Friday, August 2, 2013

MaryLu's Musings - Where do you get your best ideas?

The other day a friend of mine asked me where I get my ideas for the plots and characters in my books.  The question really caught me off guard because this was a social setting and these were my friends, not my readers, and we rarely discuss my writing. In fact, you may find it odd but most of my friends here in town don't really care that I write books. Most have never read my books. In fact, most of my family has never read my books. Weird, huh? But I actually like it that way. Every author needs some down time just being normal (if that's possible for a writer), and hanging out with friends who really don't give a flying fig that they are a published author.  But I digress.

Normally when I'm asked where my ideas come from, I give the standard answers... from movies, TV, from life, from God, etc.. All that is true, but when my friend asked this question, I just blurted out before I had a chance to think:  The Bathtub.

Whoops, sorry, that's my dream bath tub!! 

Here's my real bath tub!

Anyway, once I said "Bathtub", I realized how true it was!  I cannot tell you how many times I've spend the entire day struggling over a scene, trying to get it right, trying to figure out what each character would say and do in a certain situation. How they would react, feel, act. It can drive an author nuts! For those of you who think writing is easy, it's not. I used to be a computer programmer for IBM, and let me tell you, being an author taxes my brain much more than writing computer code ever did. Some days after writing multiple scenes with multiple characters, I can still hear my characters talking it up in my head long after I stopped writing. Once I get them charged up, they don't seem able to shut up and go to sleep!  I tend to walk around with that dazed look in my eye and my husband  asking if I'm all right. Sure, I'm all right. I just have twenty other people in my head who are dancing, sword-fighting, sailing ships, and falling in love! Those are the days when I've usually written well.  But some days I just can't figure out what should really happen in a scene. And of course when I need my characters to talk, they slam their mouths shut, cross their stubborn arms over their chests, and stare at me. Brats!

But once I slip into that warm, sudsy water and lay back on my bath pillow and close my eyes, scenes start popping into my head. Suddenly I can picture the entire scene being acted out in front of me with my characters talking and things happening. It's almost like a movie!.  In fact, I usually have to make an effort to impress the entire thing in my mind so I don't forget. (Which is why I'm often seen running out of the bathroom in my towel trying to find a pen and paper!)

So you see, that's just one of the many reasons I love my bath. Not to mention that it's very relaxing and one of the few places I can escape the family and be alone.  Maybe it's because of those very things that the creative side of my brain can finally come out.

So, what about you??  Is there someplace special you go to think? Is there a place in your house or yard that you tend to gravitate toward when you are tired or stressed and need to unwind?  Do you find that you get your best ideas there?  I'm curious...  please leave a comment and let me know! 

And have a great weekend!!


  1. Aug 2nd,
    "Morning, MaryLu."
    Most interesting post. Wish I could say that my best thoughts/ideas etc came from relaxing in a tub. But alas ... and unfortunately ... my litle brain usually awakens around the 4:30 a.m. time (each morning) ... and then, it's off-and-racing !!! At that point, cannot stop nor slow it down. I think of everything -- what I am doing that day, what needs to be done, who I need to call, things I need to arrange ... thoughts and ideas running wild and furious -- all over the place !!! Then, about two hours later ... I fall exhausted, finally, back to sleep ! All very annoying !!!
    And on top of all that, even "if" I did come up with some good thoughts/ideas, etc ... sometimes I cannot remember them (after I've fallen back into an exhausted and deep sleep) !
    Yes, I can well imagine and appreciate that the very second your ideas/thoughts come to you (whilst relaxing in a tub) ... you'd run right out, and write them all down. Smart girl !
    Thanks so much for sharing ... it was fun to hear how your ideas come to you. (And that even after they come to you ... your characters and plots 'continue' to run around in your head.)
    Have a great weekend one and all.
    Take care, and, God Bless,
    In Him, Brenda

    1. Brenda, I often have the same problem at night... especially if I wake up after 4:00 am... my mind goes crazy!! So I know exactly how you feel.. I try praying during those times and it seems to help.. :-)

  2. Ha-ha! You made me chuckle. All those characters in your head behaving in all kinds of ways ... yes, I can see how having a bath can help! I always bring a book into the tub with me.

    I love your photos above too. Dream bath is especially nice. :)

    My ideas seem to pop into my head whenever they feel like it. I get the movie-in-the-head thing too. Dialogue and narrations are constantly floating through my brain when I'm just around other people. Watching how they interact, listening to how they talk. Driving - well, riding in the passenger seat (because that would be a safer place to do such thinking ...) - and staring out the window at the things we pass gets me going too. Wondering the history of a building; wondering the family dynamics of the kids on the sidewalk or the older married couple holding hands, strolling past; wondering where that path leads, in the forest we drive by ... it goes on.

    I look forward to meeting more of your bathtub characters in the future ... :)

    1. Ah yes.. so you're familiar with your characters constantly chattering in your head too!! My husband thinks I'm nuts. LOL.. It must be a sign of creative people.. as is wondering at the story behind so many of the things we see.. like you described. I do that too!

  3. I never would have pictured the bathtub as an ideal spot for inspiration...but it totally makes sense. It's one of those places where you can just zone out and relax. Whenever I'm doing things that don't require much thought (like walking my dog, although I promise I pay attention when I cross the street!) ideas just pop into my head. Now that I think about it, that's how a lot of my stories have gotten started.

    Hm. Maybe I should grab the leash and go for a walk...I've been needing some more ideas!

