils down to whether the publisher thinks they can make money off the book. Sad, but true. Hey, I wish I had a daughter who could be my marketing agent!!! That's awesome. :-)

  5. I work for a book distributing company that also offers print on demand books. I was not surprised at all by what you shared about the publishing industry as my company is feeling the affects of it. Rest assured that however your future books are published I will find them. I've been a fan of yours for a couple of years now and look forward to many more of your exciting stories no matter how they find their home on the page. God is faithful and if He's still calling you to write you can count on Him to work out the details. Hold fast!!

    1. Wow, thank you so much, Amy! I do still feel the call to write.. and I KNOW God will open doors to get my books out there. I'm definitely Holding Fast to Him!! :-)

  6. I wonder what would happen if publishing companies gave writers more freedom once that contract was signed? Would is really be a disaster or would the books do better and sell more? I just think that since the author is the one who created the story, they would know the best how the story should go, what the title should be, and that they would have some great ideas for the cover. I was flabbergasted when I read that publishing companies change the title’s of books a lot of the time! The funny thing is, I don’t even think they do a very good job a lot of times. I can name a handful of books that were in the works and I loved the authors chosen titles and then when they were changed, I was disappointed.

    What happened to the book about Merrick’s son you posted about a while back? Was that just a proposal, or did the publishing company decide to pass on it? I was so excited about it!

    I hope everyone had a lovely Independence Day! And I wish everyone has a great weekend!

    1. Great questions, Emma. I agree that publishers are shooting them in the foot by not allowing the author more say in things like title and cover and even content in some cases.
      Don't worry! I'm still writing the book about Merrick's son!! In fact I'm working on it today. Yes.. it is a proposal that I'm going to ask my agent to shop around at other publishers.. so we shall see. But if it gets rejected, I intend to self-publish it, God willing.
      I had a great Independence day! Thanks... Have a great weekend, Emma!

  7. I'm excited to see you plunging forward, MaryLu. Whatever you do, whatever you write, I know your stories are going to keep changing lives.

  8. Hey MaryLu! Drastic changes always make me wary, and sometimes more than a little stressed out. I am disappointed to hear that you no longer have a contract, but I am encouraged to hear your response to this change. Your books have won me over, and those that I've shared them with have loved them just as much. I know that God will still use you and your willing heart, and I'm excited to see what He has in store! You have always been such an encouragement, in your books and in your posts on your blog, and soon with self-publishing. Keep it up and God bless, MaryLu! I cannot wait to see where He leads you.
    ~Marie Smith

  9. Scary! But I love the exciting plot twist you interposed at the end. Your writing is fabulous and I'm excited to see what you have on the horizon!!! I can't believe they didn't renew your contract but this sounds more like a huge blessing than a set-back. Thank you for this information. I always thought self-publishing was something you did only if you were desperate and hopeless of getting your material out there any other way - but now I see it in a whole new, positive light.

    How do e-books (like for kindle) affect how much money you make and your authorship in any other way?

    I'm a writer (as yet unpublished because my works are in the works) but am not worried about ever getting published. Ultimately, it would be a childhood dream come true but my mom read something to me the other day that another author had brought to her attention; write for God. So that's what I do. I write for God and leave the rest in His hands! (not saying I will just lay back and hope my writing floats onto bookshelves without any work on my part).

    Keep us up-to-date with how you're doing in your new projects. It's kind of like watching 'the adventure of the swashbuckling author' unfold before our very eyes (even if your new books aren't about those loveable pirates :).

    Love you and your work. I will be praying about this for you so if you ever have a prayer request, about ANYTHING, please let me know!!! I'm an author but right now my key job title is "PRINCESS PRAYER WARRIOR" (I LOVE LOVE LOVE to pray for others and the world!)

  10. Thanks Megan!! For your very kind words!! I love that you are a "Princess Prayer Warrior" !!! What an honor to be called to stand before the throne of God and intercede for others!! A privileged position in the Kingdom! Thank you for your prayers! I so appreciate them. :-)

    Many successful multi-published authors are self-publishing right now. I know of several who've been very successful at it. Of course it helps to have a fan base already established, but like I said it no longer has that "loser" stigma it used to. I agree about writing for God. That's what I intend to do .. just write the stories He gives me and Let Him figure out the rest. :-)

  11. saying I should self-publish a Viking trilogy?

    1. OH yes, girlfriend!! Oh yes!! Please? pretty please?

  12. Hi MaryLu. I enjoy your books and I would buy them "published" or self-published. My only request would be to maybe have them print on demand too. I may be in the minority, and I have both a Kindle and Fire, but I still buy print books more often. And yes, Michelle, I would definitely read a Viking trilogy written by you.

    1. Absolutely, Amy. If I end up self-publishing, I fully intend to offer a print version as well. :-) I still like the feel of a book in my hands too!

    2. Amy yes.. if I go the self-pub route, I will most definitely put my books both on e-book and print copy... there's nothing like the reel of a book in your hands! :-)

  13. Well said, MaryLu. It is an interesting new era. I think we can discover a lot of breadth in writing that did not have an outlet in the past. I hope whatever you do, contract or not, publisher or none, you will always come back for an interview on my blog. Not just cuz I love your books. You are one of my FAVORITE guests. So generous with your time and ALWAYS a fun interview!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Connie!! I always have fun on your blog!! You can absolutely count on me to come back as long as you want me. :-)

  14. MaryLu, I love your positive attitude. So glad that God has given you peace about this. I'm looking forward to hearing about the next great adventure that He will be leading you to. In the meantime, I'll be praying for you and waiting with great anticipation for Elusive Hope.

  15. Trolls. Blah. I, too, am without a contract and it does feel like I'm afloat in a sea of unknowns. But I'll take heart from you. Your sails are hoisted high and I know there are more books in your future.

    1. Thanks Carla... between you and me, I think we can take those nasty trolls! I'll hold them off while you sneak under the bridge.. what say you?
