Jesus answered them, Be careful that no one misleads you, deceiving you and leading you into error. For many will come in (on the strength of) My name (appropriating the name which belongs to Me], saying, I am the Christ (the Messiah), and they will lead many astray. Matthew 24:4-5 Amplified.
I always thought these verses meant people who said they were the Messiah, but the Greek translation actually means people who come in the name of Jesus... who say they speak for Jesus, so that would include false pastors and prophets. Let that sink in because that was the first thing Jesus warned about when His disciples asked Him about the end times.
It astounds me the number of Christians who cannot see what is going on in the world. Most pastors aren't preaching or teaching about end times and most believers just think the world is going through a rough spell. Surely things will get better like they always do. Yet even as I write this the World Economic Forum and all the elite Globalist are meeting in Switzerland to discuss how to take over all the world's governments, depopulate the planet, digitize the money, and essentially rule the remaining people with an iron thumb. No, they never phrase it that way. They use flowery language that makes it seem like they care about humanity and want to elevate the poor and needy and save the planet from disaster and war. When, in truth, just the opposite is true.
Everything you see on mainstream media is a scripted play. Did you hear that? 99% of what you are hearing on TV or reading about online that comes from what the world considers "reliable" sources is all a bunch of lies. That's what makes this battle to get out the truth all the harder. I cannot argue against FOX or NBC or the New York Times. Who am I against them? Yet, history repeats itself. Every communist uprising must first take over the media. Once they have the media, they can control the masses. Of course it helps to keep them uneducated, divided and angry, and also distracted.
The Lord is wondering what it's going to take to wake people up? Will it take a Global Nuclear war because that appears to be on the horizon. Will it take the world converting to digital currency as Scripture predicts, because that also appears to be happening very soon. Will it take a forced poisonous vaccine that will maim or kill many people? Or how about one pandemic after another after another with each one being worse than the last? Will it take a ton of young vaccinated people suddenly dying? How about food shortages and extreme inflation? How about thousands of layoffs like we are now seeing happen? Or perhaps it will take the Globalists actually telling us what they have planned for the world as they always do? As Klaus Schwab says: "You will own nothing and be happy." Or maybe it will take the advancement of transhumanism to the point where Musk is ready to put a chip in people's brains. Or what if the technology for the Mark of the Beast was actually developed and put into play? Or how about if things got so nasty and immoral that perverted men dressed up like women and entertained young children? Would that get people's attention? If Pedophilia was rampant and people are proposing that it be legal? How about if a man here in an American mall was told he couldn't wear a shirt that said "Jesus saves" because it was too offensive. Would Christians wake up then?
Apparently not since all the above are things that are happening now and all of them were prophesied in the Bible. No, most Christians believe Trump or DeSantis or the Republicans will get us out of this mess, or even the current Apostate church that preaches that Christians will take over the world for Christ and usher in the glorious millennial reign. They are too busy living their best life now to realize that their lives are about to completely fall apart. The Jesus they believe in is not the Jesus of the Bible because the Jesus of the Bible told us plainly what the end times would look like and what to expect, and that is exactly what we are seeing. How arrogant for Christians to think they can conquer the world for the Lord! Jesus is the only One who can defeat Satan and restore the planet to its original glory! Our job is merely to spread the Gospel and make disciples.
We are going home soon. I don't know when. I'd love to say it will be this year, and there's many reasons to believe that. But I don't think we have years. Even if it's 2 years, what is that? Time has been flying by so fast. Look at it this way. If we have a year or two, that's more time for you to grow in Christ, to become more like Him, and to affect many more souls for the Kingdom! Every prayer, every word we speak to others, every kind action counts for all eternity! Don't ever think you have little influence. God has called you and put you here for such a time as this! So, let's make the most of our remaining time!
The main thing the Lord has been speaking to me about lately is to cut away all ties we have with this world. If there is anything or anyone that you value more than Jesus, ask Him to help you change your heart and put Him first. I'm talking about family, friends, career, looks, money.. anything that you can't live without. I have many things in my life that I value, but I can honestly say I would rather have Jesus and none of them then have all of them and not Jesus. So, cut away anything that hinders your love for Him and your walk with Him! You'll be glad you did.
If you STILL think Trump is a good guy, read this article in which Ivanka Trump admits that her father partnered with Moderna to create the vaccine long before the first case of Covid appeared
Trump dismisses Covid Vaccine safety claims! This guy is a Satanist and a liar!
