Friday, June 5, 2015

The Reckoning Pre-Release Party Day 2!

Happy Friday, everyone!  Thank you for joining me in celebrating my new release, The Reckoning
First things first, last week's winner (chosen by is Bethany!!  Congratulations Bethany! And thank you all for entering.

The next three Fridays, I'm giving away a FREE paperback (US only) or Ebook (non US)  to one lucky winner each week!  The book is slated to release July 1st, but it looks like I'll have it all polished up before then. 

Here's a bit about the story.

When Morgan Shaw crept into the hold of an old pirate ship replica at San Diego’s Annual Tall Ship Festival, her only intention was to avoid the guy who had just dumped her and who was now boarding the ship with two women on his arm. What she didn’t expect was to wake up aboard a real pirate ship three-hundred years in the past. But of course, it wasn’t real. Her wealthy father had obviously staged it all in an effort to get her mind off her upcoming chemo. Or had he? 

Pirate Rowan Dutton seeks enough treasure to repay a debt to his sister and reinstate the Dutton name among British Jamaican Society. He is but one major haul away from accomplishing his goal when a strange woman appears on his ship and causes him to lose his prey. Despite his anger, he is enthralled with the little minx, her strange clothing, odd speech, and her insistence that they are all actors playing a charade paid for by her father.

Yet when the brazen little lady divulges Rowan’s secret to a longtime nemesis, events are triggered that could cost them both their lives and change the course of history forever. 

Last week we learned about the heroine, Morgan Shaw. This week we get to meet the hunky pirate, Rowan Dutton.  

Captain Rowan Dutton

At only 22, Rowan Dutton has already made quite a name for himself on the Caribbean as a ruthless pirate. In fact, pirating seems to be the only thing he is good at. Belittled by an abusive father and feeling abandoned by the early death of his mother, Rowan grew up believing he was as worthless and spoiled as his father claimed. He turned to women, drink, and gambling to ease the pain and emptiness inside. The problem was, they only made things worse. In his efforts to help his sister with the family shipping business, Rowan gambled away one of the family's ships, and shame drove him to the seas on another of their ships in order to make back the fortune he lost. He is determined to amass enough money to prove to his sister that he isn't the wastrel everyone thinks he is. 

Despite his insecurities, Rowan is smart, capable, and courageous. He's loyal to a fault and possesses great determination to achieve his goal. He hides his kind heart beneath a sternness required for his suvival, but he will protect those he loves with his life.

Bad qualities:  Stubborn, proud, reckless, slob, competitive, manipulative, smooth operator, insecure, bad tempered.

Rowan has turned his back on God and has decided that gaining as much wealth and status is what gives a man value and purpose in this life.  When a strange woman appears on his ship and puts a kink in those plans, he isn't sure whether to toss her overboard or take her to his bed. 

Coming soon!!!!!!

Leave a comment below sharing your thoughts about Rowan and Morgan (Don't forget your email address!)  I'll choose a winner next week!  At which time, our party continues with "Guess what the character will say next" 

Have a great weekend!


  1. Sounds like Rowan and Morgan will be one of those love/hate couples. ^_^

  2. Oh, it's

  3. This makes me even more excited to read this book!! I am already liking Rowans character!! :)

  4. MaryLu, this sounds like a fabulous book! I would love to win :)
    bettimace at gmail dot com

  5. Rowan's bad luck at the gaming tables in "The Ransom" made it difficult to like him, but after seeing the above picture of him in all his hot 'wetness', my anger at him is beginning to dissolve - tee! hee! hee! Looking forward to seeing modern-day Morgan, taking him on. Let the sparks fly....

  6. They are going to make one interesting couple. I can see a lot of heated discussion between these two.

  7. Hmmmm, seems like these two won't have much patience with each other. At least at the beginning!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  10. Ooooohhhhh, I can hardly wait to read this! I enjoy your books with pirates.

