Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday's Mad Mad World!

Greetings, precious and most beloved children of the Most High. Do you know how much God loves you? I've felt just a portion of His love on a few occasions when I've been deep in prayer and both times it consumed me to point I was crying and shaking. He loves you!!  I don't care what you've done or said or thought this week, He never lets his eye wander away from you. He is always with you, always helping, always comforting, always instructing, always protecting. always loving. Don't let our enemy tell you otherwise.. cause it's a lie. 

Here's the latest batch of news that most Christians never hear or know about. A good Christian friend of mine told me the other day that things aren't anywhere bad enough for the tribulation to start. Huh? Anyway, glance over them, read some... but don't be discouraged. Don't be dismayed. All this is part of the plan.

Things that stood out: Everything!
  • Iran threatening even more boldly to wipe Israel off the map
  • Yellowstone!  An eruption would devastate America.
  • Free speech is almost dead
  • The Bible may soon be banned in CA due to new bill being voted on
  • We are all being tracked 

Wars and Rumors of Wars

Al Qaeda using Google Maps to plan Jihadist attacks
Qatar and Saudi Arabia launch military drills in Middle East 
Iraqi air forces carry out strikes against ISIS in Syria 
Iran vows unexpected moves if US exits Iran deal
Iranian general threatens Israel: Our hands are on the trigger
Israel pulls fighter jets from drill in Alaska as tensions with Iran increase 
Emerging Islamist Political Clout Accelerates Europe's Self-Islamization  
Russia to move air defenses to Syria. Warns Israel against attack
Arms shipment to Syria may be used against Israel

Israel - Gog/Magog

Iran tells Israel, "Our fingers are on the trigger. Missiles are ready to launch!"
Iran pledges to destroy Israel within 25 years 
This will be Israel's most dangerous May since 1967

High Tech/Mark of Beast/Global Gov/Culture

Scientists grow human brain inside rodent
25% of children under 6 own a smart phone! 
10 dead after van strikes pedestrians in Toronto
Thousands of Android apps track kids, break federal law
The Elite are tracking you! (Short video but a must watch)
Pentagon warns of incoming cyber attacks! 
Arizona lawmakers vote to kill free speech on campuses 
You won't believe the apps they are targeting to your child 
CA Pastor: Has my state lost its mind? 
Belgium: First Islamic State of Europe?


How long will you be allowed to be a Christian  (A must read)
4 believers charged, 36 to stand trial in Sudan
Will California go from banning religious books to burning them?
Could a CA bill lead to banning the Bible?
White House Bible study leader ripped for not agreeing with LBGT agenda
School bus driver removed after leading a prayer
Another Christian family murdered in Pakistan as violence escalates 
GQ puts the Bible on the list of the most overrated books of all time 
Atheist demand IRS bill churches $1 Billion 
Google rejects Christian publisher for the faith they express 
Christians fear mass jihadist murderous attack in Nigeria
Muslim man sets woman on fire after she refuses his proposal
Government shuts down full Gospel day care 
Christians compared to 9-11 Terrorists 
If this CA bill is passed, Christians could be imprisoned for this act

Signs in the Sky

Mysterious object lands in Antarctica as light beams from ice field

Sodom and Gomorrah

California school district says parents can't pull kids from new LBGTQ sex education
Prisoners i New York separated based on gender identity 
Your child's school today may be celebrating LGBT day of silence

Earth groans

California fault line is a ticking time bomb 
3.6 Quake strikes Michigan 
Coldest April in 130 years in Chicago 
E-Coli outbreak in US spreads
Large earthquake strikes Iran, threatens nuclear power plant
15,000 houses damaged in VietNam hail storm
4.4 Quake strikes Indonesia 
Growing concern over Yellowstone volcano 
Hayward fault more dangerous than San Andreas... a ticking time bomb 
Gunmen open fire during church service, 19 killed. 


San Francisco church to hold BeYonce mass

Good News!

Missionary tortured for Christ leads 40 to Jesus 
Teen leads community in worship after tornado disaster
Victory: Citizen's right to share the Gospel protected! 

Have a blessed weekend!!  Jesus is coming!


  1. I wish Jesus would hurry up and come. This world is sick. Thanks for being diligent in your fact sharing. Hugs, my friend.

  2. Yes, this is a scary world we live in. Our only hope is the return of our Lord to straighten things out as he takes us home.
    We must be diligent, strong and steadfast.

    1. Agreed, Evelyn.... He delays because there are more to come into the Kingdom. But it sure is hard to wait!

  3. Everything will happen in God's time. I can see the Hand of God working....maybe not in the speed I would prefer, but His speed, His direction.