    1. I think you've hit on something here, Olivia.. it's anyplace or time when our mind isn't otherwise occupied with a gazillion things.... Hope you get some GREAT ideas while you're walking your dog. :-)

  4. Okay, no surprise to me...after all, ye be the Cap'n of a ship, so the water would be the most logical place to get yer peace. LOL
    For me lately, it has been my craft room that has helped me to be relaxed and focused. Other than that, if I have a good book in my hands, I can totally shut out the entire world....which I did yesterday, since I received Joanne Bischof's ARC of My Hope is Found in the mail. It is really, really good! After I finish that, I have Elusive Hope waiting on my Kindle Fire...and let me tell you, it is sooo hard not to pick it up and read it now. Hugs and God bless!

    1. How did you get Elusive hope, you stinker?? And I mean that in the nicest loving way. :-)

  5. For my creative writing I like to be sitting at my favourite little old-fashioned, dark wooden desk in my comfy "prayer chair" (an ordinary old office chair), bedroom door shut, preferably home alone. This old-world desk is against a large window with flowing red and brown window coverings, sided by two other huge windows, all looking out at my dad's calming, lush, emerald green backyard and an old-fashioned ranch-style wooden fence that separates our yard from the golf course. To my right (the direction I often face with my computer on my knees) the window displays earthy landscaping that makes it feel like I'm out at a wilderness cabin. Tiny sparrows tweet all day, hopping up and down and all around on the rocks that jut out at various levels and a little wooden fence with three horizontal slats of rustic wood separate our yard from our neighbour's equaling peaceful and relaxing yard.

    For journalling I like my BIG cream-colored desk because there's plenty of space to spread out my 2 mugs of tea, one water bottle, innumerable pens, and still have my computer in front of me in case I want to look anything up.

    As for research/writing, the BIG desk is the only way to go!

    1. Oh my.. your old desk and the view out your windows sounds perfect, Megan! How peaceful and relaxing... :-)

  6. That is really funny. When your so into a book it is hard for things to shut up or stop reeling.
    I like where you find inspiration that is humorous.
    Do you ever dream within your book as a character or seeing the characters playing out a scene?
    Thanks for sharing that with us, Mary Lu.

    Shelby Z.

    1. All the time, Shelby!! The deeper I get into my story, the more I feel like I'm becoming my characters... reality fades and my story world begins to become more real. That's when my characters start to take over and do what they want without me telling them!! I know.. sounds crazy. :-)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This is such a great question, Shelby. Do you write?

      I also enjoyed reading your answer, MaryLu. And it doesn't sound crazy at all.

      I'm write and the characters really do become a part of your reality. The tell you if their name is right or not, what colour and texture their hair really should be, if they have a speech impediment, what their personality is like...I love it when my characters come to life but it can be a struggle when they insist on walking a different path than the one you had planned on them journeying.

  7. ML, you are so funny! I also have friends and family that never read my books. Particularly my husband. He says he's scared he'll see something of himself in them. Yep, he would!

    But seriously, where do ideas come from? That is a great question. For me, it's mostly chatting about weird, crazy news. I just happened upon a story about a woman during the Civil War, who, after her husband was murdered and her house burned by soldiers, she grabbed her tow very young kids, stuck them on the horse with her, rode hundreds of miles through war battles and all kinds of crazy conditions to make it safely to some town. Of course my first thought was, What a great novel that would make!

    When I got fired decades ago (unfairly) and I was so mad I wanted revenge, I was inspired to write A Thin Film of Lies. So, personal experiences, weird people encounters, surfing the Internet and finding bizarre true stories--that's all great fodder for the imagination (and why I go to Starbuck's one day a week to people-watch). And I would love that bathtub too!

    1. Hey lady! Glad to know I"m not the only one with family who won't read my books!! Isn't it amazing where we get our quirky ideas?? Old stories, weird people.. even just sitting at Starbucks.. Can't wait to see you soon!

    2. Isn't it so awesome when you see fodder (I'm borrowing this from your post) for stories anywhere and everywhere? My problem is having the discipline to write them down.

      I can tell that you must be a consistent writer because I have noticed that, after years of being away from the craft, I have lost that ability to see the potential in everything. I won't make that mistake again! It truly is like a muscle that you need to work everyday so that it doesn't shrivel and atrophy (you have no idea how long I just spent trying to remember that was right there but I just couldn't' reach it - grrrr). I enjoyed reading your answer, C. S.

  8. I've written songs in the bathtub and I concur! And by the way, that dream bathtub could be mine, too. There's just something about water that un-knots the mind. Love this post!

    Where do ideas come from? God, I hope! But I will see an interesting person, or read about an interesting life or event, or see something beautiful and want to include it. Ideas are amazing things. I'm in awe of the creative process, really.

  9. I'm in awe of creativity too, Karla! Can you imagine God's creativity?? I look around our world and am amazed at all the incredible things He came up with!

  10. I also get ideas, inspiration, and divine revelations in the shower/bathroom so you are definitely NOT alone MaryLu!! I'm often tempted to spend extra time in there because of the peace and encouragement I find there and it's so unconventional :) Here's to unconventional ways of getting writing ideas and inspiration, MaryLu, here's to you and all God is unfolding in your career/personal life...Amen and hugs to you.

    1. Kara, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who gets inspired in the bathroom! :-) Thank you so much, Kara, for your kind words!!! Same back at you!! Hugs...
