Friday, February 13, 2015

Michelle Griep Interview! And Regency Romance Giveaway!

Please welcome once again a VERY SPECIAL guest today, my good friend and outstanding author, Michelle Griep!! Some of you may remember Michelle because I'm always touting her praises. She's definitely at the top of my list of favorite authors.  As you may have heard, Michelle has a new release out last month! It's a regency/detective/romance/mystery/incredible story that you won't want to miss!! 

Here's what people are saying about it:

Terrific fight scenes and tender reunions round out the galloping plot. The inspirational element is light, potentially enlarging the audience for this historical romance.
(Publishers Weekly 2014-11-10)

I absolutely loved this book! It started out a bit light-hearted and bordering on comical. But the story also had quite a bit of depth to it. There is a strong Christian theme about having faith that God is in control. The characters have a lot to learn in this novel, and it was enjoyable watching them receive their lessons.
(Dana Kamstra Writing About Stories 2015-01-15)

MaryLu Here: Michelle and I met years ago while I was on a book signing tour in Minnesota. She is such a kick: Funny, personable, kind. I stayed in her house and she made me feel so comfortable. Plus she's a great cook!  I asked Michelle a few questions to help you see why I like her so much.

Have you always wanted to be a writer?
Yes, except for a short season when I kicked around the idea of becoming an astronaut. Two problems with that, though. First off, I hate science and math, both of which are slightly necessary to succeed in an aerospace career. Secondly, it was a total deal breaker when I found out that astronauts don’t actually wear cool Lt. Uhura uniforms.

If you weren’t a writer, what would you be doing?
I’d be running a B&B in England. Near a castle. On a moor. With Mr. Rochester as my neighbor. Wow. Did I mention I’m an out-of-the-closet Charlotte Bronte fan-a-maniac?

Why do you write?
Because being a pirate is frowned upon and I’m pretty sure no one will pay me to eat brownies all day. There’s also the simple matter of quieting the voices in my head by capturing them onto paper so I can have some peace.

What are 3 things about yourself that might surprise your readers?
I can dance a mean polka. I hate fruit. Yes, really. No, I don’t even like strawberries. And I’m a recovering Trekkie. Old school, that is, none of this New Generation nonsense.

What do you struggle with most, as a Christian Fiction writer? How do you overcome it?
One of the biggest traps to snap it’s sharp jaws into a writer’s neck is measuring yourself up against sales numbers. It’s a constant battle to remind myself that my immeasurable worth is found in what Jesus did on the cross, not on having my name in the #1 slot of the New York Times Bestsellers.
What type of books do you write?
The kind that keep you awake late into the wee hours, heart pounding, curious to find out what’s going to happen. And long after you’ve read the last page, stories that won’t leave your mind for days. But if you simply mean genre, then historical. My latest release is BRENTWOOD’S WARD. Here’s a blurb:

There’s none better than NICHOLAS BRENTWOOD at catching the felons who ravage London’s streets, and there’s nothing he loves more than seeing justice carried out—but this time he’s met his match. Beautiful and beguiling EMILY PAYNE is more treacherous than a city full of miscreants and thugs, for she’s a thief of the highest order . . . she’s stolen his heart.

Available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook formats at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other fine booksellers.

Why write this book? What was the inspiration?
What attracted my interest as an author was an old newspaper advertisement put out by Henry Fielding, the founder of the Bow Street Runners. It encouraged the public to send a note to Bow Street as soon as any serious crime occurred so that “a set of brave fellows could immediately be dispatched in pursuit of the villains.” I wondered about those “brave fellows” and what kind of villains they might come up against, and thus was born Nicholas Brentwood.

Parting comments?
Go for the dark chocolate. It’s healthier.

About the Writer
Michelle Griep’s been writing since she first discovered blank wall space and Crayolas. She seeks to glorify God in all that she writes—except for that graffiti phase she went through as a teenager.

She resides in the frozen tundra of Minnesota, where she teaches history and writing classes for a local high school co-op. An Anglophile at heart, she runs away to England every chance she gets, under the guise of research. Really, though, she’s eating excessive amounts of scones.

