The Rapture: Definitely the most outrageous, exciting, and incredible event in all of human history outside of the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Funny how it's something so few pastors, churches, or Christians talk about. Interesting how the topic causes arguments and anger between believers. That says to me that the enemy also knows it's a very important event and he doesn't want believers to focus on it. Yet, Jesus and the Apostles gave us many signs to look out for that would occur right before. Because of that, we know we are very close to this magnificent event!
We are told in Scripture that
The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who remain, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
We are also told that to be counted among those taken in the rapture, one has to be found worthy. So there seems to be some requirement necessary on our parts to be rescued.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
Jesus was talking to the disciples in the above Scripture so it's unlikely He was merely referring to them being born again. The following verse gives us more clarity.
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Revelation 3:10
We also know from Scripture that those taken in the rapture are considered the Bride of Christ. We see this in several of Jesus's parables along with other references in the Bride
Let us rejoice and shout for joy! Let us celebrate and ascribe to Him glory and honor, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His bride has prepared herself. She has been permitted to dress in fine linen, dazzling and white—for the fine linen is signifies the righteousness (the upright, just, and godly living, deeds, and conduct, and right standing with God) of the saints (God’s holy people). Revelation 19:7-8 AMP
So we see that in order to be considered one of the Bride, we must live a certain way, follow Jesus, obey Him and be in right standing with God. We must have a relationship with Him and because of that, we live our lives FOR Him. I can honestly say that I know many Christians who do NOT live that way. They are probably born again, but they live their lives for themselves and for the world. They do not put Jesus first. Why would He want a bride like that? He wouldn't.
That is why I believe the Bride is a different group from the main Church. They are part of the Church but are a select group who truly worship Jesus and follow Him with all their hearts. Because of that, and what I see in the Scripture, I believe only the Bride will be taken in the rapture before the Tribulation. This would correspond with many dreams people are having about how FEW actually go in the rapture.
Now, here's where it gets a little tricky. I cannot prove this through Scripture and if what I'm about to say is in the Bible, I have not seen it yet. But if it is true, then it's in there somewhere.
I believe the bulk of the church will be left behind. I also believe that some of the Bride may be asked to remain and help them out. I say this because several people I trust who have a prophetic gifting have had visions and dreams and Words about such a thing occurring. I do not say this lightly, but wouldn't it be just like God in His great mercy and love to ask those of His Bride who are good at evangelizing and who know their Bible to stay and help those who surely are going to be extremely confused and horrified at being left? Especially those who thought they were going!
My thinking is that during the first half of the Tribulation there will be a MASSIVE revival. This, of course, will occur in those who were left behind, but also many many others who never believed in God will be added to their numbers. Those of the Bride who were asked to remain will be aided by the two witnesses in Jerusalem and the 144,000 Jews who will be evangelizing as well. Of course along with this revival will be great persecution and many will lose their heads for Jesus.
And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. Revelation 6:9-11
Then, sometime near the middle of the Tribulation, another wave of the Rapture occurs which brings home all those who are now following Jesus. This would occur right alongside the rapture of the Two Witnesses after they are killed and resurrected and the rapture of the 144,000.
This actually corresponds nicely to the Jewish Harvest Traditions. There are three major harvests in Israel. Barley, Wheat, and Fruit. If you read the instructions in the Old Testament, for every harvest, there is what they call First Fruits. First Fruits is the FIRST and BEST of the crop. People would bring the first and best of the harvest to the temple as an offering. Then later on, they would harvest the rest.
We know from Scripture that Jesus is our Firstfruit. What if the Bride is the FirstFruit of the Rapture Harvest. Then after we enter heaven and are brought before the throne, the rest of the wheat (which in Scripture represents the church) is harvested and brought before God later on?
But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 11 Corinthians 15:20
It's important to note the difference between Barley, Wheat, and Grapes
BARLEY. The barley is winnowed. That simply means that it is thrown up into the air, because it is easy enough to remove the chaff from the grain in this manner. This is traditionally done by repeatedly tossing the grain up into a light wind. And the wind gradually blows the lighter chaff away.
WHEAT. The process is different with wheat. Throwing it into the air would not be adequate to remove the chaff. So it is threshed. In other words, it is beaten because it requires more effort to remove the chaff from the grain.
GRAPES. The process with grapes is different.
Grapes are crushed.
