Friday, May 16, 2014

Living it up in LA!

Okay, well maybe not living it up, but I am in LA today for my step-daughter's graduation from law school. We are very proud of her!  We'll be dining with the stars on Malibu beach and enjoying the great weather and sunshine. Actually I really don't like LA that much. It's pretty crowded and pretentious, but it will be fun to get away for a little while.


In the meantime I wanted to give you a heads up. I'm having a HUGE sale on the e-copy of The Ransom starting next Wednesday the 21st. It will be only 99 cents for 4 days only. So, if you haven't gotten your copy, this is the time! OR if you'd like to give it as a gift, this is a fabulous price that I don't plan on having again for a long time, if ever.

I'll shoot off a reminder next week. 
Have a wonderful weekend!!


1 comment:

  1. Congrats to your step-daughter, enjoy Malibu beach, and thanks for the heads up on "The Ransom" - I already have it, but will gift it to some friends and also share the info on May 21st!! Love to you and blessings on your day, MaryLu!!
