Most Christians know and understand this. They said the prayer, they received Jesus and bam, their spirit came alive and the Holy Spirit came to live within them. They are saved! But did you know God doesn't just require our spirits? He requires our mind and bodies too. Yet I see so many Christians following the way of the world and satisfying the appetites of their bodies while keeping their minds focused on all the wrong things.
The result? They never really hear from God. They are rarely in His will and hence, their lives end up being fruitless at best and a disaster at worst. I'm NOT a believer in the prosperity Gospel or "Your best life now" junk that's been propagated in so many Christian circles. I know we will have trouble in this world. But I also know that God loves us and does want to bless us with success, joy, good marriages, health, and money to fulfill all our needs. Why wouldn't He? If you are a parent, don't you want that for your kids?
Then why are so many Christians suffering? I believe it's because many of us are not in the perfect will of God. I like to call it the Cone of Light. Our spirits may be saved and renewed by God's Spirit, but we are not renewing our bodies and minds. They are still living according to the world and the flesh. When that happens, we step out of the Cone of Light and into the darkness where we become prey to whatever the enemy and the world throw at us. Then we cry "Where are you, God? Don't you love me?" And He's looking down on us with tears in His eyes because we chose to step out of His arms.
The truth is we need to not only receive God's Spirit within our spirit, but we need to renew our minds and submit our bodies to God as well. It's a package deal. God wants all of us, mind, body, and spirit, and until we give Him all, He's limited on what He can do in our lives. Many of you who have children can relate to this. They reach a certain age where they have free choice and they end up making bad choices that we know will cause them pain, but they won't listen to us and are out of our will. We are helpless as we look on and watch them suffer.
Paul tells us in Romans 12 what we need to do
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:1-2
Want to know the will of God? Want to live in His perfect will? Then you need to submit your body to him and also renew your mind. How do you do that? You tell God that your body is not your own anymore. From now on you will watch, read, and look at the things He says are okay. You will eat the food He says is Okay. You will rest when He says to rest and work when He says to work. And most of all you will learn to control your tongue.
How do you renew your mind? You wash it with the Word of God daily, hourly, as much as you can. There's a true story of a drug addict who came to Christ, but his mind was so messed up from the drugs that he could hardly think straight. He certainly couldn't hold a job, so his pastor gave him a job at his church as a janitor. The man read as much of the Bible as he could every day. He listened to it on headphones while he worked. And when he went home he read it and listened to sermons. After a year, his mind started to clear and he could think straight again. Not only that, but he started working at the church office and came up with such a successful financial plan that a local company hired him. Amazing what just reading the Word of God will do!
If you're struggling right now, I'm not saying that you are out of the will of God. This life and this world are fraught with troubles. However, if you're not seeing God's protection or provision. If you have no clue what God wants you to do, and you can't really say that you hear from Him on a regular basis, if you lack joy and fulfillment and feel attacked often, then maybe you need to look around and see if you have slipped outside your cone of light. Even the disciples of Jesus, who were all martyred, led very exciting, fulfilling, joy-filled lives as they were spreading the gospel. God protected them and provided for them even as they were being spurned and on the run.
There are many many promises of God in Scripture for those who stay in the Cone of Light, in God's perfect will, in the shadow of His wings: Protection, Provision, Guidance. I can think of four Scriptures off the top of my head. Psalm 1, 23, 84, 91 What about you? Can you think of some?
Great post, Marylu! I agree with everything you said.:) I too believe the reason why many Christians lead unfruitful lives is because they still walk according to the world or flesh in one way or another. The renewal of the mind is essential.Otherwise, they will continue to believe the devil's lies and that's all he waits.Many still struggle with feelings of unworthiness, inadequacy,failure, hopelessness when God promised that He would guide our steps in all righteousness, that His power is at work within us when we choose to submit to Him. Believers NEED to know their identity in Christ, that they are beloved children of the King, therefore stop living as beggars, spiritually speaking. We have an Almighty, all-loving Father who wants us to come to Him in all sincerity of heart and let Him know our troubles.We have to rely on Him first.But sadly, whenever a crisis hits, we usually turn to human help whereas prayer remains only an "last solution" when it should be the very first thing we do.I could think of Proverbs 3:5-8 :
ReplyDelete"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.[a]
7 Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord and shun evil.
8 This will bring health to your body
and nourishment to your bones."
It's such a wonderful promise of guidance and provision.:)
Yes, absolutely, Rose. Love that Scripture. The key is "ALL YOUR HEART" and "IN ALL YOUR WAYS SUBMIT TO HIM" So many people ignore the conditions for the blessings.
DeleteMon Apr 25th,
ReplyDelete"Morning, MaryLu ... and Rose."
Excellent post, MaryLu ... another timely word !!! I agree with everything you have shared.
1 John 1: 5-7: "This is the message we have heard from Him and declare to you: God is light, in Him there is NO darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with Him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son, purifies us from all sin."
In the light, in His perfect will, in the shadow of His wings -- Amen, and, Amen !!!
Thanks so much for sharing.
Take care, and, God Bless, In Him, Brenda
Hi Brenda!! Thanks for always coming by and brightening my blog with your cheery messages. You truly are a treasure. That's a perfect Scripture to go with my post.. walk in the light. Love it! Thanks
DeleteAmen and hallelujah! Enjoyed the post, MaryLu. I've been known to say, more Christians would be in His will if they only knew for sure it was Him. There have been times I so needed to hear Him...and know it was Him. But you've come from a different direction, and I love what you've pointed out. He gave me a new song "I Just Want to be in Your Will, Lord"
ReplyDeleteLike now...is it His will to spend the $$ and go to ACFW conference? He sent extra $$, but it could go a long way here at home. I don't want an editor or agent... I'd LOVE to see everyone and meet some of the new friends I've met this year. Must decide this week. I'm listening :)
Thank you for the post :) Blessings!
Thanks Caryl. God often speaks to me with a sensation in my spirit. It's more than a feeling and it's not from the mind.. it's more like a "knowing". Remember your spirit is connected to the Holy Spirit so things your spirit senses are from God. Hope that helps! I pray He makes His will clear to you. :-)
ReplyDeleteAnother great post, my friend.