Friday, February 19, 2021

What I'm Writing Next and My Friday Musings


 Hi Everyone!
Thank you to those of you who voted to help me decide what to write next! The options were
A Sequel to When Angels Cry
An addition to my Pirate series
A Pirate Time Travel
A new Medieval series
And the winner is:  A Sequel to When Angels Cry!
So, that is my plan and I'm currently doing some research (Into the Book of Revelation) and will work on a storyline soon.  I don't plan on making this book long, and I certainly don't want it to be dark and depressing. Let's face it, the Tribulation isn't going to be fun, but my idea is to make this story more about angels and victory and spiritual warfare and the brightness of the Tribulation church. I'm also including a love story, because heck, that's what I do!   

I'm thinking of one of these two titles. 
When Angels Fight
When Angels Battle 


After this sequel, my plan (God willing) is to write the 7th book in my Legacy of the King's Pirates series with a story about Gabriella, the third child of Charlisse and Captain Merrick. Since we have already had Alex's story (The Ransom) and Reena's story (The Reckless), I feel like Gabrielle needs her own story.  

This ALL is dependent on whether we are still here on earth for me to finish either book. The way things are going, I'm honestly not sure. But we must be about our Father's business, so that's what I intend to do.

I hope and pray you all are doing well in all the craziness. I have been praying for those states inundated with snow and ice and some without any power! Then there's the nasty VX which is killing hundreds of people, though they quickly scrub any posts about that from the internet. Then, we have the crazy political agenda which seems to be destroying jobs and freedoms with each passing minute. Not to mention the Great Reset coming up soon, the predicted economic collapse, the food shortages, the continual fear of new outbreaks of Covid, schools not in session, mega pastors falling, small businesses failing, and so much deception, we don't know what to believe.

I'm not trying to depress you. I'm trying to get you to see how close we are to the end. So, cheer up and keep clinging to Jesus! Hopefully, the Bride will not have to experience a great deal of persecution before we leave, but we should expect some. Along those lines I found these articles below interesting. Did you ever think to see something like this a year ago?
 I pray God blesses each and everyone of you and that you bask in His glorious loving and peaceful presence!


  1. When Angel's Battle should be the title. This is going to be the ultimate battle between good and evil. Pam

  2. Yay! So excited for this book! Battle sounds good. As always, God will lead you to the perfect title and the perfect cover. Let me know if you need my help. Hugs!

  3. YAY!!!!! I loved that book so much!! Definitely When Angels Battle.

  4. Thank you, Ladies!!! I love your enthusiasm. And would appreciate your prayers as I'm already experience some spiritual warfare going into this.

  5. I've decided to keep writing too. God called me to write, and that is what I will do right up to the end. Plus, missions. My next missions trip will be April 1 - 30 in Atlanta, Georgia. I'll be living in the refugee communities sharing the gospel.

    About two weeks ago I moved my daughter across the country. I had been praying for direction to a new church that was about the Great Deception and preparing for the end times. Last Sunday, I was on my way to a certain church, when suddenly, another church I didn't learn about in all my research appeared on the same street. I pulled into the parking lot and said, "I think we should go here instead." Whenever, my daughter and sat down and heard that this day would be the start of a new series the preacher would be speaking on, and it was about preparing for the end times, I wept at God's goodness. He answered my prayer and led me to where I needed to be. I can't wait to go back this Sunday.

    Happy writing, and When Angels Battle! :)

    1. Thank you, Katy Lee! What a great story. Do you realize how very FEW churches there are that preach anything about the end times! What a miracle and a huge blessing that the Lord led you to the right place. That's incredible. I'm sure he'd do the same for me here IF he could find one. LOL And God Bless you for your missions! That's truly a sacrifice of love.

    2. The sermons are online if you want to watch them. We just had week two of the Prophecy series. SO Good. look to the right side of the screen to see the past live streams.

  6. Yay!!! Two new books that I can’t wait to read....if we are still here that is 😉

    1. Thank you! Love your name, by the way! I do a lot of that. LOL

  7. WHEN ANGELS BATTLE .... as soon as I read the name choices this name hi-lighted and bounced off the page as there is a Holy Depth when Angels Battle with God's battle plans....
    (When Angels Fight seems to be about a time when they got cornered and had to get out fast)

  8. What a great choice for the End Times and Angels Battling through it all. I pray God inspires you MaryLu and keeps the enemy away as you share the truth in this next novel. I only got a bit of Gabriella in the Reckoning, but enjoyed what personality you shared there. I just finished the Reckoning last night. What a brilliant novel, with the time traveling going on, I love what you did there. And some incredible witnessing and life changes too. I messed up and didn't read these novels in sequence, so going back in order now. I just got the audio for The Reliance. I'm going to give my eyes a break and see how it goes listening instead. I do well with audio, so should be a joy. Can't wait to see what God does with your next novel. I know His love will be all over it.

    1. Thanks Cillie! So glad you enjoyed The Reckoning! I know you'll enjoy the audio. The lady I hired to narrate is fabulous! Blessings!

  9. Hi Marylu!
    I don’t remember Reena’s story? You said it was in The Reckless? Was that the time slip novel? I just finished it not too long ago and I can’t remember her 😕

    1. Yes, The Reckless, book 6 in the series is Reena's story. Timeless Treasure was the Time slip but it is not part of my pirate series. :-)

  10. I just read your first book in When Angels Cry and what a timely piece! I was so inspired and I copied a couple of your posts to include with the book--had to order a hardcopy-- to share with others. I had just been in all those particular verses and have been studying in Jude, a very good book to read and study for these turbulent times. I am really looking forward to the sequel to this and I want to thank you for taking the time to put this together at a time when we really need to be thinking and praying about these things. I haven't seen a spiritual rendering with the spiritual realm playing out alongside life in a fictional setting since This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness which I have read many times. Thank you and I pray the Lord gives you the guidance to put this one together and also puts a hedge around you as you write!

    1. Bless you! And thank you. I need your prayers. I've been struggling even starting this book. I don't think the enemy wants it written. I loved Peretti's books too. Not many authors are writing about spiritual warfare these days, and especially end times. Publishers won't touch books like that anymore. Praise the Lord that He has used this book to help you and others. Hugs!