It would make sense that the Bride would be part of a Barley Harvest. These are the people who have been tried, tested, tempted and proven in this life to be true followers of Jesus. The wheat, however, is not quite ready. It needs some more trials and tribulations to remove the chaff. Chaff in the Bible is sin.
This would also explain all the different opinions about the timing of the rapture. What if all 3 were true? A pre-trib, mid-trib, and post-trib?
Here are a few of the Godly people who have gotten words and dreams about this very thing.
Behold I come Word Received in 2019
Pastor/Prophet Patrick Winfrey - This is the one guy on You Tube I listen to regularly. He recently told of a dream of the rapture where he was asked to remain behind to train those left behind.
Zab Paschke - Very Godly woman on You Tube who gets dreams. I can't fine the specific video and it was quite a while ago, but she was going around ministering to people, healing the sick, casting out demons in a very dark, dangerous place. (Tribulation). Then she heard a trumpet and knew she had to leave ASAP. She felt a great urgency and finished her ministrations and ran to leave.
There have been others too. A Godly woman named Glenda Lomax who I subscribe too, who gets prophetic words from the Lord.
I say all of this for two reasons
1. To encourage you to purify yourself and follow Jesus with all your heart. It's not works, it's about knowing Him and loving Him above all else.
2. To comfort you that those you love who will be left behind will have a great opportunity to become Tribulation Saints, to finally fully commit to the Lord and end up getting raptured later on! To me, since so many in my own family fit this description, this brings me great comfort.
All I will say is right on the target. Pam
ReplyDeleteThank you, Pam!
DeleteI would love for the rapture to happen anytime!
ReplyDeleteMy older brother is dying from stomach cancer. He could go anytime now unless God decides to heal him. It's been very hard. He was just diagnosed last November. He and his wife led very active lives. They did both take the jab and can't help but think his illness is due to the jab. When I found out his cancer was terminal I told him I did not want him to die without Jesus. Never knew where he stood. He said he was a believer.The second week of January my husband and I went out to see my brother, not knowing how long he had left. I wanted clarity and I asked him a more direct question. I asked him if he believed Jesus died on the cross for his sins. He said yes. I was happy to hear it and pray he truly believes it. His wife is either agnostic or an atheist. Not sure.
So we are waiting. Very difficult. It is still surreal.
Please pray for my bryand his wife.
Looking forward to hearing that trumpet and going home.
I remember about your brother, Barbara, and have been praying for him. I'm so very sorry. But Praise God your brother is saved! At least it sounds promising. I continue to pray for him and will add Bryand to my list as well. She needs Jesus too! I'm so sorry your family is going through this. I do believe we are leaving soon!
DeleteVery interesting thought, Sister ❤️ My husband and I have often wondered about this too. As we know many Christians who are living more in the world and not looking up and believing the Rapture is any time soon. I think that this idea would fall under the 10 virgins and their lamps, only half of them kept their oil full and watched 24/7 for the coming of their King 👑 or Groom. The others went back into the world thinking they had plenty of time and not worried about watching. I know that we here are watching constantly and it's all we do here. I doubt the Lord would keep my husband and I here after the Rapture because we're both old and our health is not that great. We wouldn't do well if we were left behind. 😢 But if our house is standing and people get in here, there's plenty of supplies to help them along the way, Bibles and books to lead them to the truth and maybe that's what God has done for us to give to those that are left behind. But I know a lot of Christians mock the Rapture believers and that's not wise, we are just the Brides that are waiting with our oil lamps full. But I think the idea of three different Rapture times make sense. As I know some that they really want to be here and don't want to go up even if tribulation hits. I don't think they realize how hard it's going to be. But if God empowers them with the truth until they're taken, we know God's timing for each of our lives is in His perfection. Hallelujah
ReplyDeleteIt does make sense to see those who aren't watching for their Savior may still have more to learn.
And Barbara, what you just shared about your brother is so similar to what a dear "Sister" of mine went through. Her sister-in-law just died 2 weeks ago from stomach cancer and Shelly is almost positive it happened after she got the jabs. That side of the family advocated the injection. And the other sister isn't doing well either. It only makes sense if our immunity system is weakened, it loses the ability to fight off cancer cells too. Stays with her sister still alive till the end and make sure that she was right with you. Thank God as the rest of the people there were not Christians that were with her to the end. Anyhow, thank you MaryLu for this insightful message and it is safe a very big possibility it could happen. See you soon 🔜⬆️🆙✝️🎺👑🙏🕊️
Yes.. the 10 virgins. All knew the Lord. All sensed His return, but only 5 got into the wedding.... the Scriipture is full of these examples! We have a ton of food and Christian material too at our house. I pray it helps many.
