Friday, August 5, 2016

She Walks in Power Pre-Release Party Day 1 !!!

Hi Everyone!!

I hope you'll join me in celebrating the long-awaited release of my very first medieval romance, She Walks in Power!  I expect to have my newest creation completed and for sale in most of the online stores by September 2nd, if not sooner!

To help celebrate the grand event, I'm hosting a party here on my blog each Friday in August where I will post something about the characters or story which will hopefully get you excited about the book!

I'm also giving away the following:

  • Four Signed Paperbacks of She Walks in Power
  • Two E-copies of She Walks in Power 
  • The grand prize pictured below. A set of Knight in Shining Armor Book Ends! 

Aren't they awesome?  So, without further ado, I'll start this first post off by telling you a little bit about the heroine.

Alexia D'Clere, Heroine

At 18 years of age, Alexia D'Clere believes she can handle the full responsibility of Protector of the Spear.  After all, she's been training for the important task for nine years under the tutelage of Friar Josef. Nine years of hiding out in Emerald Forest, learning how to shoot a bow and arrow, how to fight, how to pray and discern the spirits is more than enough time. Besides, there are other pressing matters she must attend to. Someone at Castle Luxley wants her dead, hence the reason the friar stole her away at age nine. Alexia must discover who and why so she can return home, yet she fears more foul play is afoot in the relentless illness of the lady of the manor. Disguising herself as a maid, she spends part of her time at the castle seeking answers, much to the friar's dismay, and part of her time in Emerald Forest, protecting the Spear. If the Spear of Destiny should fall into the wrong hands, many people would die and much suffering would ensue. Hence, when one of the elite Knights of the King's Guard gets too close to the Spear, Alexia has no choice but to rain arrows down upon him.

Good Qualities: Devoted, Determined, Spirited, Kind, Expert Archer, Brave

Bad Qualities: Rash, Emotional, Stubborn

Quirks: Alexia shoots arrows at targets when she's angry.  She often lets her emotions control her actions


So now you know a little bit about Alexia, please leave a comment and answer the following question:
 In what way are you most like Alexia and in what way are you least like her?

Leave your email address in the comment and I will enter you to win one of the seven prizes! (USA and Canada only, except for E-books. You can only enter once each Friday)

Have a great weekend!


  1. Those bookends are awesome! I love this character, she's so much fun! Like her, I am totally devoted in all that I do and I can also get quite emotional(usually from lack of sleep). So happy about this new release. Congratulations, my friend!

  2. Love the bookends and I'm super excited for this book! I tend to react emotionally before thinking things through especially if I'm reacting in anger. I can be mighty determined when I get an idea in my head too. Congrats on the long awaited release!

  3. The cover of the book is gorgeousssss! Like Alexia, I seek out answers to questions that are really important to me. I don't blame her one bit for sneaking around as a maid to figure things out, in fact, I love that! However, unlike her, I am so not up to fighting. I can always live vicariously through her though ;-) is my email addi

  4. Like Alexia, I can be emotional at times. I definitely do not shoot arrows at targets when I get that way though. That's where I am least like her. That would be really dangerous if I did. Ha ha!

    campbellamyd at gmail dot com

  5. What I like most about Alexia is her loyalty, I too am devoted to those I love and I want to keep them safe. I also share with her a bit of a temper, though I'm not the one to show my feelings out in the open. What sets her apart from me is her willingness to fight at once, something that I'm not bold enough to muster. lol I'm a bit of a paradox. haha.


  6. How am I most like Alexia would probably be her temper. Though I don't shoot literal arrows at people I would say words that wounded when I was angry. I am hoping she will be working on her temper, I know I am trying not to sin when I am angry. I am most definitely not an expert archer with a real bow and arrow, that is how she and I differ.

    sweetdarknectar at gmail dot com

  7. I think she is much braver than I would be. I like that she has good training for what she needs to do but it's your mind and heart that ultimately will carry her.
    Congrats on the book!
    dianemestrella at gmail dot com

  8. Friday 5th,
    "Morning, MaryLu ... and gals."
    I am SO excited about this newest book, MaryLu !!! "Medieval" is honestly, my most favourite genre !!! I've been trying desperately to find good/great medieval novels at the Public Library ... but even when I do, and the story-line is great and exciting ... the novel is filled with highly "detailed sexual activity" ... much to my dismay !
    SO, SO, SO glad you are stretching into 'medieval times' !!!
    Let's see now -- "most" like Alexia ... ahhhh, that would be: "my emotions". Often, I allow my emotions to dictate my actions ... if not outright visibly, then for sure inside of my wee brain !!! Except for my hair colour, I do not generally respond in the "gray" areas of opinions, thoughts, etc, but am mostly a "black-and-white" response kind of person.
    Least like her: well for one, I am NOT an expert archer ! Secondly, I don't consider myself brave. Some may consider me brave because of the trials in life I have been through. But when people say to me: "Brenda, I don't know how you went through that, or had the courage to do that, etc" ... I simply say: "You do what you have to do. GOD is the One who helped me through it all."
    Oh .... truly, can hardly wait, MaryLu !!! Please enter me in the draw for a novel. This is just too exciting !!!
    Thanks for sharing. Take care, and, God Bless, In Him, Brenda
    ( )

