Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday Frenzy - peek at The Reckoning!

Well, I found out this week that I had Bronchitis. I'm one of those people who avoid going to the doctor as much as possible. I believe in natural medicine, herbs and oils, and of course healthy eating, and try to steer away from all the medicines they want to force down your throat these days. But, alas, I had this weird cold and cough for over 2 weeks and my mother convinced me to go. Thank God! I've never had Bronchitis before or anything like that, so I was shocked. Now, much to my regret, I'm on antibiotics.  Unfortunately I couldn't watch my granddaughter this week because I'm contagious.  So I really miss her!

Writing news
I'm nearing the 80,000 word mark on the first draft of The Reckoning. Most of my books are 100K or more so I've probably got another 30,000 words, but the story is coming together and the end is in sight!  As a teaser, I put together this quick blurb. Hope you enjoy it!

When Morgan Shaw crept into the hold of an old pirate ship replica at San Diego’s Annual Tall Ship Festival, her only intention was to avoid the guy who had just dumped her and who was now boarding the ship with two women on his arm. What she didn’t expect was to wake up aboard a real pirate ship three-hundred years in the past. But of course, it wasn’t real. Her wealthy father had obviously staged it all in an effort to get her mind off her upcoming chemo. Or had he?

Rowan Dutton seeks enough treasure to repay a debt to his sister and reinstate the Dutton name among British Jamaican Society. He is but one major haul away from accomplishing his goal when a strange woman appears on his ship and causes him to lose his prey. Despite his anger, he is enthralled with the little minx: her strange clothing, odd speech, and her insistence that they are all actors playing a charade paid for by her father.

Yet when the brazen little lady divulges Rowan’s secret treasure map to a longtime nemesis, events are triggered that could cost them both their lives and change the course of history forever.

Friday Writing Tip

This is a very important tip, especially if you're a new writer or you've never been published by a traditional publisher.
Hire a professional editor to go over your book when it's done.   
Last week I mentioned studying the craft of writing and reading tons of great writing books. You must do that too. But after you write "The End" on your story, I urge you, I plead with you to hire an editor. A good one who comes highly recommended, to do a deep, substantive edit on your book.  People often ask me what steps I took to get published and I tell them that first, I studied the craft of writing, Second, I did my research on the history of the time, third I wrote the book, (actually finished it - so many writers never do this)  and lastly I hired an editor.  I will honestly tell you that I learned more from that editor than any book could teach me. She or he will go through your book line by line and tell you what works and what doesn't, whether your characters are deep enough and likeable, whether your secondary characters add to the story, whether your plot stinks and is boring and needs spicing up, how to increase the tension on every page... etc.

The problem is a good editor is expensive. But well worth it. So save your pennies and do it. Here's a good place to start your search for an editor.  

Have a great Weekend!



  1. Friday 6th,
    "Morning, MaryLu."
    Thank-you for sharing an excerpt from "The Reckoning" .... it sounds terrific !!! Can hardly wait until its release !!!
    Keep feeling better, MaryLu. Prayers for good health to return.
    Take care, and, God Bless, In Him, Brenda

  2. I LOVE the teaser!! So can't wait to read it! :D I hope you feel better! That really has to stink in not seeing your granddaughter! Just think of how much sweeter the reunion will be when you get to see her again! :D

  3. I am so excited about this next book! I can't wait to read it! Feel better quickly so you can love on your sweet granddaughter!

  4. I cannot wait to read this! I was wondering why (when I saw the cover earlier) the young lady had a modern top on. Now I know! Feel better, my friend! <3

    1. Oh, and when do you expect this to release approximately?

  5. Very interesting, thanks for the little teaser. Hope you feel better soon.

  6. Oh wow! I want to see this MOVIE!!! Especially since your hero is Prince Caspian! Hahaha! I am SO looking forward to reading this story! Take care of yourself, friend and take ALL of your antibiotics please. :) Hugs!!!!

  7. Oh, WOW!!

    Love the blurb on "The Reckoning" - excitement, adventure, romance and amazing characters - but then, ALL of your books embody these elements - MaryLu!! Plus that divine inspiration!! Loving the idea of time travel and can't wait for the release!! Thank you!!

    Prayers for healing - wrapped in love and hugs!!

    Shared post!!

  8. Thank you all for sharing my excitement! I hope to have the book released this summer. July is my target. Thanks for your prayers too. I need them.

  9. Can't wait to read this novel!! Legacy of the King's Pirate is my top favorite series of your novels and then Surrender to Destiny! Praying for you as you write your novel!

  10. I'm like Diana ...was wondering about the modern top. Wow! You've found a new envelope to push. Can't wait to read.

    I hear ya on the natural food and avoiding antibiotics!!! I, too, had to succumb--pneumonia this fall. But I'm back on my Amish milk and Amish sauerkraut to re-instate my healthy flora. I don't know what I'd do without those two things. They are truly of God ... how God intended them.

    1. Amish milk and sauerkraut? Never heard of that... do tell.

  11. Oh, I'm SOOOO excited to read this new book in the series!! Your stories are so wonderfully layered that I know there will be so much more to the plot than the teaser gives us. I CAN'T wait!! But ... since my birthday is in July, it will be the perfect birthday present to look forward to. :-)

    Yes, using an editor is VERY important. I've been both an author and an editor, so I know what it's like on both sides of the fence. An author has to create an entire world with exceptional characters, intriguing plots, do tons of research, spend hours/months writing and rewriting--it's a LOT of work and will utterly consume the writer. But that means the author knows everything and can never read their writing with a "fresh eye" (as a first-time reader) or objectively. An editor will not only be an effective "first-time reader" with an objective viewpoint, but he/she will also have the knowledge and experience to correct necessary errors and point out what works and what doesn't. Writing is one art that is nearly impossible to do alone. It's like steering a ship and manning the guns at the same time. ;-)

    IMPORTANT: make sure your writing is as professional and publishable as possible before submitting it to an editor. At least half (if not more) of the authors submitting their manuscripts to me have had to rework major portions of their writing because it was not ready to be edited. (Not MaryLu--she's a real pro!) So learn your craft, your genre, all of the basics necessary to write a successful book, pour into it all you've got, and make sure it's written as professionally as possible. Then an editor will be able to polish it up, fix all errors, and make sure everything is consistent and flows smoothly. :-) If you need a list of simple writer's books that will teach you the skills of writing professionally, I have list at the bottom of my website's home page:

    MaryLu, I hear you with the illness. I had an intense head cold for three full weeks--the doctor couldn't even give me antibiotics because it was viral. Ugh. Thank God I finally kicked it, but I was miserable for so long. (And I was contagious, too!) I've been praying & will continue to pray that you kick this bug quickly so you can get on with the enjoyable things in life!! :-)


    1. Thanks Lora! So sorry you've been sick too. Praying for you! And gang, Lora was my editor for Tears and The Ransom so if you're looking for an editor.. ..

  12. Love the teaser. I was so hoping that it would be Juliana's brother in this one. Yay. Can't wait.

  13. *GASP* Time travel?! This sounds like my kind of book!!
