Friday, January 27, 2017

What was it really like at the Women's protest in D.C.?

Hi Saints of the Most High!

Today, I want to share something with you that my sister-in-law wrote. My brother, his wife, 3 kids, and another family went to D.C. to see the inauguration. The day afterward, they wanted to walk from their hotel to the new Trump Hotel to take a picture out in front. You may or may not know that on that day, there were tons of women in the street protesting..... ?  Actually I'm not sure what they were protesting, except Trump. Anyway, here's an Instagram I received from my sister in law.

Here's the picture of them when they finally made it to the Trump hotel.  Though most of them tried to smile and appear like they were having a good time, you can see the smallest girl staring off to the left. I'm told she's looking at the protesters who are shouting obscenities at them.

This is something my nephew, Wade, age 16, wrote when they finally returned home from their trip

The inauguration was the best and worst time of my life. It showed how many Americans care about America and want it to change. Also, it showed how stupid and blind people are to what Trump has to offer. And for people to say it was a peaceful protest?  It was anything but that. My dad was having a debate with a black lives matter person and all he said was all lives matter and they flipped out on him. They even threw a bottle at him and cut his lip open.  The other lady yanked my mom down by her jacket for no reason. My family and our friends wanted to take a picture in front of the Trump Hotel and as we were, there were hundreds of people cursing us out saying f*** trump and cursing out our friend's 10 years old daughter for wearing a Trump hat. So what I got out of this trip is that if you act like that you don't have the right to be called an American. You should be called an animal because that is damn sure how they were acting. Thank you Trump for a great speech and for making America great again even for all these stupid people in this country. 

Though I didn't watch much of the protests, I did see a few interviews with the women. Now, mind you, I"m a woman, so I'm obviously for women's rights. Though, I'm not a feminist, I believe women should have all the rights of men. However, I also believe women are different from men and God created us for different roles and purposes. I enjoy being a woman!

But none of the women I heard had a valid reason for their vile, crude, profane protest. Some said, they are fighting for equal rights (But they already have them) Others said they are fighting not to lose their rights (Yet, wouldn't you think they'd wait until that threat was real?)  Others just said they hate Trump and think he's a fascist.  My husband had the misfortune of reading Ashley Jud's speech at the rally online, and he told me it was the most evil, crude, perverted thing he'd ever read. And believe me, my husband has been around the block.  Needless to say, I won't be watching any more of her movies.

How do these women explain to their young children why they were dressed up like vaginas?  Sorry to be crude, but it's beyond decency and should cause shame. That's what has me so baffled. They have no shame, which means their conscience has been deadened. Either that or the enemy has them trapped within a cruel deception.

I was asking the Lord about these things the other day and I sensed Him telling me that this is the Spirit of Jezebel. Some of you may remember Jezebel from the Bible. She was the wife of King Ahab who was King over Israel. You can find her story in 1 Kings. Here's a little information about this vile woman.

She was a seductive prophetess of the false god, Baal, who murdered hundreds of God's prophets. As I mentioned in one of my other posts awhile back, the worship of Baal involved indulgence in every self-pleasing sexual desire...erotic acts of perverted heterosexual relations, homosexual activity, violent sexual acts, body piercing (including genitals), body cutting and an infatuation with blood (drinking and draining), prostitution and ceremonial orgies. They were also one of the originators of child sacrifice.

Under her rule, most of Israel abandoned their worship of the true God and committed horrific acts in their worship of Baal. Jezebel was a feminist and a murderer who slaughtered those who opposed her and her ideas. Even the great prophet Elijah ran in terror from her at one point.

See any similarities between Jezebel and the spirit who controls some of these women today? Violent woman who hate God and murder their own babies, who put no limits on their sexual activities?  That's why I believe a demon is behind this movement... the same demon who filled Jezebel.

What can we do? Now that we know what it is, we can pray against this vile spirit. Pray and fast. Speak the Word of God against her and use the name of Jesus.  We must band together to defeat her. And always remember we are God's warriors and we are on the winning side!



  1. Thank you MaryLu for this. I'm wording if I can share on social media? I know people that were apart of the march and I have heard how peaceful it was, how it was respectful etc but I have seen from some christian posts and pro life posts that it was not. Also I have seen negative posts from friends when someone posts a different view on the march. I didn't listen to Ashley Judd speech for just seeing a small amount of it made me ashamed to be a women and like you I will not be watching anymore of her movies. Please let me know if I can share for i think women need to know, to some women, the march was disrespectful of our gender and also of our intelligence. Thanks again. Oh and please tell your sister and family that there are still women out there that know how to behave and are sorry for the disrespect they received from a group that shout respect for each other, love one another, all people matter and so on.

    1. Yes, of course, Faith, you may share as you please. :-)

    2. Thank you MaryLu and forgive the second request I posted to you on FB about sharing I did not see this😊 thanks again

  2. So sorry that your family experienced this. The protests would have been more impactful if they were peaceable and respectful.

    1. I agree.. Seems that if you want to make a statement, acting mature and respectable would be a better way to get your point across

  3. Had no idea what horribly vile things took place, and unfortunately not too shocked that they did. Funny, how the media didn't cover this part of the 'peaceful protests'. Feel so badly for your family and friends that what should have been a patriotic trip turned into a nightmare. Your comparison to Jezebel is spot on. Thank you for sharing even though it's heartbreaking to read. Will amp my prayers up for our nation and President.

    1. Most of the media didn't cover it... I watched a couple shows on FOX who did, and the truth was online too. Thanks for joining me in prayer, Amy!

  4. I've been so confused about their need to march! It makes me so embarrassed to be a woman. Even if they had an actual reason to march - do it peacefully and respectably so people will take you seriously! What a crazy and sad world we live in. I am so saddened by the treatment your family received. Thank goodness they were kept safe and not seriously hurt. Thank you for this post and the truth.

    1. Thanks Susan. My brother is a cop so I'm sure he had a plan if things got too far out of hand.. but still, such a horror to have your wife and kids endure such abuse.

  5. Wow....what an ordeal. They sound like a very strong group of Christ-followers, to endure that abuse. I love how they didn't let those vile people keep them from getting the picture. I can just envision all of their Guardian Angels standing all around them, keeping those demons at bay.

  6. Yeah, I've read about the spirit of Jezebel at Charisma News too. There was definitely something demonic going on over there. I'm so sorry that your family had to go through such ordeal.:( I guess you need nerves of steel to be able to put up with something so perverse! Ugh.The devil is freaking out because of the challenge that the new administration poses at his vile kingdom. Let us be bold in prayer, these people are not only deluded, they are demmonically possessed as well.

  7. Thanks for your post, MaryLu - so sorry the young children in your brother's party were exposed to such violence and evil, but so glad everyone took a stand and refused to let the members of the march deter them. A post I read before the march stated the purpose of the march was to take a stand for abortion (and of course, against Trump). They were already in a frenzy, perhaps the Trump apparel worn by your brother's party threw them "over the edge", so to speak. Numerous people have called Trump evil yet fail to realize their own depravity - knowing he has been busily working, his first week in office, to bring about many of the changes he has promised only gave the members of the march more fodder for their hate. I'll continue to pray for Trump during his term(s) in office - he's certainly going to need all Christians praying for his guidance by the Lord in each decision he makes, and for his protection.

    Love, hugs, and prayers!!