  9. Good Morning. I can not wait to read your next book!
    I hope I am as brave as she sounds but I know I am only at my bravest through Christ Jesus!
    I most definitely rule with my emotions. Therefore I have been known to make rash decisions too! Oh well I'm a work in progress. (Aren't we all?) Would love to win one of your books! Thanks and God Bless,Marsha

  10. The way I'm most like Alexia is in my devotion to family and friends, but unfortunately I also react to things rashly and at times emotionally. The way I'm least like her is being brave and shooting arrows, but does shooting daggers with my eyes at someone when they make me angry count? :-) Super excited about reading your first medieval novel and fingers crossed it will be FAR from your last.

  11. I'm not very brave, but wish were. I wear my emotions on my sleeves, so you can tell how I'm feeling by looking at my face...wish I weren't so transparent. Guess I'm more unlike Alexia than similar. I'm so looking forward to a new book by you! I love how you take me to another time and place!
    Marie Magill

    My email address:

  12. I'm not very brave, but wish were. I wear my emotions on my sleeves, so you can tell how I'm feeling by looking at my face...wish I weren't so transparent. Guess I'm more unlike Alexia than similar. I'm so looking forward to a new book by you! I love how you take me to another time and place!
    Marie Magill

    My email address:

  13. I'm most like Alexia because I am a determined person. When I want something, I work really hard to achieve it. As for the difference, I'm not an emotional person. The synopsis for your book sounds really great! Thanks!
    kbridgewater81 at Gmail dot com

  14. I'm most like Alexia because I am a determined person. When I want something, I work really hard to achieve it. As for the difference, I'm not an emotional person. The synopsis for your book sounds really great! Thanks!
    kbridgewater81 at Gmail dot com

  15. Marylyn always love your books and look forward to hopefully reading about Alexa's adventures soon. I too am very devoted to my love ones, determined when I feel I have to be and passionate about things that I feel are important. I've been told that I'm kind toward others but can also be stubborn and emotional when standing up for those dear to me. Though I often don't feel brave I know God has enabled me to be strong and courageous when faced with many physical, emotional and financial hardships with my husband of 42 years particularly over the past several years. But blessedly it is God's strength, wisdom and grace that is most important and not my own that will stand the test of time. I'm so grateful for His faithfulness, kindness and commitment to His daughters and sons. I love the way you betray your characters with all their flaws and true struggles that life confronts us with and show how their willingness to seek God's strength can make all the difference. Blessings to you! Vbjune at gmail dot com

  16. Congratulations on your new book MaryLu!

    Most like Alexia: devoted and kind.
    Least like Alexia: don't shoot arrows and not rash...
    Blessings, Tina

  17. Thank you all so much. I'm enjoying reading your responses! Seems like many of us are driven by emotion as Alexia is... and lack her bravery, for I would say that would be my answer as well. I wish I could answer you all individually. For now, thank you for dropping by and entering! God Bless!

  18. I love this description of Alexia. However, I feel like I am very different from her. I definitely don't shoot arrows, and I wouldn't consider myself brave, spirited, determined, rash, or emotional. I believe I am kind and in some cases devoted and probably stubborn.


  19. I'm like Alexa in that once I've made a decision, I'm determined to finish it. I'm loyal ( sometimes to the wrong thing), and I'm a kid person. And maybe a little stubborn.
    I'm least like her in that I'm definitely not rash, things needed to be planned out, and I'm not an archer.

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  22. I am relentless when I set a goal (her expertise in shooting arrows), and determined to achieve perfection, hence too stubborn to give up!

    Looking forward to your new direction of writing!

    missionwife AT hotmail DOT com

  23. Looking forward to this new release, MaryLu :). I think the most like attributes would be devoted and kind with the least likely being rash. Love the prizes! bettimace at gmail dot com

  24. I am like Alxia because I am very determined and I can be stubborn at times :). I am least like Alexia because I don't shoot a bow and arrow.
    I am so excited for your book!

  25. I'm like Alexia since I'm also very devoted, determined, spirited, kiind, and ... emotional. But I'm not stubborn--God has worked most of that bad quality that out of me, and I'm definitely not rash--I'm cautious.

