Friday, March 30, 2018

Friday's Mad Mad World!

Happy Good Friday, everyone!  Although technically, this is not the actual day Jesus was crucified. Nor is Sunday the day He rose. Easter is actually a pagan holiday, but I digress. I hope to write a post on Passion week on Monday, so stay tuned. However, it's our hearts of worship and thankfulness that matter, and I hope you are bowing the knee and thanking Jesus for His incredible sacrifice for us today and always!

In light of that, and in light of His second coming, I present to you this weeks end times news.

Wars and Rumors of Wars

China warns of trade wars with the US
China and India amassing military buildup along border
Northern Israel unprepared for war, need huge budget increase
Iran building military facilities in Syria next to Russian positions 
Ezekiel 38: Erdogan's army of Islam plot against Israel 
Leaked images show US military tanks arriving in Jordan 
Putin makes final warning to Britian 
China sends massive naval force to South Sea for war games  
Russian and China now have more hypersonic missiles than the US 
Kim Jong Un makes a surprise visit to China 
US-Iran clash could prompt Hezbollah action against Israel 
NATO braces for Putin's next military move in Eastern Europe

Sodom and Gomorrah

How courts are disempowering parents and pushing transgender agenda
Exposing Student protests, women's marches, and girl scouts 
Canada tells Government employees to stop saying "mother" and "father"
Planned parenthood calls to Disney to create a princess who's had an abortion 
Woman marries a tree to keep it from being cut down 
They are coming for our kids!

Apostasy/False Prophets

Theology professor says Jesus was a drag queen with queer desires 

Earth Groaning- earthquakes, pestilence, storms, famine...

Nearly 2 out of 5 cases of cancer avoidable 
New York reporting worst snow in 130 years
New York City largest increase in Tuberculosis in 26 years 
CDC warns of 2nd wave of flu virus 
Mt. Etna in Sicily is sliding into the Mediterranean  
Deadly Borna virus spreads in Europe

Signs in the sky

Multiple pilots see UFOs in Arizona skies (These are not aliens. These are demons)
US military man fears he was abducted by aliens
Bizarre cloud seen over skies in CA, AZ and Mexico


Turkey calls Evangelism an act of Terror
String of vandalism cases at churches nationwide 
Blasphemous Ice Cream chain coming to the US 
Christian kicked out of Gym for praying for a man in pain 
Canadian street preacher arrested on accusations he made homophobic comments 
Group wants prayer plaques removed from Ohio Veterans, police and fire memorials
New CBS sitcom "Living Biblically" is Hollywood's mockery of Christians

High Tech/Mark of the Beast/Global Government

Malaysia proposes jail for 10 years for "fake news" (Goodbye free speech)
Facebook able to listen to you at home and at work 
Microsoft to ban offensive language and monitor your account


Jared Kushner's dreams of mid-east peace are alive and well
UN slams Israel with 5 more anti-Israel resolutions 
Israel braces for Palestinian violence as their 70 year anniversary approaches 
Born in a day, Israel's 70th Anniversary! 
Prophetic turning point!  Passover lamb sacrificed at foot of temple mount. 


ISIS gunman kills 3 wounds 16 at French supermarket
Packages with explosive material sent to military installations in DC area

Good News

President Trump bans most transgenders from military service 
Planned parenthood won't receive funding from this bold State 
Jim Caviezel's passionate plea goes viral
Actor Mario Lopez just got baptized where Jesus did
Thousands march for eternal life in Palm Sunday rally 

Have a Blessed Resurrection Day weekend!!  Remember, because Jesus rose from the dead, so shall we all one day!  Worthy is the Lamb who was slain for the sins of the world!!  Come, Lord Jesus, Come!


  1. Thank you for all the hard work of putting this together each week! When I was younger I suffered from bad nightmares and talk of the end times scared me even though I am firm in my relationship with the Lord. This last year my husband and I walked through a study of Revelation with our youth group and God really broke that fear off of me! I'm excited to see what God does!

    1. I'm so glad you overcame your fear of end times! Fear is not from the Lord. :-) For me, I'm not sure why, but I've never been afraid of the things to come. I've always been excited to see prophecy fulfilled and know Jesus is coming soon! I mourn for the world and pray for the lost, but I can't help but be excited! God promised us we would escape the wrath to come, so that's good enough for me!

  2. Oh... I almost forgot... I just loaned "When Angels Cry" to my sister-in-law and she LOVED it. She read it in one night because she "just couldn't put it down" She paid for it on Sunday though lol!

    1. COOL!! So glad she enjoyed it. But sorry about her sleep. LOL

  3. Again, I'm speechless as to the horrors man can come up with and some of the insane ideas they try to call rational.
    Evil is now good and wrong is now right. This is a twisted society we live in.
    Parents must gain control of their children and stop letting society and the government raise them.
    The lists of what is wrong in this world seem to get longer but we all know they are backed by scripture in the prophecies.
    I sometimes wonder just how far man will go to keep from offending someone, yet am still amazed how little concern is taken in offending God, the creator of this universe and of us all.
    Romans 14:11 says every knee shall bow and every tongue confess and give praise to God.
    Many a man is in for a rude awakening when Jesus returns.
    Thank you for your updates, MaryLu.

    1. They have no trouble offending Christians, Evelyn. A double standard! Yes, every knee shall bow. EVERY knee. That thought gives me strength to go on some days... Blessings!