  11. Sounds like Rowan will have his hands full when Morgan enters his life, it will be an unforgettable adventure for them both :) I'm re reading The Ransom as I await this next book, have a blessed weekend MaryLu!!

  12. This story sounds like so much fun! I can't wait to see how these two opposites come together. :)


  13. I am beyond excited for this latest installment in your Legacy of the Kings Pirates series (which happens to be my all time favorite!!)! I love that you are incorporating time travel, too. Thank you MaryLu for sharing your gift of writing and storytelling with the world! God bless you!

  14. I can hardly wait to read the latest of your books! Rowan sounds like an interesting character to be a pirate!

  15. My sister says "I will MARRY you, Captain Rowan." LOL. We are both huge fans of Sawyer from LOST. He is just so Dreamy. Am I right ladies?

    1. LOL. Your sister made me smile, Halita! I also loved Sawyer from LOST. Dreamy to the max!

  16. I'm excited to see Rowan as the hero in this book and see how everything plays out with him and Morgan. Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. I look forward to reading this book! Rowan sounds quite interesting...

  18. Rowan and Morgan, perfect characters for this book! Sounds like an exciting swashbuckling ride :-)
    teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com

  19. This is sure to be a fun and great book....with these characters! I would love to be a winner....thanks for the giveaway!
    jacsmi75 at gmail dot com

  20. Thank you for dropping by everyone! Sparks fly when these two meet up. You can count on that. Next week you'll get a preview of those sparks. :-)

  21. I love the time travel aspect of this story - just updated my TBR list to add it! Thanks for the look into Rowan - he sounds like a handful!

  22. I'm so excited for this release...pirates, mermaids, time travel...what will you think of next? :) And "yay" for next week's guess what the character says next! Love that game!


  23. A fan of Sawyer from LOST, he's perfect for your pirate! I'd love to read this... Enjoyed learning more in today's post!
    dkstevensne AToutlook (DoTCoM)

  24. How exciting!! I'm sooooo glad you are writing about what happened to Rowan, especially that he has a chance at redemption. Also, the time-travel twist with Morgan sounds absolutely intriguing! You are such a master at writing, I'm eagerly waiting to read this book!! :-)

  25. Both characters sound exciting! I haven't ever read your books but would love to get a chance to read this one! grandmama_brenda(at)yahoo(dot)com

  26. They sound like very interesting characters. I like the name Rowan. Have a good weekend MaryLu. :)

  27. Wow, time-travel romance in Inspy? This could be good ... (who am I kidding, MaryLu Tyndall, it's gonna be good!)


  28. I am looking forward to reading more about Morgan and Rowan's fiery relationship. Mmmmm, will Rowan find redemption after all?


  29. I can't wait to read this and see how Rowan and Morgan interact! I often have random daydreams (or novel ideas?) about what I would do if someone from hundreds of years ago appeared in my life and I had to explain how today's society works.


  30. Can't wait to read this book once it comes out! Your Legacy of the King's Pirates Series is one of my favorites......

  31. This is the most anticipated book for this summer that I am looking forward too. Morgan sounds like a hero in need of redemption and I am looking forward to how that comes about. Throw in time travel with pirates and WOW.

    sweetdarknectar at gmail dot com

  32. Can't wait until it comes out! I think Morgan and Rowan are gonna have a love/hate relationship.


  33. Love the story line of "The Reckoning", MaryLu!! Yes, Sawyer was my fave character in the "Lost" tv show, also - those dimples and his grin would get me every time (even though he could be arrogant, at times), lol!! I'm sure there are parts of his character in the character of Rowan, also, just as there are/have been characteristics of Rowan in each of us who is/has ever been insecure. Morgan sounds like a feisty young woman - can't wait to read how the sparks fly between these two!!

    Love, prayers and hugs!!


  34. Sounds like an amazing read! !!

  35. Another fabulous hero!! Can't wait to formally get to know Rowan! :)

  36. Oh my goodness! Rowan & Morgan seems like such interesting characters! I sure would like to read some more about them! Thanks for that opportunity!
