Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The world is passing away, and with it its lusts, shameful pursuits, and ungodly longings; but the one who does the will of God and carries out His purposes lives forever.

1 John 2:17 


  1. Reading your post of 1 John 2:17 right after viewing a video of the flow of hot molten lava rushing towards the ocean. The black hardened lava along with the brilliant red of hotness flowing into the ocean causing colors and steam and in the background a rainbow! It was an amazing sight. The devastation and the beauty of the rainbow! I understand that from volcano's new islands are created. There are all kinds of changing going on in the world, some good and some bad. The bad seems to overpower the way of our lives and it is bringing the need to know that we who are called Christians must be just that -Christians! Jesus Christ must be the one we carry in our hearts. And if He is in our hearts--,we must Show others He is the Way- the only Way. We must pray for those who do not know Him, and for those who did- but think only to call upon Him when He is needed. No-- each step we take we must take Him with us always. Look to Him who loves us.,He died for us! Keep Him close to you at all times. Yes times are changing, hot lava is flowing, signs of unrest is building up. Sin and evilness are corrupting our young children's mind, things are being taught to them that is stealing their innocence . Things and ways are changing but there is one thing that is the same today as they were yesterday--.Our Heavenly Father loves us . He waits for us ! Oh Lord God , thank you that You love us!
