Friday, February 11, 2022

Friday Musings: 5G and the Great Deception

 Greetings Family of God!
I love the thought that those of us who are followers of Jesus are all part of the family of God. We are truly brothers and sisters, and that brings me comfort. Why? Because it seems that nearly everyone among my family and friends are heading down another road. It certainly is not the road I am on. Some are on the lukewarm path, others are on the atheist path, others are the agnostic path, while many are on the deceived path. Lately, I've felt led to contact some old friends of mine who used to be in a Bible Study I attended. A few of these friends I once considered to be very spiritually discerning, but when I mentioned how we are in the end times, the answer I am getting is "We are not close to the end times. Many prophets are saying there is going to be a Great Revival!"  I cannot tell you how disheartening this is. I am seeking one person, just one here in my city who is a Christian walking close to the Lord, and who sees the signs of the times. In addition, some pastors and evangelists I used to listen to online are saying the same thing, telling everyone to buy crypto currency for the Great Reset and that Trump will be back in 2024 and everything's going to be all right!  I know some of you are experiencing the same loneliness that I am, and I suppose this is yet another sign of how close we are to the end.  But truly, none of us are alone. We have each other and we have Jesus, who is the best friend ever!

This week, I spent a little time looking at 5G and saw some very interesting videos on the topic, which I'm linking to below. They are starting to really crank up this 5G network now, but if you look at what some physicians and scientists are saying, it can be very dangerous to humans. It would seem the powers that be don't care about that. In fact, they are ignoring all the experts. I found it fascinating that symptoms of overexposure to EMF radiation have much in common with Covid symptoms, which makes me wonder if cranking up the 5G has some connection with the weird technology and graphene they have found in the vaccines. Do your own homework and decide for yourself.  For me, I think they are trying to transform us into little robots who will obey whatever they say, either by cutting off our finances, tracking our every move and every thought and word, or possibly even changing our thoughts. You see, Satan wants one of three things. 1. To kill you. 2. To control you if he can't kill you, and 3. To make you non-human so you can't be saved.
I know it all sounds crazy, like some weird science-fiction movie, but they have the technology now. The hardest part for most people to wrap their heads around is the level of evil that exists among the leaders of the world. It's the kind of evil that a normal person cannot comprehend. It's the kind of evil that has no conscience, no concern for anyone but themselves and their family. It's the kind of evil that can kill millions of people at lunch time and sleep well all night. It's the kind of evil that makes these people believe they are superior in every way to most humans and that they have a right and a duty to run the world as they see fit. It's the kind of evil that hates children and animals and enjoys torturing both. It's the kind of evil that stems from Satan himself and spans out into those who willingly worship and follow him.  Unless you believe the Bible, you may deny the existence of such evil, but we who believe the Word of God know better. We know our enemy exists. We know what he wants. We know his plans and what he hopes to accomplish. And we see his handiwork in all the signs around us. Therefore, it's not too hard to believe that these Satanists would create a fake pandemic in order to force people to take a vaccine that contains technology that will entrap them when 5G is turned on. 

Add to that, the massive increase in strong quakes, the empty store shelves, the huge inflation and coming shortages, the greatest persecution of Christians the world has seen, the enormous apostasy of the church, and the war that seems about to start any day, and..... yet, a Global Revival is coming!  Trump will return and all the bad actors will be arrested and the church will take over the world for Jesus. This is not in my Bible. This is not the story that God has told us will happen. Yes, we are seeing some signs of pushback, some signs that people are waking up to the big con game they've played on us. I love it! But do you think for one minute that these people who have planned this for hundreds of years will take it this far and then give up? I'm talking Global leaders, bankers, bloodline families who have been running things since the Napoleonic wars. I don't believe they will even retreat a little. They are planning something else. Perhaps we'll have a little quiet for awhile, but mark my words, we are definitely in the Last Days before the Rapture of the Bride, and birth pangs ALWAYS get stronger and more frequent. Take it from a woman who gave birth to two children. 

So, it breaks my heart to see so many well-meaning Godly people deceived. I pray for them. I pray for the church to wake up! I pray that some will find this blog and allow the Holy Spirit to guide them to truth. No, I'm not saying I'm always right. But I do my best to follow what the Lord says to do. Mind you, I would love a huge revival. So many of my own family are not saved. But the Scripture is clear. The closer we get to the return of Jesus, the worse things get, not better. 

And for the record, I am a patriot. I have always loved my country, but I no longer believe that the United States is a free and sovereign republic. We were taken over long ago by these same Satanic elites, who have done their best to keep us in the dark to what is really going on. In the meantime, they have changed the educational system to brainwash our kids, taken over all the media, along with entertainment, to propagandize us, controlled our universities, banks, and started all our wars. And let's not forget how they've taken God and the Bible out of everything while they were also infiltrating our churches with Freemasons. It's a hard thing to realize that nothing I believed about my country and the world growing up is true. It's called Deception. And Jesus warned us over and over about it. 

Sorry for the rant. I haven't been sleeping well. Jesus is coming soon. We must spend as much time in prayer for the lost and lukewarm that we can. Ask the Lord to put people in your path whom you can talk to. Ask for boldness and courage. I'm terrible at confrontation. I need God's courage to flood me and for Him to give me the words to say. He will. He knows our hearts. 

Stay in the Bible. Read it every day. Spend time in worship. The enemy is truly prowling about like a lion, desiring to devour you because you love Jesus. Stand strong, Christian, and keep looking up! 


I'm highly recommending these 2 videos which discuss in depth what is in the shots and what they are doing with 5G and the shots. Part 1 is an hour. Part 2 is 40 minutes. They provide documentation for everything they are saying and they offer some help at the end.  There are ways you can protect yourself and your family from 5G
The V and V
Super mutant HIV strain found in Europe  (Of course. That's probably due to the vaccine which some doctors have said contains HIV) 
Earth groaning


  1. We are certainly in the end times. How can anyone deny it? Look around you and look at Revelation. We are living the end times now,It is mind boggling that there are Christians who don't believe we are in the end times. The signs are definitely there. I am so ready for Jesus to come back!!
    Have a great weekend Marylu!

    1. Yet many do deny it, Barbara. Amazing. Like you, I want out of this evil place!! Have a great weekend too, Barbara!!

  2. Hi MaryLu
    I agree with you, time are short. It is shocking how people blindly follow the lie.
    Greetings from South Africa

    1. Greetings in South Africa, Chris! Thanks so much.

  3. Fighting has begun in Ukraine. WWIII is about to start. Come, Lord Jesus!

    1. It has? Wow. Hadn't heard. Yes, indeed, come Lord Jesus. I can't wait!

    2. There might be a reprieve...for now.. There had been an explosion but Putin is not claiming it. I'm wondering how much our own government is instigating because they need another crisis to increase control. It's so sad.
