Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Escape to the Caribbean!

In Honor of my new release, The Reckoning!  This is the sensation I pray you feel when you are reading my romantic adventures! 



  1. I would love to escape to the Caribbean!

  2. Wed 24th,
    "Morning, MaryLu and Debbie."
    I'm quite sure that is how I feel .... once I get a hold of the book ! Love the picture .... captures it all !
    Thanks for sharing !
    Take care and God Bless, In Him, Brenda

  3. Wow. That is totally what it feels like lol. I just finished rereading the Red Siren and am on the Blue Enchantress. :)

  4. A trip I've been wanting to take for a number of years, in reality - perhaps a trip via "The Reckoning" is just what the doctor ordered. Can't wait to board the ship - thanks for the ticket, MaryLu!!

    Love, prayers and hugs!!

  5. Yep, that's definitely how it makes me feel! :) Awesome picture!!

  6. Every day I am just in awe of the beautiful pictures you post.. thank you :)

  7. This picture captures my heart
    - well done!
    ~ Texas Tammy