DeleteHi Sis ❤️ Having a lot of copies "When Angels Rejoice" would wake up anyone praying for God's help. 🥰 Along with the WORD etc.
DeleteSorry Barbara, that was Shelley stayed with her Sister in law until Gay's passing.
ReplyDeleteHi Precious Sister,
ReplyDeleteThis is really good. I very much have felt that there was more than just the "one wave", but have never been able to put it into thought like this MaryLu. So question; The scripture from 1 Cor, It says "Christ the firstfruits" ( depending on the version). Is firstfruits , could this be plural ? The script say's many of the Saints came out of the grave when Jesus was risen. Could this be the reason why it seems to be a plural ? Just a thought.
I recently had a conversation with a close friend who has been faithful to God since he was a very young man, thats about 50 years now. I asked him if he thought we would go at the rapture, and I was surprised when he said " do you think we are just going to go like that, and he snapped his fingers, without any trials" ? But as I thought about his answer I have known him to be very dutiful, very deeds. He has served over 40 years in services to the church. He has also faced with courage many physical trials, yet they have never slowed him down. I believe he feels un worthy, maybe? Yet it's part of his humility is what I love about him. I could see him shining through the trib, helping others before he learns his true value in God's eyes.
Anyways, I love this picture you have drawn MaryLu. Here is an interesting statement on why grapes are crushed "Crush time is an important part of the winemaking process. It sets the tone for what happens months, even years down the line. The name says it all: a grape is squeezed to break the skin and to release juice from the pulp.".
Maybe those of us who require much more work to be conformed to His will, produce the sweetest results !
See ya in the clouds Sweet Sister. First class or first wave !
I've heard your friend's comment before from others. It makes no logical sense. What about all the Christians who have lived and died long before the Tribulation. They didn't get a chance to go through the "trials" of the Tribulation. Your friend's confusion comes in a misunderstanding of just what the Tribulation is for and how horrible it will be. It is the wrath of God on an unrepentant world and also God dealing with Israel. We are not to endure the Wrath of God... That is no trial but a punishment. Love the grape analogy! Blessings, Bro
DeleteI've thought about this as well. However, I just want to go home and be with my Prince of Peace.
ReplyDeleteMe too, Katy. Me too
DeleteThank you Marylu and my family here in Christ! See y'all in the clouds!
ReplyDeleteI have to be the one to say I don’t think this will happen just because it isn’t biblical. You say to know the Word and test everything by it. I mean it’s a nice thought for those we know (or think) aren’t quite there, but what do we know really? We aren’t the judge. The Bible doesn’t say Jesus will come back more than twice. The rapture (which some even debate) and the 2nd coming- when he defeats Satan and reigns on earth 1,000 years. I know you know all of that.
ReplyDeleteAlso, why would anyone have a choice to stay when the Holy Spirit is the one who does the convicting? I do agree there will be a revival after the rapture and those people WILL be strong believers after all they have seen. Just like in your books they will be able to evangelize with the help of the Holy Spirit!
I also have lots of food and literature to help during the Tribulation in my house! Also a woodstove to cook on.😊
Rather than saying it isn't Biblical... better to say we don't see it in the Bible. If something isn't Biblical that means the Bible says it won't happen. That's why I said that I wasn't sure things would happen this way... Maybe they will, maybe not. But let's not put God in a box. The Pharisees thought they had it all figured out when and how the Messiah would arrive from their interpretation of Scripture, but they were all wrong. Who knows if any of us have these end times events correct? The Bible is so vast and deep, I doubt anyone can say they understand it all. Believe me, I wouldn't have posted this if I hadn't heard from several God-fearing people whom I've followed for years who've had dreams, visions, and Words from God. And I only posted it as a way of encouragement. I believe the Lord can do far more than we could ever imagine or think and probably much more than our own interpretation of Scripture. Why wouldn't the Lord ask some to remain and evangelize? If all it took was the Holy Spirit to win people to Christ why didn't the Lord just take us believers up to heaven the minute we got saved? God uses his people to witness to others. He loves to work through His people. Anyway, I'm excited to see how it all plays out. I'm certainly not saying this is true.. just laid it out there as a possibility to encourage others. Oh.. a woodstove! Now that will come in handy. Blessings! .