Tuesday, December 31, 2013

What was your favorite Novel of 2013??

Toward the end of every year, nominations are taken for best book of the year.  If you have a moment, here are two links to two different sites that are taking your nominations.  You don't have to vote for one of my books that came out in 2013  (Forsaken Dreams or Elusive Hope) , obviously, but if you feel one of them deserves it, I'd really appreciate your vote.  Winning a nomination like this gives an author publicity, which keeps sales up and really helps the author be able to continue to write.


Grace Awards
Inspy Awards

Hoping you have lots of GOOD reading in 2014! 



  1. Hi MaryLu,

    I nominated ELUSIVE HOPE in both contests! :-) Please let us know when we can vote!!

