Friday, September 13, 2013

MaryLu's Musings - More Pics and Videos from Tall Ship Festival 2013

More adventures from San Diego!

One of the neatest things about being an author is the research trips I get to go on. Of course I'd go on a lot more (over to England, Spain, France, Brazil!)  if I had the money but what's a starving author to do?  In case you haven't figured it out, one of my greatest passions are Tall ships.  I often get asked why Tall ships? But for the life of me, I can't give a clear answer. They're majestic and romantic and they represent courage and freedom. But other than that, they're just cool.

If you haven't already, I hope you get a chance to sail on one of these great ships and hear the cannon belch! It's quite an experience and one I use heartily in the books I write.

My favorite part of the Tall Ship Festival in San Diego is always the HMS Surprise. The old beauty is stationed there permanently but she does go sailing now and then, particularly when Hollywood calls and needs a ship for a movie. (If you didn't see the pictures of her, check last week's post).  The other ship that is permanently stationed there is the oldest active sailing ship, the Star of India, a barque that was built in 1863 and was used as both a cargo and passenger ship.   Here's a few pictures I took.

Passengers quarters

Wealthier Passenger Quarters


Look how beautiful the deck head is!

Wardroom where Officers ate

Hubby and I sailed on a schooner called The Spirit of Dana Point. Somehow I missed taking a picture of the entire ship but it is a replica of a 1770 US Revolutionary War privateer! How cool is that?

Here's a picture of it's sails raising: 
  Here's the ship we fought.against. She's the Irving Johnson, a Brigantine: Isn't she a beauty?

Irving Johnson

The following are some really fun short videos. I hope you enjoy them! 

Here's a short video of us firing on them!

And here's the Irving firing on us twice!!

Thought you'd like to see our gunner. She's a lady!! (of course!)

And here's the crew raising sail!  The second man hauling the rope is me hubby!

Here, our enemy has decided to try firing water baloons at us!

There was a sea-lion following our enemy! See if ye can spot him!

I pray you all have a great weekend with full sails, a clear horizon and an enemy that only fires water balloons at you!


  1. Wonderful photos and GREAT videos, MaryLu!! Such cool footage of your trip :) That sea lion is pure cuteness, what a special sighting he is!! LOL to the water balloons, such fun :) A big time amen to your prayer and the same always to you as well, blessings MaryLu!!! *smiling big time over this post*

  2. Sept 13th,
    "Morning MaryLu."
    Yes ... this is definitely the kind of stuff I like to see and read on your blogs -- the personal, fun-type things ... your vacations and photos/videos for sure !!! Enjoyed seeing the wonderful pictures, and the really neat videos ! Looked like it was a lot of fun.
    The sea-lion was an extra bonus. And yes, tall-ships are just totally cool !!! Peaceful, romantic, majestic, etc, etc, etc.
    Thanks so much for sharing with us. And, ditto-ditto -- the same blessing right back at you, and to all the Redemption crew-mates ! Have a great weekend.
    Take care, and, God Bless, In Him, Brenda

  3. Very cool - I may need to see if they do any of this when the tall ships are in Duluth, MN.
    Thanks for sharing your fun :)
    God bless, Betti

  4. This is a wonderful post MaryLu. I had a lot of fun looking through the photos and watching the videos. It looks like you truly had a marvelous time. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.
    Have a great day. Debbie

  5. Thank you for sharing the pictures and videos again. Love it! That Star of India is a beauty. It would have been great to hop on-board and take a tour. So glad you had a nice time, and the opportunity to do this.
    What fun!


  6. What fun! I'm so glad you had a good trip, and brought pictures back to share with us! Thanks, and blessings to you and your family too!

  7. Glad you all enjoyed the pics and videos!!! It was such a fun experience. Now, I'd like to travel to other ports like Boston where I hear the USS Constitution is anchored. Sigh.. too many tall ships, too little time. :-)

  8. That was so fun to watch, and I'm sure even more fun to be there! :) Thanks for sharing!!

  9. I can't believe I just now got over here to see your videos! They are great! Thank you so much for sharing your great adventure with us all.