Follow her adventures at her blog WRITER OFF THE LEASH or visit, and don’t forget the usual haunts of Pinterest, Facebook or Twitter.


See why I love this lady?? Michelle is giving away a copy of her book (paperback US, Ebook anywhere)  So, leave a comment for Michelle and your email address and I will choose a winner next Friday!



  1. Loved your interview. Sounds like an awesome read. Thsnk you for sharing!

    Have an awesome weekend!


  2. I already like Michelle's sense of humor from the interview (I, too, would love to be paid to eat brownies all day), so I know her book would be a fun read. Thanks for the opportunity to win her book.

  3. Yay! I went and read "Brentwood's Ward" from Net Galley (review yet to be written) and liked it. I'd enjoy winning it so I could loan it out to my friend ;). Thanks for another giveaway opportunity!

    1. Aww! My daughter's name is Callie!

    2. How fun! It's not too often that I meet another Callie :)

  4. Loved this fun interview with Michelle and love her sense of humor!! Am adding "Brentwood's Ward" to my TBR list - sounds like an exciting romantic novel. Your recommendation makes it even more enthralling, MaryLu!! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity - and yes, I love dark chocolate, lol!!

    Love, prayers and hugs!!

    Shared post!!

  5. I love Michelle! She is a great author and has such a fun personality. I loved Brentwood's Ward! Alas, I don't have the paperback, so please put my name in the drawing. Everyone needs to check out her blog...very informative and tons of fun!

  6. Thanks for sharing the interview and the giveaway! :) hwand94(at)yahoo9dot0com

  7. Thank you for the interview and the giveaway opportunity. It sounds like a fun read . . . you can feel the tension already . . . who will win out??? : )

  8. I think I have heard more great comments on this book than any other book lately!! So I am anxious to read it! Thanks for the giveaway.
    jacsmi75 at gmail dot com

  9. Michelle, I love your sense of humor and am so thrilled to see you're next novel is here! Congrats, ye ol' pirate ye.

  10. I already bought the book--can't wait to dig into it! :-) My mom snagged it first since I'm doing editing right now, so I've got to wait just a bit longer ... sigh. At least I have chocolate to tide me over & a wonderful book to look forward to! (Don't enter me in the drawing, I just wanted to say how excited I am about it!)


  11. "There’s also the simple matter of quieting the voices in my head by capturing them onto paper so I can have some peace."
    Oh, can I relate to that!!

    This sounds like a great book and I'm really looking forward to reading it! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

    crazybooklover7 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  12. I really like the premise of this book. It is on my TBR list. Thanks for the interview and giveaway! momrain(AT)aol(DOT)com

  13. Wonderful interview! I definitely go for the dark chocolate, :)

    I believe I read one of your books, Michelle... Gallimore. I quite enjoyed it, though the end did shock me!! I've been excited to read Undercurrent, and Brentwood's Ward sounds incredible! Hopefully I'll get to them soon. :)


  14. This sounds like a great book, I would love the chance to win. Thank you for sharing.

  15. Oh loved the interview! Another one from the frozen tundra of Minnesota huh? Me too! -30 tonight with windchills! BRRRR! I love romances, and this one sounds like so much suspense to!! I also love those you read in the middle of the night and just cant put down!
    landfjacobson @ charter . net

  16. The book sounds like a great book. I would love to read it. Congrats on the book Michelle.

  17. Hearing wonderful things about the book. Great to hear such an endorsement by you MaryLu! I happen to be a fan of milk chocolate though. ;-) Excited to read this book eventually!

  18. Hi Michelle. Been trying to win your book. You made it sound really good. Enjoyed this interview with MaryLu. Thank you MaryLu for having Michelle. GOD bless you both. Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

  19. Can't wait to read this one!


  20. Hi Michelle
    Totally awesome!!! Can't wait to read your book

  21. Loved the interview and can't wait to get my hands on your book!

  22. Oops, forgot my email address!

  23. Michelle sounds like a hoot! I really enjoyed A Heart Deceived and am sure this will be no different....

