Sunday, December 19, 2021

This is What was Happening in my Skies Yesterday!


I literally watched the sky go from Bright Blue to multiple Chemtrails to a hazy gray by the end of the day. 

Why are they doing this?

1. They are spraying us with health-damaging chemicals 

2. They are hiding something. Please watch the video below to see what. In addition, this wonderful Christian lady had some incredible dreams that will bless you.


  1. Hi sister, they hit our skies pretty heavy too in the last few days and I noticed that we started sneezing a lot, and our cats couple of them were vomiting and not seeming well. We haven't been feeling that good either, and some other friends of mine down in the Fresno area said they got sprayed real heavy too and all the sudden a whole bunch of them are sick. I guess it'll fit there omicron agenda. I will be so glad to be in the pure air with Jesus, so tired of being poisoned by evil people. What a shame. Anyhow God bless you and thank you for trying to help people become aware of what they're doing up in the sky here. Most people won't look up and can't see all these things that are happening there. God's love always

    1. I'm so sorry it affected you so negatively. Both hubby and I get allergic reactions to it as well. I'm so sick of this world. Just sick of the evil and how most people are completely deceived. Anyway, see you in the clouds!

    2. I hear you, Sister. The Bride is very weary and is watching, knowing how close it is. When Jesus said the path was narrow to Heaven, and the road to Hell was wide, now we know exactly what He meant. It breaks my heart to see how many people are deceived and I have a constant pain in my heart and stomach, praying for all of them and trying the best to get my family over to the other side. Yes I will definitely see you in the clouds, I can't wait for this Grand reunion it's about ready to happen. God bless you and all those that you love MaryLu! A sister eternally with Jesus, Cillie
