Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day!  May you find a handsome pirate in your near future (or perhaps your husband will become one) to love, protect, and cherish you!  


And for you men, may you find a lovely piratetess who will adore you and make your heart spin at the very sight of her!





  1. Happy Valentine's Day to you as well!

  2. Happy Valentine's Day to you! May the above picture and today put you in the mood to write another fantastically pirate-filled book very, very soon. <3 <3 <3 And if you happen to see a handsome pirate, please send him my way. :-)

    1. I'm actually writing one now, Amy!! And I'll be sure and send that pirate your say. ;-)

  3. Although I have not had a handsome man--Pirate or just a handsome man -- give me a Valentine or a big hug or even a kiss on this day of kisses and I love you! For a very very long time! I am very happy for those who do! I have had my days of cards and I love you. But the day many years ago when I realized my Love could no longer could give me a card or even flowers and then every time I hear that song--You don't give me flowers anymore-- just a tinge of sadness creeps in. But just for that brief second because-- what I do have -- is the Love of my Lord and Savior--EVERYDAY-- not just on the 14th of February. I do not need flowers-- HE is the flower of my heart! Today-tomorrow- all the Days of My Life and even beyond. My God Loves Me! He has always loved me. So today as I seek Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior-- and He knows me- He fills my heart with the tenderness of His Love. He lets me know with gentleness--that even though I do not receive any flowers today - that I do not need them because in my Heart is His love and His love will not fade away in a day or two.
    So --Have a Happy Loving Day today and everyday keeping Jesus Christ in your every thought.

    1. Couldn't have said it better. I've had many earthly romances, but I must agree, that loving Jesus and receiving His unconditional love is by far the best thing ever! There's no comparison!
