Friday, September 8, 2017

Friday's Mad Mad World!

Greetings Watchmen and women of the Most High, here are the latest crazy news items for this week. When I say crazy.. I mean, sometimes I can't believe what I'm reading. What has happened to our world? The main things that struck me this week are:

1. The escalation of possible conflict with North Korea.
2. After the Great Eclipse which I believe was a warning to America from God, we have seen the worst hurricane in US history and now another monster storm heading our way. Add to that the widespread fires in several states that are threatening lives and homes. Coincidence? I don't think so.  Watch for some powerful earthquakes to strike the US next.
Also, check out all the weird stuff in the sky!

Please keep the victims of Harvey in your prayers, along with all the people in the line of the many fires that are blazing across the country. And please keep Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas in your prayers. I have family and close friends in Florida and South Carolina. God help us.

Wars and Rumors of Wars

N. Korea seen moving ICBM grade rocket toward the coast
Japan prepares for evacuation of 60,000 citizens from South Korea
UK conducts super-sonic weapons test 
N. Korea could wipe out US economy with an EMP in our atmosphere 
N. Korea preparing another missile test 
N. Korea claims to have a hydrogen bomb 
Putin warns that the situation with N. Korea is on the verge of large scale conflict 
Russia lashes out after US closes diplomatic posts 
US nuke-ready jets drop bombs close to N. Korea in a show of force 
Mattis says US will launch "massive military response" to N. Korean threats 
N. Korea successfully tests nuclear bomb 
N. Korea pursuing EMP bomb 
Chinese military practices for surprise attack 
Putin warns N. Korean crises could end up being a planetary catastrophe 


More than half of the UK consider themselves non-religious
Pro-LBGT Christians take aim at Bible-based Nashville statement

Earthquakes, Pestilences, Famines, Storms...Earth pangs!

Florida Governor already declares State of Emergency ahead of Hurricane Irma
Irma threat for Cuba and Florida intensifies 
Deadly wildfires in Oregon, forced evacuations 
5.3 Earthquake strikes Idaho 
Swarm of 55 Earthquakes strike Idaho
Super Volcano Yellowstone earthquake swarm now biggest on record
Largest fire in Los Angeles forces hundreds to evacuate
Shallow and strong earthquake strikes Sumatra, Indonesia 
100,000 homes damaged by Harvey 
Harvey shattered rainfall record for the US
Firestorm burning half a million acres in Montana 
Eye of Irma the size of Detroit 
Water and gas already running out in South Florida 
Tropical storm Jose expected to become a hurricane 
Earthquake swarm continues to rattle Idaho 
Irma stronger than all 8 other Atlantic storms of 2017 combined 

Signs in the sky

Giant asteroid with 2 moons whizzes past Earth
Mysterious object lights up Canadian skies 
Sun unleashes largest solar flare in a decade 
Thousands witness bright meteor in skies above Washington state 
Black hole 100,000 times bigger than our sun found in the center of the Milky Way



Math Teacher in Georgia kicks student out of class for wearing a "Make America Great Again" shirt
China bans children from attending church

Sodom and Gomorrah/Immorality/Evil

Woman threatens to abort baby unless she receives 4000 tweets
Christopher Columbus statue beheaded in New York
LA changed Columbus day to Indigenous peoples Day 


Israeli army holds largest exercise in 20 years due to increasing Hezbollah threat 
Iranian threat moves closer to Israel
First Jacob's Sheep Shofar blown in Israel in 2000 years

Big Brother/World Government

Google issues ultimate to conservative website "Remove hateful article or lose ad revenue'
New Technology could put words in someone else's mouth

Good news

Most Muslims come to faith by dreams and visions, not evangelists
Songs of praise fill the air in Houston shelters!

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