Seems like the good ole USA has the most Globalist Satanists
Interesting development regarding this week's DAVOS meeting. George Soros, Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates are not attending. Are they meeting separately? And for what purpose?
Died Suddenly
German Scientist: Need to limit individual CO2. I added this here under NWO because this is one of the things they will use to keep you under control.
A Cashless society appears to be accelerating as CBDCs are coming whether countries are ready or not
New Biden law will install kill switches in new cars. (That means they can turn off your car anytime anywhere)
The V and V
Secret WHO Negotiations for Pandemic Treaty took place last week. You should read the list of amendments!
UK MP: The Covid Vaccine is the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust. He has since been suspended for saying that
Famine/Economic Collapse
Signs in the Sky
Have a blessed weekend!! And remember, we have already won the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord!
Totally agree with you on this great post. It is so amazing that so many people can not see what is happening. I am not a Bible scholar by any means but I do believe everything it says and seriously the book of Revelation is very clear about what will and is happening. I can feel time is short the signs are all around us. I really appreciate you taking the time to keep us informed and pray that God keeps you safe in California. Bless you Marylu and see you soon in the clouds. Pam
ReplyDeleteThank you, Pam! See you in the clouds! Hopefully soon. (this is MaryLu)
DeleteWow MaryLu, powerful message ! So I have made Fridays Musings my new Church :) . Yeah I know my old friends in the church, are praying that I will see the light, lol. But I think the light of love, respect and honor that I carry for my Lord and Savior blinds them.
ReplyDeleteThis statement you make "Christians believe Trump or DeSantis or the Republicans will get us out of this mess, or even the current Apostate church that preaches that Christians will take over the world for Christ and usher in the glorious millennial reign. They are too busy living their best life now to realize that their lives are about to completely fall apart.".... is exactly why I left their church.!
I can not tolerate the Papa Daddy irreverence for The I AM, any longer.
The church has stretched the Word of God so thin they are about to fall right through it.
And Paul warned of this 1 Cor 4: 6 Brothers, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us not to go beyond what is written. Then you will not take pride in one man over another. !!!
As we both said last week , we dont even like being called "christian" any more. It has become it's own entity far apart from Christ !
I will continue as you instruct, to spread the Gospel wherever the Holy Spirit leads me.
Praised be to our Holy and righteous God, for he has revealed the Truth to His children, but kept it from the learned and wise in their own eye's !
May our Good Good God strengthen you MaryLu in all your obedience to His call.
We are of the same mind, my brother Joe. You said you cold not tolerate the Papa Daddy irreverence for the great I AM any longer and neither can I. I can not hang out with Lukewarm, apathetic, Christians anymore. Only if they have a desire to change, which most of them don't. Even worse, most don't even recognize their condition. Why? Because our churches have been infiltrated with FreeMason pastors and people pleasing pastors who don't really know the Scriptures. Anyway. I pray the same for you, Joe, and for all my followers here.. that the Good Good Lord would bless, strengthen and protect you as you all finish the race for Him!
DeleteThank you Marylu for this post.
ReplyDeleteThings are getting darker and darker. The Enemy is having his hey day, but not for long. I don't see how God can tarry much longer. I'm looking so much forward to hearing that trumpet sound. 🤗
Have a blessed week!
Me too! Barbara! Me too! I can't imagine the thrill I will feel when I first hear that trumpet and the Lord's own voice calling me home!!
DeleteWell the darkest hour is before SON Rise .. We are getting there!
ReplyDeleteI have the same problem hanging out with anybody that's lukewarm and not discerning the times. I try to strengthen their faith in Christ and at least get them to a point where they have that personal relationship and ability to grow in Him.
Such affirmation here, MaryLu. For those who pray for God's truth daily, study His Word, praying continually, they are seeing this unfolding.
As I say to a few close friends daily, HUP 2 another day in God's Royal Army, Soldiers of the Cross ✝️🙏✝️ I liked what you said Sister, every day we are still here, we can make a difference in lives for the Kingdom. I can imagine you on one of God's white battle steeds encouraging us all. 😊 Onward Christian Soldiers 💕
Hugs, Cillie! You always put a smile on my face! See you on those white horses! (Prob before too!)