    I can't WAIT to read your book!! :-)

    Lora (you have my email)

  26. My bad qualities are similiar. I am very stubborn, rash and emotional.

  27. I think I need to know more before I can answer.


  28. I am so excited about your new release....can't wait to read it.
    I could never handle a bow like Alexia.....dh does and loves it so I just watch!
    Thanks for your giveaway.
    jacsmi75 at gmail dot com

  29. Alexia sounds like a very loyal friend who would go to extremes to protect her friends and family. I like the fact she can move in different roles such as pretending to be a maid. I can identify with that as it takes courage and humility to move among those who look down on you not realizing she actually has the upper hand. She knows what her priorities are and try's not to let her emotions rule as that would be a weakness. We are to walk in discernment of the Holy Spirit not led astray by our emotions. It is a daily battle between flesh and spirit.

  30. I'm a lot like Alexia, but I'd never shoot an arrow if I was angry...LOL! Unless it was at a target of course :-)

    Great sounding new book MaryLu!

    teamob4 (at) gmail (dot) com

  31. I do share a few qualities with Alexia such as being devoted, determined, kind. I also have a tendency to let my emotions rule at times. The Lord is dealing with me in this area.

    MaryLu, She Walks in Power sounds awesome! I LOVE the cover.

    psalm103and138 at gmail dot com

  32. Hmm. It sounds as if the only way I'm like her is being near the same age. She sure sounds fiery! I can't wait to read more about her.

    genuinegagirl gmail

  33. I think that I am like Alexia in that I am devoted to my family, but I have learned not to be rash in how I react to things. Thanks so much for the giveaway and congrats on the new book!


  34. So looking forward to meeting Alexia!! I possess many of her traits: devoted, determined (which can also lead to stubbornness, LOL ), and emotional (although I try to use my emotions in a good way and control them when needed). I like to think I am a kind person also, brave: I have been in many situations, but have to admit there are probably times when I'm a wimp also. But archery: no way, nor any other sport. I'm a professional "sports klutz", LOL !!

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunities, MaryLu!!

    Love, prayers, and hugs!!

  35. Thank you for this great post Marylu and the giveaway! Those are some great prizes! Looking forward to your latest story. I would say I'm most like Alexia in devotion,determination,unfortunately stubbornness :),and I like to think kindness. Like Bonnie's message above I'm least like her in archery,never could get the hang of it. Thanks again for the giveaway and giving us these wonderful adventures! lynnefeuerstein(at)aol(dot)com

  36. Oooh! This definitely sounds like a contest I want to win!
    I am like her in my determined devotion and stubborness. Those are flip sides of the same coin :-)
    I am unlike her in bravery. I wrestle with fear constantly. And I don't take risks. Bravery isn't me.

  37. Like Alexia I believe I can handle all responsibility and I don't like help and least like her I wouldn't want to spend so much time in the forest. Thanks for the chance to win and My email is iamabho (at) gmail (.) com

  38. I tend to be a devoted person and try hard to be kind like Alexia. I wish I could be braver, which is probably a trait that I am least like her. Thank you for the email is

  39. I am devoted and I think brave, however I am also stubborn.


  40. Hahaha... the only thing we don't really have in common is that I am NOT an expert archer, though I wish I was, and I am not always brave. The rest is very similar.

    C in Italy
    mrsdayseye (at) gmail (dot) com

  41. Determined and spirited, as well as stubborn are traits like Alexia I can claim. tlhcoupon(at)hotmail(dot)com

  42. I'm like Alexia in that I can be emotional and stubborn. I am least like her in that sometimes I am not very brave and I am definitely not an expert archer. This book sounds AMAZING, Mary Lu!! I love the cover... so AWESOME! Can't wait to read this book!!!


  43. I'm like Alexis in that I am fierce in standing up for what is right, but I would be scared to death to disguise myself and be in the castle. I'm also loyal and can be stubborn. TY for the chance to win this book.

  44. I am most like Alexis in being emotional and least like her in bravery. I am afraid to change what others believe I can change about my life, because I am too emotional about my own life. A vicious circle I know.

  45. Oops, forgot my email address. It's princessdebbie1_2000(at)yahoo(dot)com Thanks

  46. Thank you so much for another neat giveaway! =D
    Think all of her traits fit me to a 't' actually. I'm definitely emotional and stubborn. More so during full moons and planetary phenomenon, especially. Then I really become an emotional train wreck. Determination and devotion are what keep me going and at times seek to overachieve and break the stereotypes. Because some has got to! =)

    With the exception on the archer part... Though I have at least used my brother's bow a couple times. And totally bruised my forearms because I had no idea I that arm guards were invented for a reason and figured they were for simply making Robin Hood look cool in the movies. :P

  47. woops. Skipped out on the email. smittyfan01 (at)
